Lol Akioh that really reminds me of the role playing XD .Yeah I think I notic4ed now that you or fire have their own names :3 .This is fun and a really great coloring,thanks for holding for me for some time :3.
I don't have a recording machine-y thing, and I don't know how to play the instruments that are in the song. >A<; (other than singing... >.>;;)
bahaha. Dx Do you know how to play the guitar/drums/bass? x]
ME TOO!! x3
XD You're welcome =]
OMG RLY? O: You're writing a song?! Mucho awesomeness!^o^ I gotta hear it when you're finished with it, got it?^-^ *ecstatic, loves music, would love to hear your song >w<*
Yea. On my classwork, I've been writing _/_/08 for 2 weeks. Haw X3
Oh my~ What a hot awesome character~! :D Rock Band 2 must be awesome XD
What's weird is that I never used to like Guitar Hero or Rock Band and just today I fell IN LOVE with them both XDDD And then I go on theO and I see this XDD Ironic =] I<3Irony sometimes^w^
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/22/09 | Reply
Lol Akioh that really reminds me of the role playing XD .Yeah I think I notic4ed now that you or fire have their own names :3 .This is fun and a really great coloring,thanks for holding for me for some time :3.
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/19/09 | Reply
I don't have a recording machine-y thing, and I don't know how to play the instruments that are in the song. >A<; (other than singing... >.>;;)
bahaha. Dx Do you know how to play the guitar/drums/bass? x]
ME TOO!! x3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/19/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
XD You're welcome =]
OMG RLY? O: You're writing a song?! Mucho awesomeness!^o^ I gotta hear it when you're finished with it, got it?^-^ *ecstatic, loves music, would love to hear your song >w<*
Yea. On my classwork, I've been writing _/_/08 for 2 weeks. Haw X3
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/19/09 | Reply
Thanks. >w<;; I really hate using a mouse, though. o.o;;
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/19/09 | Reply
Thanks. XD I love rock band. o3o It inspired me to write a song, actually. x3 And i just can't get used to 2009. o.o;;
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/19/09 | Reply
WITH A MOUSE >.< dude how did u do that!? its relly hard for me to do! so ya
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/19/09 | Reply
Btw, for the date, you put 1/18/08 instead of 1/18/09^w^;; Just something I noticed.
Last edited by fire.freak at 2:29:03 AM EST on January 19, 2009.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/19/09 | Reply
Oh my~ What a
hotawesome character~! :D Rock Band 2 must be awesome XDWhat's weird is that I never used to like Guitar Hero or Rock Band and just today I fell IN LOVE with them both XDDD And then I go on theO and I see this XDD Ironic =] I<3Irony sometimes^w^
Anyhow, you pwn at MS Paint~! :>
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/18/09 | Reply
@zero guardian:
Muahaha. >:D It's awesome. >3<
And thanks. :]
zero guardian
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/18/09 | Reply
you have Rockband 2 already meany
I still havent gotten it yet
awesome character