Okie dokie. Um... I think I could have simplified that though... XD The important thing is just try duplicating the layer and set the duplicated layer to screen. See what happens.
Noise, huh? Have you tried duplicating the layer and set it to screen? Then saturate it using the brush with black color. After you flatten the image and your lineart seems to fade because of the screen attribute, try duplicate the layer again and then set it to multiply. I usually do that with my scanned images.
And uh... if I don't seem to reply for the next twelve hours I'll be at campus. So if you have anymore questions, I'll answer them tonight. ^__^
Last edited by Gadriann at 7:15:21 PM EDT on September 1, 2009.
But I have trouble with my scanner. It scans fine and all but I don't know how to clean up noise so that I am actually able to color with the mouse in the first place. I know how to use the pen tool.. a little. Are there methods to clean up scanned drawings so that they look clean enough to color? D:
I'm glad to help you out with Photoshop. ^__^ Tablet isn't really necessary for you to use though because I use mouse when I color using Photoshop so I think mouse is also as good. :)
omg I'm so glad you offered. When I think up some questions I will be sure to write them down so I can ask you. I really would like to learn how to color in Photoshop. But I want to buy a tablet first.
This has great feeling to it. I really would like to see more art like this on theO. I'll keep an eye out for you. Maybe I'll learn a few things. :] Please, keep up the good work. ^^d
Starlight Unichu- Thank you~~~! ^__^ Trying out new ways to color right now. Liz- Awww. D: But, but, Prince Marcel won't mind being yours. Li Yun is just his bodyguard, you still have a chance. <3 oturan ikamuzu- Heheheh, sexy is what I'm aiming for. XD Maybe. littlemissharriet- It's not really perfect... XD But thank you! Teapot Domescam- *joins craziness* XD hahaha. Sensei Ryuu- Critiques are very much welcomed, yours especially. It helps for improvement. Thank you for pointing out the arms, I never really noticed it. You noticed the spotlight in the background effect? I was afraid I didn't achieve it, haha. :] Kizza- You have black and pink hair?! Awesome! 8D Thanks for faving and commenting, yo. Vinnie- If you can get money from being a prince then yes, it's a job, maybe? XD I don't know about Marcel but he recruits minions for his clan, lolz.
I love the lighting in this, as id theres a giant spotlight shining behind them. Very eyecatching. The arms on Marcel look a bit...forced..would've looked better if his arsm were down. Awesome job thuogh. Dismiss my negative critique, it seems needed b/c your art is unbelievably awesome. I like the circumstances, a businessish chat while nuzzling.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/04/09 | Reply
@The Shirt:
Okie dokie. Um... I think I could have simplified that though... XD The important thing is just try duplicating the layer and set the duplicated layer to screen. See what happens.
The Shirt
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/02/09 | Reply
Holy shiznat. Uhm... Lemme try that out when I get time tomorrow. I'll let you know my results. :]
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/01/09 | Reply
@The Shirt:
Noise, huh? Have you tried duplicating the layer and set it to screen? Then saturate it using the brush with black color. After you flatten the image and your lineart seems to fade because of the screen attribute, try duplicate the layer again and then set it to multiply. I usually do that with my scanned images.
And uh... if I don't seem to reply for the next twelve hours I'll be at campus. So if you have anymore questions, I'll answer them tonight. ^__^
Last edited by Gadriann at 7:15:21 PM EDT on September 1, 2009.
The Shirt
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/01/09 | Reply
But I have trouble with my scanner. It scans fine and all but I don't know how to clean up noise so that I am actually able to color with the mouse in the first place. I know how to use the pen tool.. a little. Are there methods to clean up scanned drawings so that they look clean enough to color? D:
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/01/09 | Reply
@The Shirt:
I'm glad to help you out with Photoshop. ^__^ Tablet isn't really necessary for you to use though because I use mouse when I color using Photoshop so I think mouse is also as good. :)
The Shirt
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/01/09 | Reply
omg I'm so glad you offered. When I think up some questions I will be sure to write them down so I can ask you. I really would like to learn how to color in Photoshop. But I want to buy a tablet first.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/01/09 | Reply
@The Shirt:
Thank you, and if you have anything you want to ask about, I may be able to help. ^^
The Shirt
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/31/09 | Reply
This has great feeling to it. I really would like to see more art like this on theO. I'll keep an eye out for you. Maybe I'll learn a few things. :] Please, keep up the good work. ^^d
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/11/09 | Reply
Starlight Unichu- Thank you~~~! ^__^ Trying out new ways to color right now.
Liz- Awww. D: But, but, Prince Marcel won't mind being yours. Li Yun is just his bodyguard, you still have a chance. <3
oturan ikamuzu- Heheheh, sexy is what I'm aiming for. XD Maybe.
littlemissharriet- It's not really perfect... XD But thank you!
Teapot Domescam- *joins craziness* XD hahaha.
Sensei Ryuu- Critiques are very much welcomed, yours especially. It helps for improvement. Thank you for pointing out the arms, I never really noticed it. You noticed the spotlight in the background effect? I was afraid I didn't achieve it, haha. :]
Kizza- You have black and pink hair?! Awesome! 8D Thanks for faving and commenting, yo.
Vinnie- If you can get money from being a prince then yes, it's a job, maybe? XD I don't know about Marcel but he recruits minions for his clan, lolz.
Otakuite | Posted 06/09/09 | Reply
Sexyyyyy~ I have the same hair colors as the guy on the right xD Black and pink. Suhweet.
Sensei Ryuu
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/08/09 | Reply
I love the lighting in this, as id theres a giant spotlight shining behind them. Very eyecatching. The arms on Marcel look a bit...forced..would've looked better if his arsm were down. Awesome job thuogh. Dismiss my negative critique, it seems needed b/c your art is unbelievably awesome. I like the circumstances, a businessish chat while nuzzling.
Teapot Domescam
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/08/09 | Reply
*spazzing out*
HOT hot HOTXD Excuse my craziness for this picture
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/08/09 | Reply
this looks perfect.
they look so sweet.
keep it up!
oturan ikamuzu
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/08/09 | Reply
Your coloring is amazing....other than that....SEEEEEEEEEXY!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/07/09 | Reply
b-butprince marcel is mine </3
i've lost to a fictional character yet again ;w;
your colouring is so amazing <3 <3 <3