This looks beautiful Angel! Great line art. The background is simply amazing, I just keep looking at it :33 I love her pose and expression, so cute and it gives her a lot of character! I also like the many details you put into the clothes and the eyes are so pretty and have a great shape. As for critics, I would say the fold lines in her clothing should be longer or there should be fewer of them. Her left hand holding looks a bit weird as well - I think that's not because of the fingers but perhaps it needs a line of the palm or wrist. I hope that helped ;D
OO long comments..I'm afraid I'm not very good with constructive comments...gomen for that hehe
I think she loos pretty..and emm I'm not inspired so forgive this baka comment >>
Wow this looks great.
I really love the flower in the background
And the pose seems to really fit Miku. :)
As for constructive criticism, Freeziepleasy took the words right outta my mouth about the hair.
And maybe you should try to make the strokes for the hair longer and make them follow the shape of the hair. (I'm sorry if that doesn't make sense)
Aside from that it really looks great.
And I love the bg
Awesome job~!
Went to check and it´s 0.5 XD .Well actually I name those stinger class(I usually end up pircing white pages insted of drawing ).My fav class it´s 0.7 ,not so pointy,and drawing many times over a paper wont hurt the surface so much.I even have my set of lucky pencils to draw,lol yeah Im a lost case.I sometimes have a sharp 0.7 and a normal one (I sharp the end part by drawing on a separate paper until it haves an edge).But using both in combination is something I never tryed thou,gona put the idea into practice.
Im gona practice that,it really sounds like fun drawing flowing hair.I need to do each strand smaller and more independent.Nice idea thou,I think I put it to work in our art-trade,colab :3.The advantage I have is that I have the picture at pencil and I can make the hand a bit bigger.I think my biggest accomplishment in this one was the 20º pose .Gona go to visit your other page because ur dev is sealed ,now I see what u ment with turned off.
Lol thanks Rachel ,I really have an inner struggle each time I try to do an ink over my original pencil artwork :3 .Yeah ,somehow I fell like Im loosing the sketchy mode when I ink over lineart pencil .To tell the truth,when it comes to inking I go to learn about it seeing some of your pictures.Also I sometimes do a copy and then ink it(but then I get all lazy by redoing the picture once again XD ).
So mainly I kinda decide if I will ink it from the start,and dont go so detailed with the pencil.That way I dont feel bad about covering the pencil lines and just go full with the inking detail.
When we do ou art trade I will do the picture starting by inking it :3.Also Im not as good as you at the inking part (goes to learn at your miku picture XD).
The rose in the background looks very good. It looks exactly like the big roses you see in anime episodes. :) very good.
the lineart is sharp, though, maybe try to use a 0.5 mm pencil (or was it 0.05? I cannot remember. I don't have my mechanical pencil with me). This will allow you to draw thinner lines (but not too thin) and you can vary the thickness of your lineart, but I think this right now is good. :)
Try to focus on the hair not being chunks, but rather flowing. Usually anime pictures look good if the hair strands have their own individuality (as in, they aren't just lines of a big piece, but are actually drawn as strands) and the strands come together naturally in a nice shape. Try practicing indvidual hair (not every strand of hair, but just thinner than what you are drawing right now). As you keep practicing, and look at anime pictures for reference, you will naturally understand how the hair is drawn, and very soon, you can draw natural hair without needing a reference. Her left hand could be a bit bigger than it has been drawn.
20 degree angle pose is very hard to draw for the upper body...especially for girls (in my opinion), but you did a great job on it. Maybe a more defined curvature for Miku would be nice, but your drawing of her is already great.
I hope you keep drawing because you are very good right now. :)
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
Ah this is gorgeous Angel-kun!! I really love the flower in the back and how you made it a size that won't overshadow Miku! Her pose is definitely adorable and she is just the cuteness to the wayy!!<333 I love how you did her hair...although the pigtails could be longer.
Hm...well you and I are constructively critiquing buddies, so it's only natural for me to comment you as you comment me ^^
Her left arm(our right) looks a little bit too thin where it comes close to the chest, giving it the illusion to the viewer that the arm is REALLY thin. Perhaps widen the line/arm there to match the thickness of the sleeve to match the rest of her arms.
Her right hand(our left) looks fine proportionally~ however her left hand(our right) looks a bit small in comparison. The fingers are also a bit unnaturally curled around the mic. But otherwise everything else looks great! As others have said, try using pen to ink and clean up your linearts...I think you could do it! ^^ *huggles*
She's adorable! WOW...(her expression makes me want to huggle her! lol)
Hm...Maybe try to make your lines not as short. Like I notice with the hair you use short lines, this is probably because you use your wrist to do the stroke, try using your whole arm so you get longer strokes. But that's it, you have the concept down pact. (and this is me just nit picking lol Overall I think it looks fantastic! ^^)
Old Chicken Nugget (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
this looks so pretty!! X3
For constructive comment, I say try using an ink pen for your line art, I mean pencil art is nice too but some parts seems smudgy and can't tell in other parts.
Sorry I'm not good with constructive comments ^.^
Aaaw, this is so sweet of you!!! ;u; And my god, the rose is so beautiful and Miku looks adorable~! I think your linearting skills are great! :D It's good to have dark sold lines to give it more depth and really bring it out. Maybe you can try to ink with pen to bring it to the next level? Your pencil drawings are amazing enough already so you don't have to of course XD Only if you want to, you can lightly sketch with pencil then draw on top with pen, so you have a more definite line. Also, you just erase the pencil marks without erasing the pen part, so you don't have to worry about having messy lines or accidentally erasing more than u wanted to and keep it clean and solid. ^^ (it's more work tho, so only do it when u want to XD)
I hope that helped XD
But your art skills are so amazing already, and you always draw the cutest and coolest poses~ I like your background ideas, they're so creative~ C:
again thank you so much~! ^^
*hugs* >u<
DragonGirl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/16/09 | Reply
This looks beautiful Angel! Great line art. The background is simply amazing, I just keep looking at it :33 I love her pose and expression, so cute and it gives her a lot of character! I also like the many details you put into the clothes and the eyes are so pretty and have a great shape. As for critics, I would say the fold lines in her clothing should be longer or there should be fewer of them. Her left hand holding looks a bit weird as well - I think that's not because of the fingers but perhaps it needs a line of the palm or wrist. I hope that helped ;D
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/15/09 | Reply
Yeah, I hid all my stuff unless you click "gallery" button, but my dA is not up to date, so go to my other one.
So...I'm not sure if I understood correctly. Did we decide on art trade or collab? xD
whatever works for you. every artist has their own style to their art. :) And good luck with your drawing practice.
Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/15/09 | Reply
OO long comments..I'm afraid I'm not very good with constructive comments...gomen for that hehe
I think she loos pretty..and emm I'm not inspired so forgive this baka comment >>
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/15/09 | Reply
Wow this looks great.
I really love the flower in the background
And the pose seems to really fit Miku. :)
As for constructive criticism, Freeziepleasy took the words right outta my mouth about the hair.
And maybe you should try to make the strokes for the hair longer and make them follow the shape of the hair. (I'm sorry if that doesn't make sense)
Aside from that it really looks great.
And I love the bg
Awesome job~!
shine moonlight
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/15/09 | Reply
in short and sweet......
pretty and totally Anime!
Yours Truly
The Queen of Sweet (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/15/09 | Reply
Yay, I'm been waiting for more pictures from you!
What I really like are the eyes. You really made them beaitful, and have they really have soul! It totally gives the feeling of innocence.
The rose is done amazing well too! I love it, I can't stop looking at it.
As far as advice everyone pretty much said what I was going to say XD.. Just keep up the good work!
And thanks for all you recent comments, I'm really in a lazy mode so I havn't been as active on here as I should. ^__^0
Have a good day! 8D
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
Went to check and it´s 0.5 XD .Well actually I name those stinger class(I usually end up pircing white pages insted of drawing ).My fav class it´s 0.7 ,not so pointy,and drawing many times over a paper wont hurt the surface so much.I even have my set of lucky pencils to draw,lol yeah Im a lost case.I sometimes have a sharp 0.7 and a normal one (I sharp the end part by drawing on a separate paper until it haves an edge).But using both in combination is something I never tryed thou,gona put the idea into practice.
Im gona practice that,it really sounds like fun drawing flowing hair.I need to do each strand smaller and more independent.Nice idea thou,I think I put it to work in our art-trade,colab :3.The advantage I have is that I have the picture at pencil and I can make the hand a bit bigger.I think my biggest accomplishment in this one was the 20º pose .Gona go to visit your other page because ur dev is sealed ,now I see what u ment with turned off.
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
Lol thanks Rachel ,I really have an inner struggle each time I try to do an ink over my original pencil artwork :3 .Yeah ,somehow I fell like Im loosing the sketchy mode when I ink over lineart pencil .To tell the truth,when it comes to inking I go to learn about it seeing some of your pictures.Also I sometimes do a copy and then ink it(but then I get all lazy by redoing the picture once again XD ).
So mainly I kinda decide if I will ink it from the start,and dont go so detailed with the pencil.That way I dont feel bad about covering the pencil lines and just go full with the inking detail.
When we do ou art trade I will do the picture starting by inking it :3.Also Im not as good as you at the inking part (goes to learn at your miku picture XD).
Lotz of hugs!
Protos Heis (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
this is cute!! i luv miku!! i luv this pic!! its really cute!!

Senior Otaku | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
The rose in the background looks very good. It looks exactly like the big roses you see in anime episodes. :) very good.
the lineart is sharp, though, maybe try to use a 0.5 mm pencil (or was it 0.05? I cannot remember. I don't have my mechanical pencil with me). This will allow you to draw thinner lines (but not too thin) and you can vary the thickness of your lineart, but I think this right now is good. :)
Try to focus on the hair not being chunks, but rather flowing. Usually anime pictures look good if the hair strands have their own individuality (as in, they aren't just lines of a big piece, but are actually drawn as strands) and the strands come together naturally in a nice shape. Try practicing indvidual hair (not every strand of hair, but just thinner than what you are drawing right now). As you keep practicing, and look at anime pictures for reference, you will naturally understand how the hair is drawn, and very soon, you can draw natural hair without needing a reference. Her left hand could be a bit bigger than it has been drawn.
20 degree angle pose is very hard to draw for the upper body...especially for girls (in my opinion), but you did a great job on it. Maybe a more defined curvature for Miku would be nice, but your drawing of her is already great.
I hope you keep drawing because you are very good right now. :)
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
Ah this is gorgeous Angel-kun!! I really love the flower in the back and how you made it a size that won't overshadow Miku! Her pose is definitely adorable and she is just the cuteness to the wayy!!<333 I love how you did her hair...although the pigtails could be longer.
Hm...well you and I are constructively critiquing buddies, so it's only natural for me to comment you as you comment me ^^
Her left arm(our right) looks a little bit too thin where it comes close to the chest, giving it the illusion to the viewer that the arm is REALLY thin. Perhaps widen the line/arm there to match the thickness of the sleeve to match the rest of her arms.
Her right hand(our left) looks fine proportionally~ however her left hand(our right) looks a bit small in comparison. The fingers are also a bit unnaturally curled around the mic. But otherwise everything else looks great! As others have said, try using pen to ink and clean up your linearts...I think you could do it! ^^ *huggles*
Wonderful work Angel-kun!!
haseo luver92
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
She's adorable! WOW...(her expression makes me want to huggle her! lol)
Hm...Maybe try to make your lines not as short. Like I notice with the hair you use short lines, this is probably because you use your wrist to do the stroke, try using your whole arm so you get longer strokes. But that's it, you have the concept down pact. (and this is me just nit picking lol Overall I think it looks fantastic! ^^)
Old Chicken Nugget (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
this looks so pretty!! X3
For constructive comment, I say try using an ink pen for your line art, I mean pencil art is nice too but some parts seems smudgy and can't tell in other parts.
Sorry I'm not good with constructive comments ^.^
great job!
keep it up!
White Rabbit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
That is very nice lineart. Looks great.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
Aaaw, this is so sweet of you!!! ;u; And my god, the rose is so beautiful and Miku looks adorable~! I think your linearting skills are great! :D It's good to have dark sold lines to give it more depth and really bring it out. Maybe you can try to ink with pen to bring it to the next level? Your pencil drawings are amazing enough already so you don't have to of course XD Only if you want to, you can lightly sketch with pencil then draw on top with pen, so you have a more definite line. Also, you just erase the pencil marks without erasing the pen part, so you don't have to worry about having messy lines or accidentally erasing more than u wanted to and keep it clean and solid. ^^ (it's more work tho, so only do it when u want to XD)
I hope that helped XD
But your art skills are so amazing already, and you always draw the cutest and coolest poses~ I like your background ideas, they're so creative~ C:
again thank you so much~! ^^
*hugs* >u<
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
She looks very cute! I love her eyes and you did a really nice job with the pose. The rose behind her looks really good too.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
She looks so very cute~!
And the rose in the background only completes this drawing even more! 8D
Can't wait for the colored one. :3
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
aw! miku looks beautiful here, i like the pose that you have her, suits her well, nice rose in the background too.