Lol he doesn´t look happy with that face XD .I still cant belive when u said ur not good at drawing Fire Emblem.I mean if you are not good then who is XD .
Ike:WOOOW, I haven't heard that one before*very sarcastic* no offense, other Rume, but you're kind of....
Marth:Um, how do we say this without being harsh? Um...
Pit:You're a messed-up,mentally retarded Rumeidia who makes OUR Rumeidia sound SANE, and you talk like a firggin' VALLEY GIRL. Last time I checked, the original Rume doesn't usually talk like that.
Roy:Aw, Pi-chan, Ma-chan, Ike, don't you think you're being mean? D:
Pit:Oh, don't 'D:' me!
Marth:I wasn't trying to be MEAN, did you not hear me saying that I didn't want to sound harsh?
Aw, c'mon, Marfie :D you know I like being weird XD
And I was influenced by another person anyway, how do you think I got the idea of Marth and Pit bearing Ike's and Roy's children?
Emma:...Does anyone ever listen to me? *sighs and sits on some chair*
Ike:Well, Akioh, you did a pretty good job at making Rumeidia A FRIGGIN' MORON! D:<
Ike:*to Marth*Er, I know that, I was just joki---OK, it's official that this doesn't make any sense. Guys can't have periods of course, yet if they all can't Marth and Pit bore mine and Roy's children, so...*glares at me*
What? You people know how I like going out of the box! :D
Emma:I assume that's just one of the strange mysteries of our lives...or in my case, AFTER life...
Pit:*stops banging his head*Emma! How did you---oh right, you're dead, nevermind...
Marth:Er, right...either way I'm doing it for Ike...
Ike:Ok...I GUESS I have a small femenine side...I just never really show it, not even around the GIRLS. Or that OTHER Rumeidia that showed up during one of our conversations...sheesh, crazy chick freaks me out.
Marth:I know that other Rumeidia's personality is really just an exaggerated "valley girl" version of the original Rumeidia's, but I have to say she is rather...weird. Exactly what was Akioh THINKING when she made that crazy version of her?!
Marth:Yeah...I believe we forgot to mention Pit isn't just LOVE bi-polar...
Ike:He's 100% bi-polar...either that, or the guy's on his period...
Marth:*to Marth*I'm only crossdressing in that chapter because Ike will be doing this whole comedy skit after Smash Choice Awards for the after-party, and he apparently needs one of the males to crossdress to make it funnier, and I'm doing it since 1.I don't care and I'll be getting a laugh out of that as well 2.I have almsot the same sense of humour as Ike and 3.Ike is my best friend and I want to help him out.
Marth:Ice also has this weird idea of turning Chapter 3 into a slight "Musical Comic" and having us sing. Well, the songs I'm singing aren't bad so I don't care.
Ike:*to Roy*Of course I'd make an ugly girl! I'm not femenine at ALL, and hanging around Rumeidia doesn't count. Though Ice DID turn me into a girl once, and I actually didn't look so bad. I guess if I was a girl I'd be the most femenine one*looks at pic of girl Ike*
Rumeidia:Your hair was really long as a girl, Ike :D ((I ALWAYS picture girl Ike with long hair x3))
Pit:Psh, Marth you're lucky! I get all the girly songs! DX
Ike:Oh, and I have a whole video of a few performances, with two of Pit's songs >:D*plays the video*
Pit:*starts singing*Every morning, he wakes up, knock,knock,knock on the door. It's time to show a---perfect smile, you're the one they're waiting for. Iiisn't he luckyy, this angel boooy? And they say---
Pit:*stops video*Ok, enough of me! *blushes and is too embarrased*
Ike:Ok, then we'll show one of ROY'S songs...*fast forwards video after Pit's song to Roy's song*
Roy:*starts singing to Pit*When you feel your heart's guarded, and you see the brakes started, and when the clouds above departed you'll be right here with me...
Pit:*looks at Roy*
Roy:When your life is going too fast, off the train tracks, I can slow it down, ohh just when you think you're 'bout to turn baack stead you might craash I'll be your ground, ohhh
Marth:Who knew Roy and Pit could sing?
Bwaha! XD Isn't Hiroki such a bazterd C: Nono, I actually took him a bit out of character XDD He's too quiet a person and too noble a person too say all that and laugh as much. He doesn't laugh XDD Smirk and chuckle, yes. Laugh, nope. :> Lol
Hiroki: *turns into his small canine form and jumps on and around Miyoko's shoulders* Nya...
Miyoko: Mmmmkay.
Now if I kept Hiroki out of character, he would of said:
Hiroki: Yeah, ok. Depends how hard you can hit with those delicate fingers, princey *smirks*
Hiroki: *continues smirking and laughing a bit with the bruise from Miyoko's spear clamming his head in spotlight* Heh heh. Figure it out, Marfie-himedono. >:]
Miyoko: ...;;;
Naww. He looks pretty awesome like this C: You're welcome too :D =]
No way,you drawed him like 1000 times already .The characters I drawed so many times are somehting very easy to draw for me. Let´s say Slayers,Romani and cremia, Etna ,and many more :3 .
Did I ever tell you that I LOVE your Marfs to the max?
He's so cute!
And I LOVE that expression
Your Marfs are the best! Fo Sho! xD
But for real.
And your coloring ski-zillz are awesome
I love the way this looks
And even though his hair is a bit light it doesn't matter
He still looks adorabilouciously awesome
Awesome job. A definite fav :D
I can hear your Martian accent. It's very rich and obvious, now-a.
Stupid OC month-a.
Nay ways. (Which I sort of accidentally typed instead of anyways.. I'm going to tell you something sort of harsh in real life right now.)
It looks good, but yeah.
I just told you IRL.
Figure it out-a, yo.
Ike:Hm? Well, actually, Ice is a bit of a dummy when it comes to the ages of characters sometimes, and she thought that the Marth in Brawl was the same one in FE3, and heard he was around 17-21 there, so she just made Marth 19, like me...and Roy...
Marth:Apparently an idiot who puts WAY too much trust in his friend who is an even bigger idiot...Note to self:NEVER EVER put THAT much trust in Rumeidia ever again!
Rumeidia:Ok, Marth, ok! Sheesh, it's not like I make the same mistakes over and over again...and Ice's Marth, how long are you going to keep being like this to me?! D:
Marth:Until the time you stop overreacting to certain things...
Rumeidia:Such as...?
Marth:That one time you got crazy over Link sending you that boquet of roses for Valentine's Day...
Marth:...Good grief, looks like Rumeidia's on the floor AGAIN, Roy -_-
Roy:Will you do it or should I? :D
Marth:Um, I'll do it...*picks Rumeidia up and starts shaking her very violently*HEY, RUMEIDIA! WAKEY WAKEY, SISTER!
Rumeidia:*wakes up*Huh...? Girlyprincesayswhat?
Marth:And I'm not THAT girly, Rumeidia -///-
Ike:Oh, don't forget that other time Jigglypuff put Rumeidia to sleep as a joke and she wouldn't wake up...
*Marth and Roy tried waking Rume up their usual way, but failed*
Marth:*sighs*Ike! Get in here!
Ike:*walks in*Same way as usual?
Ike:Allright*clears throat and does his very good Link impersonation*Hey, Rume~ how 'bout you and I go on a date? Afterall, you're a sexy bounty huntress, I'm a sexy blond elf, AND Hyrule's numero uno pimp~
Rumeidia:LINK! I ACCEP---wait, you're not Link! D:
Ike:Hehe, I really know how to impersonate all the guys...
Ike:*to Marth*I know that, I've just seen a few pics of me in a dress, and well, I think we both know that doesn't sound right...
Pit:Of course it's not right! You're the friggin' SEME, Marth's uke, so he wears the dress! Besides, if he's femenine enough to bear your kids I'm sure he's already femenine enough to wear a dress...
Did I mention Marth is actually going to crossdress in Chapter 3? :D
Oooweee~ Marfie looks super sexy X3 Lol. Not too sexy though, because he looks more cute than anything :> You're drawing him more masculine! :D He looks sooo cute! And ye digital coloring is getting better with this style :> Especially skin :D
Miyoko: Aww! Lookit Marfie! :D Muahaha. Looking more masculine each day :>
Mari: *timidly speaks as she slightly bows for Lord Marthie :>* It's true^ ^' I do hope you find that as a positive commet...a-a compliment, Marth-dono *bows again*
Hiroki: *teases Marth* Starting to look like one of us, Marfie? *smirks*
Miyoko: *smacks Hiroki with her staff* -v-;;
Okay, enough torture >:D
I love you, Marfie :>
Last edited by fire.freak at 6:40:20 PM EDT on June 16, 2009.
Marth: ¬____¬
*To Ike* Technically speaking, Ike, I'm older. That is, if you're going by the Super Smash Bros/Fire Emblem ages of Marth. He's actually only 16, while I'm 18.
*to Marth (again)* *facepalm* What kind of idiot gets married without even realizing it?
*To Ike* You wouldn't be the one wearing the dress, Ike... -________-
Marth, you talk to much. -3-
Last edited by moonlit dream at 6:17:37 PM EDT on June 16, 2009.
Roy:Ilu, Ma-chans~*hugs both Marths*And YOU TWO ARE MY MA-CHANS~!
Marth:Roy. Off. NOW.
Ike:Er, yah, about that, Roy, you and other Roy could share the shorter Marth, but the taller, slightly older Marth*takes Marth away from Roy*is MINE. Not yours, MINE.
Marth:Well, it's true, I was sort of CLAIMED by Ike for him being my...*is a bit too embarrased to say*
Rumeidia:For Ike is his husband :D
Marth:...You had to say that in front of other Marth, didn't you, Rumeidia? Then again, he probably would've been able to find out from reading my mind, so, I'm not going to scold you.
Rumeidia:Sweet~ No scolding from Marthy! >:D
Yeah, about the whole, "Ike being Marth's husband thing" it's Rumeidia's fault XD a mere joke turned for TGL canon :D And here's my story:
<In one of Smash Manor's lounges>
Rumeidia:Hey, Guys, I just remembered something!
Ike:And that would be...?
Rumeidia:There's this whole "Friendship ceremony" thingy I remembered back when I lived in Inferuno Isle! And since we got nothing to do, I say we do that!
Marth:Seems interesting, I'm willing....
Ike,Roy,Link&Pit:Me, too!
Link:So, how about we start it off with Ike and Marth?
Link:Well, you two being such good buddies and all...
Ike:Um, allright!
*after ceremony is performed*
Link:You may kiss the...wait...Rume, are these last few words in the book right?
Rumeidia:Say what? *takes book and notices something*Oh zuchinni...
Marth:What is it? What did you do?!
Rumeidia:Um, turns out the whole friendship ceremony is really the casual Inferuno version of
Ike:*shocked*YOU MEAN---?!
Rumeidia:Er, yeah, so technically Ike and Marth are...yeah...
*Ike and Marth start chasing Rumeidia and cursing at her*
Wasn't that interesting? :D
Marth:NO, that was EMBARRASING...well, we embraced it...sort of...
Ike:At least neither of us were wearing any traditional stuff or wearing a tux and wedding dress...*shudders at the thought of him in one*Me in a dress...that is just NOT RIGHT! D:
Marth:Ice, like I said about a million times, I DON'T LOVE YOU BACK! -_-
But why, Marth? D:
Marth:Let's see, oh yes, because for ONE thing, WHAT'S UP WITH MAKING ME SO FEMENINE?! And two, quit calling me a drag queen! I'm the noble prince of Altea, if you recall, and I prefer not to be adressed as such!
Roy:Ma-chan, don't be so harsh on Ice-chan...and hi, other Ma-chan~! Still pretty as usual :D
Fine, whatever, geeze, Marth, you're turning more into Akioh's Marth, but more femenine...
Nice job, Akioh :D
:O You guys comment fast. xD
Thanks!! ^^ It's not amaaazing, there's people who are like 10000000 times better than me. o3o
So, uh..
Thanks still. >_>;
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/20/09 | Reply
Lol he doesn´t look happy with that face XD .I still cant belive when u said ur not good at drawing Fire Emblem.I mean if you are not good then who is XD .
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/18/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Ike:WOOOW, I haven't heard that one before*very sarcastic* no offense, other Rume, but you're kind of....
Marth:Um, how do we say this without being harsh? Um...
Pit:You're a messed-up,mentally retarded Rumeidia who makes OUR Rumeidia sound SANE, and you talk like a firggin' VALLEY GIRL. Last time I checked, the original Rume doesn't usually talk like that.
Roy:Aw, Pi-chan, Ma-chan, Ike, don't you think you're being mean? D:
Pit:Oh, don't 'D:' me!
Marth:I wasn't trying to be MEAN, did you not hear me saying that I didn't want to sound harsh?
Aw, c'mon, Marfie :D you know I like being weird XD
And I was influenced by another person anyway, how do you think I got the idea of Marth and Pit bearing Ike's and Roy's children?
Emma:...Does anyone ever listen to me? *sighs and sits on some chair*
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/18/09 | Reply
Rumeidia: Who ya callin' a moron, you... um... meathead??? >:DDD
Roy: You tell 'im, Rumeidia! :D
Rumeidia: Lyke, TOTALLY!
Roy: T-t-t-totally dude! (from a song which I dislike.)
Marth: *to Ice* Out of the box... More like out of the LAWS OF NATURE.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/18/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Ike:Well, Akioh, you did a pretty good job at making Rumeidia A FRIGGIN' MORON! D:<
Ike:*to Marth*Er, I know that, I was just joki---OK, it's official that this doesn't make any sense. Guys can't have periods of course, yet if they all can't Marth and Pit bore mine and Roy's children, so...*glares at me*
What? You people know how I like going out of the box! :D
Emma:I assume that's just one of the strange mysteries of our lives...or in my case, AFTER life...
Pit:*stops banging his head*Emma! How did you---oh right, you're dead, nevermind...
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/18/09 | Reply
:D What was I thinking? I was thinking about... um... I dunno. -3- I was thinking I wanted to make Rumeidia really strange. :D
Roy: For every time you bang your head on a wall, you lose brain cells. 8D
Marth: Guys don't have.... *sigh* why do I even bother...
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/18/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Marth:Er, right...either way I'm doing it for Ike...
Ike:Ok...I GUESS I have a small femenine side...I just never really show it, not even around the GIRLS. Or that OTHER Rumeidia that showed up during one of our conversations...sheesh, crazy chick freaks me out.
Marth:I know that other Rumeidia's personality is really just an exaggerated "valley girl" version of the original Rumeidia's, but I have to say she is rather...weird. Exactly what was Akioh THINKING when she made that crazy version of her?!
Marth:Yeah...I believe we forgot to mention Pit isn't just LOVE bi-polar...
Ike:He's 100% bi-polar...either that, or the guy's on his period...
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/18/09 | Reply
Marth: "Funnier" is not a word. The proper term is "more funny". -_- And okay... makes sense... I guess.
Roy: You have to be at least a liiiittle bit femenine if you're gay. :D
Marth: *To Pit*'re singing Brittney Spears? ._.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/18/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Marth:*to Marth*I'm only crossdressing in that chapter because Ike will be doing this whole comedy skit after Smash Choice Awards for the after-party, and he apparently needs one of the males to crossdress to make it funnier, and I'm doing it since 1.I don't care and I'll be getting a laugh out of that as well 2.I have almsot the same sense of humour as Ike and 3.Ike is my best friend and I want to help him out.
Marth:Ice also has this weird idea of turning Chapter 3 into a slight "Musical Comic" and having us sing. Well, the songs I'm singing aren't bad so I don't care.
Ike:*to Roy*Of course I'd make an ugly girl! I'm not femenine at ALL, and hanging around Rumeidia doesn't count. Though Ice DID turn me into a girl once, and I actually didn't look so bad. I guess if I was a girl I'd be the most femenine one*looks at pic of girl Ike*
Rumeidia:Your hair was really long as a girl, Ike :D ((I ALWAYS picture girl Ike with long hair x3))
Pit:Psh, Marth you're lucky! I get all the girly songs! DX
Ike:Oh, and I have a whole video of a few performances, with two of Pit's songs >:D*plays the video*
Pit:*starts singing*Every morning, he wakes up, knock,knock,knock on the door. It's time to show a---perfect smile, you're the one they're waiting for. Iiisn't he luckyy, this angel boooy? And they say---
Pit:*stops video*Ok, enough of me! *blushes and is too embarrased*
Ike:Ok, then we'll show one of ROY'S songs...*fast forwards video after Pit's song to Roy's song*
Roy:*starts singing to Pit*When you feel your heart's guarded, and you see the brakes started, and when the clouds above departed you'll be right here with me...
Pit:*looks at Roy*
Roy:When your life is going too fast, off the train tracks, I can slow it down, ohh just when you think you're 'bout to turn baack stead you might craash I'll be your ground, ohhh
Marth:Who knew Roy and Pit could sing?
It's true, I DO give Pit the girly songs D:
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/18/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Bwaha! XD Isn't Hiroki such a bazterd C: Nono, I actually took him a bit out of character XDD He's too quiet a person and too noble a person too say all that and laugh as much. He doesn't laugh XDD Smirk and chuckle, yes. Laugh, nope. :> Lol
Hiroki: *turns into his small canine form and jumps on and around Miyoko's shoulders* Nya...
Miyoko: Mmmmkay.
Now if I kept Hiroki out of character, he would of said:
Hiroki: Yeah, ok. Depends how hard you can hit with those delicate fingers, princey *smirks*
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/17/09 | Reply
Marth: I really want to punch you, Hiroki. ^^
He's probably gonna get girly again. D:
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/17/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Hiroki: *continues smirking and laughing a bit with the bruise from Miyoko's spear clamming his head in spotlight* Heh heh. Figure it out, Marfie-
himedono. >:]Miyoko: ...;;;
Naww. He looks pretty awesome like this C: You're welcome too :D =]
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/17/09 | Reply
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/17/09 | Reply
Marth: Oh. Older then. *To rumeidia* Hm. You don't "make the same mistakes over and over", huh? :I
Roy: Ike would make an ugly woman. D: Too muscle-y.
Marth: I've crossdressed before... twice... or 3 times... ehehe....
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
i bookmarked yu 8D
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/17/09 | Reply
Marth: Uh... >_> "one of us", Hiroki? What's that supposed to mean? -_-
I kinda want him to be girly again... ._.
Thanks. :DDDDDD
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/17/09 | Reply
:D I saw youuu.
I needa bookmark you. x3
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
No way,you drawed him like 1000 times already .The characters I drawed so many times are somehting very easy to draw for me. Let´s say Slayers,Romani and cremia, Etna ,and many more :3 .
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
Did I ever tell you that I LOVE your Marfs to the max?
He's so cute!
And I LOVE that expression
Your Marfs are the best! Fo Sho! xD
But for real.
And your coloring ski-zillz are awesome
I love the way this looks
And even though his hair is a bit light it doesn't matter
He still looks adorabilouciously awesome
Awesome job. A definite fav :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
im gonna make a tegakie acount right now
*few seconds later*
the user name is. mello159 xP
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
haha! I love that expression. very nice.
-Balalaika, Carried with the Wind-
Angelic Dishwasher (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Fix whut? You don't have to fix it. xD I was just sayinnnn'.
Cuz I'm such a g. Homie.
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
Oh-a... my bad-a... It seems my-a accent-a is-a showing-a.
Thanks, dude.
I'll fix that then-A. x3
Gero Chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
Great colors on this one! Its very nice!
- Gero Chan
White Rabbit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
Marth I'm playing yer game on DS. XD Nice pic, he looks very sad tho. XD
Angelic Dishwasher (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
I can hear your Martian accent. It's very rich and obvious, now-a.
Stupid OC month-a.
Nay ways. (Which I sort of accidentally typed instead of anyways.. I'm going to tell you something sort of harsh in real life right now.)
It looks good, but yeah.
I just told you IRL.
Figure it out-a, yo.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Ike:Hm? Well, actually, Ice is a bit of a dummy when it comes to the ages of characters sometimes, and she thought that the Marth in Brawl was the same one in FE3, and heard he was around 17-21 there, so she just made Marth 19, like me...and Roy...
Marth:Apparently an idiot who puts WAY too much trust in his friend who is an even bigger idiot...Note to self:NEVER EVER put THAT much trust in Rumeidia ever again!
Rumeidia:Ok, Marth, ok! Sheesh, it's not like I make the same mistakes over and over again...and Ice's Marth, how long are you going to keep being like this to me?! D:
Marth:Until the time you stop overreacting to certain things...
Rumeidia:Such as...?
Marth:That one time you got crazy over Link sending you that boquet of roses for Valentine's Day...
Marth:...Good grief, looks like Rumeidia's on the floor AGAIN, Roy -_-
Roy:Will you do it or should I? :D
Marth:Um, I'll do it...*picks Rumeidia up and starts shaking her very violently*HEY, RUMEIDIA! WAKEY WAKEY, SISTER!
Rumeidia:*wakes up*Huh...? Girlyprincesayswhat?
Marth:And I'm not THAT girly, Rumeidia -///-
Ike:Oh, don't forget that other time Jigglypuff put Rumeidia to sleep as a joke and she wouldn't wake up...
*Marth and Roy tried waking Rume up their usual way, but failed*
Marth:*sighs*Ike! Get in here!
Ike:*walks in*Same way as usual?
Ike:Allright*clears throat and does his very good Link impersonation*Hey, Rume~ how 'bout you and I go on a date? Afterall, you're a sexy bounty huntress, I'm a sexy blond elf, AND Hyrule's numero uno pimp~
Rumeidia:LINK! I ACCEP---wait, you're not Link! D:
Ike:Hehe, I really know how to impersonate all the guys...
Ike:*to Marth*I know that, I've just seen a few pics of me in a dress, and well, I think we both know that doesn't sound right...
Pit:Of course it's not right! You're the friggin' SEME, Marth's uke, so he wears the dress! Besides, if he's femenine enough to bear your kids I'm sure he's already femenine enough to wear a dress...
Did I mention Marth is actually going to crossdress in Chapter 3? :D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
Oooweee~ Marfie looks super sexy X3 Lol. Not too sexy though, because he looks more cute than anything :> You're drawing him more masculine! :D He looks sooo cute! And ye digital coloring is getting better with this style :> Especially skin :D
Miyoko: Aww! Lookit Marfie! :D Muahaha. Looking more masculine each day :>
Mari: *timidly speaks as she slightly bows for Lord Marthie :>* It's true^ ^' I do hope you find that as a positive commet...a-a compliment, Marth-dono *bows again*
Hiroki: *teases Marth* Starting to look like one of us, Marfie? *smirks*
Miyoko: *smacks Hiroki with her staff* -v-;;
Okay, enough torture >:D
I love you, Marfie :>
Last edited by fire.freak at 6:40:20 PM EDT on June 16, 2009.
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
Marth: ¬____¬
*To Ike* Technically speaking, Ike, I'm older. That is, if you're going by the Super Smash Bros/Fire Emblem ages of Marth. He's actually only 16, while I'm 18.
*to Marth (again)* *facepalm* What kind of idiot gets married without even realizing it?
*To Ike* You wouldn't be the one wearing the dress, Ike... -________-
Marth, you talk to much. -3-
Last edited by moonlit dream at 6:17:37 PM EDT on June 16, 2009.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Roy:Ilu, Ma-chans~*hugs both Marths*And YOU TWO ARE MY MA-CHANS~!
Marth:Roy. Off. NOW.
Ike:Er, yah, about that, Roy, you and other Roy could share the shorter Marth, but the taller, slightly older Marth*takes Marth away from Roy*is MINE. Not yours, MINE.
Marth:Well, it's true, I was sort of CLAIMED by Ike for him being my...*is a bit too embarrased to say*
Rumeidia:For Ike is his husband :D
Marth:...You had to say that in front of other Marth, didn't you, Rumeidia? Then again, he probably would've been able to find out from reading my mind, so, I'm not going to scold you.
Rumeidia:Sweet~ No scolding from Marthy! >:D
Yeah, about the whole, "Ike being Marth's husband thing" it's Rumeidia's fault XD a mere joke turned for TGL canon :D And here's my story:
<In one of Smash Manor's lounges>
Rumeidia:Hey, Guys, I just remembered something!
Ike:And that would be...?
Rumeidia:There's this whole "Friendship ceremony" thingy I remembered back when I lived in Inferuno Isle! And since we got nothing to do, I say we do that!
Marth:Seems interesting, I'm willing....
Ike,Roy,Link&Pit:Me, too!
Link:So, how about we start it off with Ike and Marth?
Link:Well, you two being such good buddies and all...
Ike:Um, allright!
*after ceremony is performed*
Link:You may kiss the...wait...Rume, are these last few words in the book right?
Rumeidia:Say what? *takes book and notices something*Oh zuchinni...
Marth:What is it? What did you do?!
Rumeidia:Um, turns out the whole friendship ceremony is really the casual Inferuno version of
Ike:*shocked*YOU MEAN---?!
Rumeidia:Er, yeah, so technically Ike and Marth are...yeah...
*Ike and Marth start chasing Rumeidia and cursing at her*
Wasn't that interesting? :D
Marth:NO, that was EMBARRASING...well, we embraced it...sort of...
Ike:At least neither of us were wearing any traditional stuff or wearing a tux and wedding dress...*shudders at the thought of him in one*Me in a dress...that is just NOT RIGHT! D:
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
Marth: Akioh, you spelled my name wrong. C:
:D I know....
Marth: Um... hey there... >_>;
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
(For a sec, I thought the word "barfie" said BARBIE. 8D)
Thanks!! :D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
Marth:Ice, like I said about a million times, I DON'T LOVE YOU BACK! -_-
But why, Marth? D:
Marth:Let's see, oh yes, because for ONE thing, WHAT'S UP WITH MAKING ME SO FEMENINE?! And two, quit calling me a drag queen! I'm the noble prince of Altea, if you recall, and I prefer not to be adressed as such!
Roy:Ma-chan, don't be so harsh on Ice-chan...and hi, other Ma-chan~! Still pretty as usual :D
Fine, whatever, geeze, Marth, you're turning more into Akioh's Marth, but more femenine...
Nice job, Akioh :D
The Skullboy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
like I said on tegaki, it AWESOME!<3
VG GRL 2000
Senior Otaku | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
I'm doing something now. C:
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
@VG GRL 2000:
It is haaard. D:
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
:O You guys comment fast. xD
Thanks!! ^^ It's not amaaazing, there's people who are like 10000000 times better than me. o3o
So, uh..
Thanks still. >_>;
VG GRL 2000
Senior Otaku | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
I know it's hhaaaarrrd~ I haven't been on in so long, I'm goin on now I guess. :D
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
lol marf
this is super cute xD
And your tegakie skills are amazzzing! 8D
I suck at tegakie lol
great job~! ;D