Sess is HARDDDDDD you did awesome! i'm really impressed with all the detail you put in this picture o.o it looks so cool! lol
you've very good at hands actually O.o that's something most people struggle with lol
In every picture i comment i try to give constructive criticism so the person can always get better with their artwork. everything you have with his body is proportional but then when you get to his head you have it smaller then it normally would be. an easy way to measure the size of a person's head is it will be twice the size of their hands or close to it.
i'm really impressed though. i've never been able to draw him^^;;;;;; too much detail. great job!
Bossman's Wife (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/19/09 | Reply
In every picture i comment i try to give constructive criticism so the person can always get better with their artwork. everything you have with his body is proportional but then when you get to his head you have it smaller then it normally would be. an easy way to measure the size of a person's head is it will be twice the size of their hands or close to it.
i'm really impressed though. i've never been able to draw him^^;;;;;; too much detail. great job!