if you really look at it, you'd see that it's a VERY simple picture
there's hardly ANY... there's no details in here lol
i spend:
20min on the face
10min on the clothing shading and hair + random hair strands
almost 30min playing with possible textures for the clothing and overlay (it was fun seeing all the different ones, but it's hard to pick just one T_T)
see? very blobby
i'm sure you can do it
it gets easy once you know where to shade and stuff, and that comes with practice/staring at people >__>
(but dont turn into a stalker)
(like me)
(it gets creepy.. apparently..)
I get worried about that too, like if other people's computer screen is the same as mine or not. Sometimes when I look at my drawings in my other comp it looks muddy.
thank you!!
i thought people didnt like this pic that much.. i was worried that, other than my friends, no one else like it since its so dark...
for my moniter, i can see stuff.. but i dunno if other people can see it too...
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/02/09 | Reply
if you really look at it, you'd see that it's a VERY simple picture
there's hardly ANY... there's no details in here lol
i spend:
20min on the face
10min on the clothing shading and hair + random hair strands
almost 30min playing with possible textures for the clothing and overlay (it was fun seeing all the different ones, but it's hard to pick just one T_T)
see? very blobby
i'm sure you can do it
it gets easy once you know where to shade and stuff, and that comes with practice/staring at people >__>
(but dont turn into a stalker)
(like me)
(it gets creepy.. apparently..)
Daydreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/02/09 | Reply
really nice.
i wish i had talent to do something like this in an hour =3
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/24/08 | Reply
@mai rionette:
sometimes, i'd remember and try to make the colouring so that it'd look okay on any screen, but most of the time, i'd forget... and... T_T
mai rionette
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/24/08 | Reply
I get worried about that too, like if other people's computer screen is the same as mine or not. Sometimes when I look at my drawings in my other comp it looks muddy.
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/23/08 | Reply
@mai rionette:
thank you!!
i thought people didnt like this pic that much.. i was worried that, other than my friends, no one else like it since its so dark...
for my moniter, i can see stuff.. but i dunno if other people can see it too...
mai rionette
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/23/08 | Reply
Woah this is GORGEOUS! The design is amazing!!!! Everything is amazing *_* Love the fiery hair X3
Otakuite | Posted 12/23/08 | Reply
i'll be over in 20min max
go on msn or something then,
or better yet, go charge your phone if its dead..
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/23/08 | Reply
you were SLEEPING, what did you expect me to do? =__=;;
my phone ran outta batteries, forgot to charge, so it's not because I'm ignoring you
come over?
Otakuite | Posted 12/23/08 | Reply
you ditched me to come chat at THIS site?!?
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/23/08 | Reply
@Mr Sword:
I like it when you like it
Mr Sword
The Gluttony Fang (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/23/08 | Reply
It's different, in a good way. Good work.
zero guardian
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/22/08 | Reply
alright then
This is really cool False-sama
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/22/08 | Reply
@Shi Bum Bumm:
t..thank you tres much!!

Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/22/08 | Reply
@zero guardian:
i like "-dono" or "-sama" better than chan =D
it makes me feel more godlyyyy
like i can flyyy X3
Shi Bum Bumm
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/22/08 | Reply
wow, I really love your pictures, you're a supurb artist ^___^
zero guardian
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/22/08 | Reply
This is really cool False-chan
I loves it