Elves are hard to draw -_- well for me they are but you did really good, i love it ^_^
The flower's so so pretty with her eyes.
I love it!
I try to help people imporve their art each time I comment with constructive criticism. If i were to tell you anything you could imporve on it's when you look at someone's face from a side view, their neck always flows into their head on the side so you dont have to draw a line all the way to their ear, just about 3/4th of the way there will do it so the face and head will look like one piece instead of two
I love how you drew her hair though, it comes down by her cheeks is really cute ^_^
Bossman's Wife (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
Elves are hard to draw -_- well for me they are but you did really good, i love it ^_^
The flower's so so pretty with her eyes.
I love it!
I try to help people imporve their art each time I comment with constructive criticism. If i were to tell you anything you could imporve on it's when you look at someone's face from a side view, their neck always flows into their head on the side so you dont have to draw a line all the way to their ear, just about 3/4th of the way there will do it so the face and head will look like one piece instead of two
I love how you drew her hair though, it comes down by her cheeks is really cute ^_^