hehehe loool so u see blue in everyones hair???omg......same as me...xD
mhm hes an awesome chara :D
ty im glad u like it,ty for all ur nice comments *wuwyahugs*
heeh well..he has this moments where he is gentle and calm.....but i guess there are more moments where hes just crazy ..xD and i love it :P
ty a lot *hugggsss*
It looks so cool when it's colored! I love it! Like, it's so clean and gorgeous and he looks so awesome and cute! hah hah especially his hair, for some reason I thought it was blonde or blue. maybe I'm just used to the blue hair from all that grimmjow you draw! Anyways, good job, he's a cutie
Distant Memory (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/05/08 | Reply
@Teapot Domescam:
hehehe loool so u see blue in everyones hair???omg......same as me...xD
mhm hes an awesome chara :D
ty im glad u like it,ty for all ur nice comments *wuwyahugs*
Distant Memory (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/05/08 | Reply
hehehehe oky i i hope ull like it :D
Distant Memory (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/05/08 | Reply
heeh well..he has this moments where he is gentle and calm.....but i guess there are more moments where hes just crazy ..xD and i love it :P
ty a lot *hugggsss*
Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/05/08 | Reply
niceeeeee he look super col hhhaha I dont care if he appears at chapter 30..gonna start this anime lol...*hugs favs*

Teapot Domescam
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/05/08 | Reply
It looks so cool when it's colored! I love it! Like, it's so clean and gorgeous and he looks so awesome and cute! hah hah especially his hair, for some reason I thought it was blonde or blue. maybe I'm just used to the blue hair from all that grimmjow you draw! Anyways, good job, he's a cutie