Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/20/09 | Reply
Aw OK, it's alright^^ No, you're right, I don't have a lot of time, but I'm doing this in my breaks because I love doing it^_^ I'm just glad I found inspiration for something art-ish I can do in my spare time, you know^^ And the fact that you like them gives me a lot of satisfaction:3 *hugs you back*
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/20/09 | Reply
Please don't see this as a waste of my talents, I'm using them to do something good:3 - or at least, I hope so^^; I'm glad you like it!:3 (So you don't want me to make banners for your other worlds?)
Arctic Summer
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/06/09 | Reply
I like the feeling to it. It feels like I woke up on a january morning at 7:00.
arctic summer
DragonGirl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/05/09 | Reply
It's so pretty! I love the colors, the font is beautiful and the flowers and stars are really pretty :3 *hugs banner*
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/20/09 | Reply
Aw OK, it's alright^^ No, you're right, I don't have a lot of time, but I'm doing this in my breaks because I love doing it^_^ I'm just glad I found inspiration for something art-ish I can do in my spare time, you know^^ And the fact that you like them gives me a lot of satisfaction:3 *hugs you back*
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/20/09 | Reply
Please don't see this as a waste of my talents, I'm using them to do something good:3 - or at least, I hope so^^; I'm glad you like it!:3 (So you don't want me to make banners for your other worlds?