I love how you shaded in the cheekbone. That is what I was first attracted to in this picture. That's really good shading overall though, it's really good! I can't wait until you put up more
Woah, this is totally awesome! I love how eerie his mask is! You totally not only know how to draw them exactly the same but you capture the same feeling as well! That´s talent right there my friend.
I love Ichigo's hollow half. He looks so hard core. Haha! Great job! You do a really nice job with the shading. That can really add a lot to a picture if you can do it right, and you did, my friend! :)
fatt boii
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/11/10 | Reply
Teapot Domescam
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/02/09 | Reply
I love how you shaded in the cheekbone. That is what I was first attracted to in this picture. That's really good shading overall though, it's really good! I can't wait until you put up more
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/02/09 | Reply
Woah, this is totally awesome! I love how eerie his mask is! You totally not only know how to draw them exactly the same but you capture the same feeling as well! That´s talent right there my friend.
Like always awesome shading! I love it!
twilight samurai
Redeemed (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/02/09 | Reply
I love Ichigo's hollow half. He looks so hard core. Haha! Great job! You do a really nice job with the shading. That can really add a lot to a picture if you can do it right, and you did, my friend! :)
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 03/02/09 | Reply
your soo amazing i've always envied your work and i guess i still will XD