@Teapot Domescam
Umm...I guess he's crying because...he's tired of hearing voices yelling at each other in anger or hatred from loved ones...umm???...
I don't know...I had to draw it to a song called "Voices" by Saosin. (it's a really good band! ) and this kinda came out from it... lolz ^^'
But thanks, I kinda like the backround too in a way, oh and thanks again for making me feel better about my HUGE mistake! lolz
You're really nice!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/13/09 | Reply
@Teapot Domescam
) and this kinda came out from it... lolz ^^'
Umm...I guess he's crying because...he's tired of hearing voices yelling at each other in anger or hatred from loved ones...umm???...
I don't know...I had to draw it to a song called "Voices" by Saosin. (it's a really good band!
But thanks, I kinda like the backround too in a way, oh and thanks again for making me feel better about my HUGE mistake! lolz
You're really nice!
Teapot Domescam
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/13/09 | Reply
Eh its okay we all make mistakes, the background is still pretty cool. But why is he crying? it's so sad! I just want to comfort him