ur welcome.. and thank u so much.. it makes me even more motivated whenever i hear that mood from someone.. it's just making my day after all those twist of bad lucks.. *off topic* XD
anyway, i'd reply for sure.. it's just that we're limited to 3 comments continuously so it's really hard to pick 3 to reply to... i may have missed to reply to some comments but u guys know im always thankful for ur sweetness.. <3
thank u for ur comments everyone.. *hugs*
if there's anything else i can help u with, i'll be glad to help.. just dont ask for money coz i just have enough for starbucks.. lol.. jk... im just jumping my way out of something.. lol.. XD
heheh thanks.. thats some kind of a mystery i havent given much thought yet.. XD
and about my signature being there.. lol.. im always bothered of where i should put my signature to not mess up the picture so it ended up being there and some others elsewhere within the picture.. it's gonna be hard to see the other 2 sigs but the other 2 are obvious enough.. XD *extra cautious with sigs before they get erased again*
ahh yes.. i worked hard.. and i really appreciate everyone's kindness and appreciation for my art.. if i can just hug u all.. *hugs* i'd probably lose weight.. lol... =P
thank u.. but he's not really the bad boy type.. XD i hope he doesnt look like that in here to u.. o.o the girl is just annoyed by the fact that the guy has nothing else on his mind other than the book while she's concerned about their situation in here.. well.. this is most likely their everyday school life in my manga.. oh well.. i didnt win but i think i can see why u picked ur winners.. *^^*
Wow. :O Thanks. ^^ I guess I never relly thought about it like that. And your pictures befor were great! I'm really glad you replyed. C: Once agin,your art is getting me pumped to do better! I WILL get as great as you even if it kills me! >:D Thank you again~♥!
Again I am so impressed with the coloring of this picture! And I just love all the small simple detail you put into your art...like that signature in the book for example. Ha ha ha.
I love your characters Rei and Rei, they are so cute together...but kind of weird at the same time because they look sooo related, ha ha ha, But that´s just me being weird.
Wow, 6,500 hugs! I cant wait until I get that many...and I guess I should be saying your welcome! And congratulations! You really worked hard or those hugs.
I love their hair <3
They look so good together~! I wish I could draw guys XD and I love the shading too ^^ uum, nothing wrong with the clothes for me =3 sometimes it's good to do something different, like using different pencil XD
Best of luck in the challenge rei~! ^__^
(I enter this challenge too =P)
the guy's hair most likely took me 10-15mins.. the girl's hair.. im not sure.. i usually dont go straight shading girl's hairs for some reason.. i'd stop halfway through.. XD there's a flaw though.. the lighting.. the highlight in the hair.. i didnt gave it much thought and just shaded coz i thought i couldnt finish this before the deadline for jamo's contest.. XD
it's not just about the talent.. it's all about practice.. pls go back in my portfolio and look at my old artworks.. the hair wasnt like that before.. XD i just came up with it through constant practice and perseverance on shading.. i really cant explain well how i came up with that hair technique coz im not quite sure myself either.. it's just all lines lines lines.. kept lining til i discovered those lines can actually look good when i put more effort.. i guess it started with my laziness to shade the whole head so i came up with lines *like the sketchy ones* til they're all clumped and then developed it further through practice... so basically yeh.. it's just practice.. coz even if u have the talent, it's useless if u dont practice.. so keep drawing.. be patience and put more thought in ur works.. everyone knows how to draw.. they're just not exploring their capabilities.. so i hope u will.. im sure u can do it too.. *^^*
I know this sounds creepy, but your art is so amazing! It inspires me to do better, but I KNOW, you'll always be better. I just can't get it right no matter how hard I try, I know practice is important and all, but I just don't have this talent like you get right away. I hope you'll reply, because I REALLY need the tips,so please! Help?
aiyaaa so cute ! it's so sweet of u to have thought of this situation they're holding hands ! i miss them. i hope u can find time to do ur manga because it's really awesome. but don't stress urself too much ! i really love this ! and u also put a background. nice.
I'm surprised no one has commented this yet.
Alright, I'll be your first. ^^
Anyway, I love these two from your manga. They are so cute! ^^
It's kinda interesting how they're both reading their story, too.
And your shadings are awesome!
I can't get enough of it. I've been trying to do shadings like that.
But the hair gets in my way. >.>
And your hands here are pretty good. There's nothing wrong with them. =)
Anyway, again, this is a very cute picture. ^^
Keep up the great work.
Last edited by smartanimegirl at 6:43:58 PM EDT on May 13, 2009.
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/23/09 | Reply
This looks so awesome. Great job
VG GRL 2000
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/15/09 | Reply
@reirei18 :
Thank YOU so much. ^^ I love how you'r giving me all this help. Actually...over last night, I really started to get the hair and eyes. :DD
reirei18.com (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/14/09 | Reply
@VG GRL 2000:
ur welcome.. and thank u so much.. it makes me even more motivated whenever i hear that mood from someone.. it's just making my day after all those twist of bad lucks.. *off topic* XD
anyway, i'd reply for sure.. it's just that we're limited to 3 comments continuously so it's really hard to pick 3 to reply to... i may have missed to reply to some comments but u guys know im always thankful for ur sweetness.. <3
thank u for ur comments everyone.. *hugs*
if there's anything else i can help u with, i'll be glad to help.. just dont ask for money coz i just have enough for starbucks.. lol.. jk... im just jumping my way out of something.. lol.. XD
alright.. good luck.. ciao ciao..~!
*hugs* rei..~~<3
reirei18.com (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/14/09 | Reply
heheh thanks.. thats some kind of a mystery i havent given much thought yet.. XD
and about my signature being there.. lol.. im always bothered of where i should put my signature to not mess up the picture so it ended up being there and some others elsewhere within the picture.. it's gonna be hard to see the other 2 sigs but the other 2 are obvious enough.. XD *extra cautious with sigs before they get erased again*
ahh yes.. i worked hard.. and i really appreciate everyone's kindness and appreciation for my art.. if i can just hug u all.. *hugs* i'd probably lose weight.. lol... =P
*hugs* rei..~~<3
reirei18.com (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/14/09 | Reply
thank u.. but he's not really the bad boy type.. XD i hope he doesnt look like that in here to u.. o.o the girl is just annoyed by the fact that the guy has nothing else on his mind other than the book while she's concerned about their situation in here.. well.. this is most likely their everyday school life in my manga.. oh well.. i didnt win but i think i can see why u picked ur winners.. *^^*
*hugs* rei..~~<3
VG GRL 2000
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/14/09 | Reply
@reirei18 :
Wow. :O Thanks. ^^ I guess I never relly thought about it like that. And your pictures befor were great! I'm really glad you replyed. C: Once agin,your art is getting me pumped to do better! I WILL get as great as you even if it kills me! >:D Thank you again~♥!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/14/09 | Reply
Beautiful! Both of then have gorgeous eyes!! And I really like their uniforms!!! lol great job!!!!
Otakuite | Posted 05/14/09 | Reply
that looks amazing wow
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/14/09 | Reply
OMG!!! this is soo Pretty!!!! ♥ ♥ it ^^
Otakuite | Posted 05/14/09 | Reply
I love this! :D
The hair is pretty;
the coloring is great x3
Anime Heart 2009
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 05/14/09 | Reply
Hello how are you?
Wonderful...i like your drawing the colcr its beautiful.
i hope we can be a friends.
please came to see my art.
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/14/09 | Reply
Again I am so impressed with the coloring of this picture! And I just love all the small simple detail you put into your art...like that signature in the book for example. Ha ha ha.
I love your characters Rei and Rei, they are so cute together...but kind of weird at the same time because they look sooo related, ha ha ha, But that´s just me being weird.
Wow, 6,500 hugs! I cant wait until I get that many...and I guess I should be saying your welcome! And congratulations! You really worked hard or those hugs.
Clyne Lacus
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/13/09 | Reply
Awwww~ =3 Nice one~!
I love their hair <3
They look so good together~! I wish I could draw guys XD and I love the shading too ^^ uum, nothing wrong with the clothes for me =3 sometimes it's good to do something different, like using different pencil XD
Best of luck in the challenge rei~! ^__^
(I enter this challenge too =P)
Best wishes,
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 05/13/09 | Reply
Ay! ang sweet, haha! It's so romantic (Kahit parang nangongopya ng homework si Rei(boy) kay Rei(girl)! (^_^?

reirei18.com (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/13/09 | Reply
thank u...
i made some tutos for coloring..
coloring ur traditional works..
using colored pencils..
hope that helps.. *^^*
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/13/09 | Reply
amazing job... **two thumbs up** maybe you could give me some advise in coloring... im so bad at it... lol
reirei18.com (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/13/09 | Reply
thank u for ur sweet and thoughtful comments.. i appreciate it.. *hugs*
*hugs* rei..~~<3
reirei18.com (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/13/09 | Reply
the guy's hair most likely took me 10-15mins.. the girl's hair.. im not sure.. i usually dont go straight shading girl's hairs for some reason.. i'd stop halfway through.. XD there's a flaw though.. the lighting.. the highlight in the hair.. i didnt gave it much thought and just shaded coz i thought i couldnt finish this before the deadline for jamo's contest.. XD
and thanks btw.. *hugs*
*hugs* rei..~~<3
reirei18.com (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/13/09 | Reply
@VG GRL 2000:
wow really.. thank u so much... *hugs*
it's not just about the talent.. it's all about practice.. pls go back in my portfolio and look at my old artworks.. the hair wasnt like that before.. XD i just came up with it through constant practice and perseverance on shading.. i really cant explain well how i came up with that hair technique coz im not quite sure myself either.. it's just all lines lines lines.. kept lining til i discovered those lines can actually look good when i put more effort.. i guess it started with my laziness to shade the whole head so i came up with lines *like the sketchy ones* til they're all clumped and then developed it further through practice... so basically yeh.. it's just practice.. coz even if u have the talent, it's useless if u dont practice.. so keep drawing.. be patience and put more thought in ur works.. everyone knows how to draw.. they're just not exploring their capabilities.. so i hope u will.. im sure u can do it too.. *^^*
good luck.. and sorry for the long reply.. XD
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/13/09 | Reply
Ohmygooshie, they look so cute C: I love this couple too XD I think the shadig looks nice, it always does ^^
*hugs fav*
VG GRL 2000
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/13/09 | Reply
I know this sounds creepy, but your art is so amazing! It inspires me to do better, but I KNOW, you'll always be better. I just can't get it right no matter how hard I try, I know practice is important and all, but I just don't have this talent like you get right away. I hope you'll reply, because I REALLY need the tips,so please! Help?
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/13/09 | Reply
aiyaaa so cute ! it's so sweet of u to have thought of this situation
they're holding hands !
i miss them. i hope u can find time to do ur manga because it's really awesome. but don't stress urself too much ! i really love this ! and u also put a background. nice. 
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/13/09 | Reply
how long does it take you to shade hair cause there is just sooo much of it and it always manages to come out flawless,MY GOODNESS YOU!!
AngeliqueNade (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/13/09 | Reply
I'm surprised no one has commented this yet.
Alright, I'll be your first. ^^
Anyway, I love these two from your manga. They are so cute! ^^
It's kinda interesting how they're both reading their story, too.
And your shadings are awesome!
I can't get enough of it. I've been trying to do shadings like that.
But the hair gets in my way. >.>
And your hands here are pretty good. There's nothing wrong with them. =)
Anyway, again, this is a very cute picture. ^^
Keep up the great work.
Last edited by smartanimegirl at 6:43:58 PM EDT on May 13, 2009.