SWEET AS MESS!!! and btw, kchuang, but the throat itself has a pressure point at its base, surrounded by two sheets of muscle, which is pronounced on people as skinny as L (no offense), therefore, this rendering is anatomically correct...the fact that the pieces express the digital quality of the art without being pixelated is also commendable...HUZZAH, sriramatrix!!
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/19/08 | Reply
That's amazing!!!
I love all of the detail you added by just coloring! ^^
I also like how you gave different veiws of him!
Very creative! amazing job~!
hey great work is what your useing freeware cuz i need the program LOL O.o .. i love it !!! ur sooo good !!!!!! (uses daz still not that good.... KCHuang is right ur a pro!!! if you could PM me so i can talkt to u more about it or i will PM you tonight lol TTYL PS love your art!!!
hey ,thanks KCHuang,I'm glad you like it and thanks for the crits too; the shading was not meant to be realistic as I was going for a blend between celshading and realism. Its still in progress for a scene that I'm working on for him,so I'll attempt to make it more anime-ish ,thanks
I've been sculpting since over 3 years now and I mainly use Mudbox for it.
And hey,dont worry about criticizing ! hearing from anime/manga fans means a lot to me,and I'm not offended in any way
Wicked, dude! Looks kinda pale and lifeless, but hey, that's L for you.
Ummm...constructive criticism, I have some. Of course, I don't know anything about 3D sculpting, so I'm probably overstepping my qualifications here. Sorry in advance if I offend you.
L looks...plastic. Clothes absorb light, not reflect.
The highlights on his pants are too bright and too large. And the shadows from the waist down seem a bit dark...it doesn't match the ones from the waist up. I guess this is why it seems so 'plasticky.'
Last one, and one where I actually know what I'm talking about: L's collarbone. The way you did it, it seems like it's curving up around his neck, like a necklace. My point is, especially on a guy as skinny as L, you need to define the collarbone better.
Still, it's a really, REALLY nice piece. I especially love all the details you put in the shirt. How long have you been sculpting? And what program do you use?
Well, time to end this ridiculously long comment. On behalf of everyone, I welcome some ridiculously good talent into theOtaku.
I just did some research, and I realized, you're a pro! Gah! I'm so unworthy...please don't take offense at anything I said!
Last edited by KCHuang at 8:25:10 PM EST on November 18, 2008.
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/19/09 | Reply
SWEET AS MESS!!! and btw, kchuang, but the throat itself has a pressure point at its base, surrounded by two sheets of muscle, which is pronounced on people as skinny as L (no offense), therefore, this rendering is anatomically correct...the fact that the pieces express the digital quality of the art without being pixelated is also commendable...HUZZAH, sriramatrix!!
Kyubi Elric
The Waffle (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/28/08 | Reply
Otakuite | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
This is really cool...I have always wanted to to 3D art...looks like it was a lot of fun, and looking forward to seeing more from you!!
colonel sanders
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/19/08 | Reply
Dude, that's cool, man. Now you should make one (a 2D one) with a beard!
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/19/08 | Reply
That's amazing!!!
I love all of the detail you added by just coloring! ^^
I also like how you gave different veiws of him!
Very creative! amazing job~!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/19/08 | Reply
hey great work is what your useing freeware cuz i need the program LOL O.o .. i love it !!! ur sooo good !!!!!! (uses daz still not that good.... KCHuang is right ur a pro!!! if you could PM me so i can talkt to u more about it or i will PM you tonight lol TTYL PS love your art!!!
Otakuite | Posted 11/19/08 | Reply
hey ,thanks KCHuang,I'm glad you like it
and thanks for the crits too; the shading was not meant to be realistic as I was going for a blend between celshading and realism. Its still in progress for a scene that I'm working on for him,so I'll attempt to make it more anime-ish ,thanks
I've been sculpting since over 3 years now and I mainly use Mudbox for it.
And hey,dont worry about criticizing ! hearing from anime/manga fans means a lot to me,and I'm not offended in any way
Thanks for checking everyone
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 11/18/08 | Reply
Wicked, dude! Looks kinda pale and lifeless, but hey, that's L for you.
Ummm...constructive criticism, I have some. Of course, I don't know anything about 3D sculpting, so I'm probably overstepping my qualifications here. Sorry in advance if I offend you.
Still, it's a really, REALLY nice piece. I especially love all the details you put in the shirt. How long have you been sculpting? And what program do you use?
Well, time to end this ridiculously long comment. On behalf of everyone, I welcome some ridiculously good talent into theOtaku.
I just did some research, and I realized, you're a pro! Gah! I'm so unworthy...please don't take offense at anything I said!
Last edited by KCHuang at 8:25:10 PM EST on November 18, 2008.