Yeah, I can totally do that!! I've got another request I'm working on at the moment, but once that's done I'll start on yours! Thank you so much for the awesome compliments!!!
DA FLUFF PUFF (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
so cooooool Hey, have you heard of kamichama karin? cause I was wondering if you don't mind......uhhhhhh, Well the thing is I really like your artwork and I wanted to know if you'd draw a sailor scout version of Karin for me as a request. Of course you don't have to, uhhhhhh shuting up now. Well anyway, again, love your art
^^wow this is awesomeness^^love the pose and you drew her staff^^
thank you*huggles you*
*hug and fav*
-also this is a awesome game for the ps2 before it was a anime-
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/21/09 | Reply
Hey cool pic ^^
DA FLUFF PUFF (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/09 | Reply
thank you
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good~
DA FLUFF PUFF (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/09 | Reply
thanks so much you're awesome!!!!

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good~
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
Btw, I totally love the gift you sent me! so cute!
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
Yeah, I can totally do that!! I've got another request I'm working on at the moment, but once that's done I'll start on yours! Thank you so much for the awesome compliments!!!
DA FLUFF PUFF (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
so cooooool
Hey, have you heard of kamichama karin? cause I was wondering if you don't mind......uhhhhhh, Well the thing is I really like your artwork and I wanted to know if you'd draw a sailor scout version of Karin for me as a request. Of course you don't have to, uhhhhhh shuting up now. Well anyway, again, love your art
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good~
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/04/09 | Reply
Thanks, but because of her original costume it was extremely easy to keep close to her original outfit in the fuku design.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/04/09 | Reply
U did an X-cellent job ^^
sasuke uchia
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
^^wow this is awesomeness^^love the pose and you drew her staff^^
*huggles you*
thank you
*hug and fav*
-also this is a awesome game for the ps2 before it was a anime-