Lol, it probably went like this:
Adilvice: Hi, I'm Adil-
Weavile: GO AWAY!!!
Adilvice: ...*sniffel*
Weavile: Uh-oh...
Giga: *pops out of nowhere and slaps Weavile* That's for making Adilvice cry, jerk!
Weavile: *in shock*
Adilvice: *crying hystericly*
yup XD
he's agenst ANYONE going near her in fact! XD
the only one he trustes is gardevoir, Nuzleaf, roilu, Lisa and molly
He dont like alevice dat much...
Shes to new to him! XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/11/09 | Reply
awww now you mad him feel bad! :C XD
Jest kidding...
his had wrost done to him! XD
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 01/11/09 | Reply
Lol, it probably went like this:
Adilvice: Hi, I'm Adil-
Weavile: GO AWAY!!!
Adilvice: ...*sniffel*
Weavile: Uh-oh...
Giga: *pops out of nowhere and slaps Weavile* That's for making Adilvice cry, jerk!
Weavile: *in shock*
Adilvice: *crying hystericly*
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/10/09 | Reply
yup XD
he's agenst ANYONE going near her in fact! XD
the only one he trustes is gardevoir, Nuzleaf, roilu, Lisa and molly
He dont like alevice dat much...
Shes to new to him! XD
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 01/10/09 | Reply
Lol, Weavile aparently is against Alicia X Aaron~ XD