IS TI JUST ME.....or is she like dripping/melting.....
cu she kidna looks like she's melting....or dripping, im not sure. *is suddenly reminded of the wizard of oz and how the evil which of the west started melting when water was dropped on her*
it's all eerie-spooky-halloween-like. its coolio :)
When I first saw this I thought of a ghost even bfore I saw the tags for it. Wow I'm good, either that or you just have a great job of capturing the image! I can'tbelieve your inspiration was a wind chime, now that's creative!
mai rionette
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/25/09 | Reply
its ripped clothes, lazy to draw body XP
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/24/09 | Reply
IS TI JUST ME.....or is she like dripping/melting.....
cu she kidna looks like she's melting....or dripping, im not sure. *is suddenly reminded of the wizard of oz and how the evil which of the west started melting when water was dropped on her*
it's all eerie-spooky-halloween-like. its coolio :)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/24/09 | Reply
wow scary and cool doodle! Very different. Thats cool that you go the idea or inspiration from a wind chime
Have a great day
Teapot Domescam
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/24/09 | Reply
When I first saw this I thought of a ghost even bfore I saw the tags for it. Wow I'm good, either that or you just have a great job of capturing the image! I can'tbelieve your inspiration was a wind chime, now that's creative!