Neko Kouhai (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/06/09 | Reply
8O This is so amazing. XD There's so much detail in it, but you've kept it very clean. ^^ The hair is so good. And I don't think you screwed up the outfit at all. ^^ I always love the way you draw blood. X3
Btw, I don't think it looks much like the other drawing you linked to. ^.~ You're very creative and talented. ^^
Mindys Person (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/13/09 | Reply
Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/12/09 | Reply
Aww this is so good..I Love the colouring..the Colour really brings out his personality..Keep up the good work..^^
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/17/09 | Reply
your's is better
I'm Not Dead! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/06/09 | Reply
This great. Little shocked at first cause to the concept. Very detailed and I love the way you colored.
Neko Kouhai (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/06/09 | Reply
8O This is so amazing. XD There's so much detail in it, but you've kept it very clean. ^^ The hair is so good. And I don't think you screwed up the outfit at all. ^^ I always love the way you draw blood. X3
Btw, I don't think it looks much like the other drawing you linked to. ^.~ You're very creative and talented. ^^
Love Bug =X3