^-^ Yep. I taught myself to draw like she does. B/c i think it's just so beautiful and realistic the way she draws. I've found that a lot more ppl draw like she does now...but a little different. They and I, add our own special touch to it. ^^ Reeni-chan is my fav artist on here and DA.
Sincerely, Lunakitte
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/03/09 | Reply
^-^ Yep. I taught myself to draw like she does. B/c i think it's just so beautiful and realistic the way she draws. I've found that a lot more ppl draw like she does now...but a little different. They and I, add our own special touch to it. ^^ Reeni-chan is my fav artist on here and DA.

Sincerely, Lunakitte
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/30/09 | Reply
that looks just like Reenigirl's style : o