True, shadows do make a big difference in pictures because they add depth where it's necessary. The perspective will probably be more apparent when you color it, I agree. I can't wait to see the finished product(and yes, exploring is good!) =P
Yeah thank you XD ,I wanted to explore new things at this picture.Maybe making the line bigger a bit and marking a fold at the glove could helped with the perspective a lot more.Well I havent colored it so it´s still time for some changes XD .
Hm..I agree that the size of the hand and how it's drawn can add to the feminine look of it. But keep in mind also that girl hands are very slender and thin as well, so artists often add length to their hands to give that effect.
Ah now I see the perspective that you mean ^^ But even so, I just wanted to note on how the length of the back of the hand is in relation to her face, is all. But I agree, overall you did a nice job on it *nods* Perspective is hard and does take practice, so I think you did great ^^
Lols yeah I know perfectly what u ment with the hand .I dont know why but I saw a similar hand on a Yuffie picture and I was 100% happy with the result .Yeah the hand is really a bit smaller,but also adds a bit of more feminity detail to it.I also wanted to represent a perspective view by making the hand a bit smaller and less lined . Well maybe I need to explore that a bit more XD .Ok imagine it´s a big curved by the weight of the weapon falling a bit of a backward angle(this intensifies at the hand where the wrist if folding to the back ^_^).
Last edited by AngelBest Dream at 9:00:12 PM EDT on June 11, 2009.
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/09 | Reply
Yuffie!! I love her so much! ^^ You did such a nice job portraying her personality in this(like how she's sorta spunky =P) And I love how you did her eyes and hair as well~
The only critique bit I'd like to add is concerning her arm and hand. There seems to be a lack of a wrist and her hand is a bit small compared to her arm(her hand should be length-wise from her chin to about her eyebrow). Her arm could also be a TAD bit thinner to show her wrist a little better.
Otherwise, the weapon, pose and expression all look fantastic! Great work Angel-kun!
Yeah true true , well u can see my profile.I live in America ,it´s a nice place and Im trying to become a system system engineer huhuhu.Maybe I be able to combine my skills XD .
Awesome! She looks amazing! I love your anatomy, it's friggen awesome and her expression is absolutely adorable!! O, I forgot to answer you, but I would like little Malon! lol (gomen for taking so long, I only have two more days of finals!! YAY!!!! TTvTT)
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/10/09 | Reply
XD ,hoppe to have you back soon you mystery girl....
O_o .
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/26/09 | Reply
This is so cool!! The pose is great!!!^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/23/09 | Reply
wow very nice angel!!! i love her pose and eyes!!!!!! i'm going to check the coloring version!!
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
You said me and people are confused with my gender:
So I got confused 2 huhuhuhu.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
*gasp* I didn't comment on this one yet! D8
Yuffie~! Final Fantasy games rules,even when I've only played X and XII. XD
White Rabbit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/12/09 | Reply
Wow, that is very good. I like the lineart. :)
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/09 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
True, shadows do make a big difference in pictures because they add depth where it's necessary. The perspective will probably be more apparent when you color it, I agree. I can't wait to see the finished product(and yes, exploring is good!) =P
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/09 | Reply
Yeah thank you XD ,I wanted to explore new things at this picture.Maybe making the line bigger a bit and marking a fold at the glove could helped with the perspective a lot more.Well I havent colored it so it´s still time for some changes XD .
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/09 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Hm..I agree that the size of the hand and how it's drawn can add to the feminine look of it. But keep in mind also that girl hands are very slender and thin as well, so artists often add length to their hands to give that effect.
Ah now I see the perspective that you mean ^^ But even so, I just wanted to note on how the length of the back of the hand is in relation to her face, is all. But I agree, overall you did a nice job on it *nods* Perspective is hard and does take practice, so I think you did great ^^
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/09 | Reply
Lols yeah I know perfectly what u ment with the hand .I dont know why but I saw a similar hand on a Yuffie picture and I was 100% happy with the result .Yeah the hand is really a bit smaller,but also adds a bit of more feminity detail to it.I also wanted to represent a perspective view by making the hand a bit smaller and less lined . Well maybe I need to explore that a bit more XD .Ok imagine it´s a big curved by the weight of the weapon falling a bit of a backward angle(this intensifies at the hand where the wrist if folding to the back ^_^).
Last edited by AngelBest Dream at 9:00:12 PM EDT on June 11, 2009.
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/09 | Reply
Yuffie!! I love her so much! ^^ You did such a nice job portraying her personality in this(like how she's sorta spunky =P) And I love how you did her eyes and hair as well~
The only critique bit I'd like to add is concerning her arm and hand. There seems to be a lack of a wrist and her hand is a bit small compared to her arm(her hand should be length-wise from her chin to about her eyebrow). Her arm could also be a TAD bit thinner to show her wrist a little better.
Otherwise, the weapon, pose and expression all look fantastic! Great work Angel-kun!
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/09 | Reply
Yeah true true , well u can see my profile.I live in America ,it´s a nice place and Im trying to become a system system engineer huhuhu.Maybe I be able to combine my skills XD .
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/11/09 | Reply
fantastic, this picture has great detailing on the clothes wrinkles and it's a great pose for her too!
haseo luver92
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/11/09 | Reply
Awesome! She looks amazing! I love your anatomy, it's friggen awesome and her expression is absolutely adorable!! O, I forgot to answer you, but I would like little Malon! lol (gomen for taking so long, I only have two more days of finals!! YAY!!!! TTvTT)
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/09 | Reply
Yeah sorry you dont tell us a lot baout yourself so I had to guess(wrong guess XD ) .Hope u like the pic at least XD.
Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/10/09 | Reply
Yeii I saw both piccies and I like them both lol...I think yours looks awesum ^______^ my favorite part would be the eyes hehehe
and Yeii colored piccys very soo!! *dances* looking foward too all of them Angel!
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 06/10/09 | Reply
Awww, so cute! So cool, too! ^_^ I love how she's looking. Great work, angelbest. :) Nice job with everything! I look forward to the colored version~~