NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/07/09 | Reply
wahhhhh mandiiiiii<3
you've improved so much! :'D I love the pose and how Takara is staring off into the distance~ makes ya wonder what she's thinking about :0 RIKU
has a very relaxing feel to it~ and the coloring great :D it's smooth and light. fixes the picure and mood perfectly ^^
xD I can't really give good advice because i still need A LOT of work on traditional coloring o.o; but Sayura-chan gave a lot of good advise and that's a good way to start practicing~ looking up tutorials will help a lot. you get a lot of views on how other people c shading and stuff. :)
keep up the great work! x3
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/07/09 | Reply
xDD There are only a VERY few people in this world that can color well, Mandi-chan. I can't color well, great artists here can't color well, and even some of the professional mangaka have some trouble coloring every now and then. But what is the definition of coloring well? We all have our own standards for that. *nods* So don't worry about it so much, k?
But anyways on to the piccy~
The pose is great~ and I really love the calm expression on her face, it really fits the atmosphere ^^ The beach is a nice touch...although some areas of the background are a bit lacking because there is so much space to fill.
I'll try and give what coloring tips I can, but be warned, everyone has their own style and I don't know if the style I use to color is where you're going to lean towards.
-An area that EVERY artist that is just learning how to color better has is shading. Shading and highlights are crucial because it adds depth and life to a picture. Make sure you define your shadows more, so it creates some depth.
-Press kinda hard with your colored pencil. I know people tend to stray away from this because they are afraid that pressing too hard will make irreversible mistakes, but the fact is, it helps colors show better in real life and on the scanner too.
-Practice coloring with different light sources coming from different areas. It really does help to know where shading and such is.
-And lastly, practice in general. People can't tell you everything, because part of being able how to color well is developing a style you're comfortable with. If it helps, try imitating the coloring of some artists; it can sometimes lead to you throwing in your own special touches and making a style of your own.
Hope that helps~ and keep up the great work Mandi-chan!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/09/09 | Reply
Aaaw I think it came out beautifully! :D I really love the colors and bg u added! ^u^
keep it up mandi-chan! >w<
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/07/09 | Reply
wahhhhh mandiiiiii<3
you've improved so much! :'D I love the pose and how Takara is staring off into the distance~ makes ya wonder what she's thinking about :0
RIKUhas a very relaxing feel to it~ and the coloring great :D it's smooth and light. fixes the picure and mood perfectly ^^
xD I can't really give good advice because i still need A LOT of work on traditional coloring o.o; but Sayura-chan gave a lot of good advise and that's a good way to start practicing~ looking up tutorials will help a lot. you get a lot of views on how other people c shading and stuff. :)
keep up the great work! x3
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/07/09 | Reply
xDD There are only a VERY few people in this world that can color well, Mandi-chan. I can't color well, great artists here can't color well, and even some of the professional mangaka have some trouble coloring every now and then. But what is the definition of coloring well? We all have our own standards for that. *nods* So don't worry about it so much, k?
But anyways on to the piccy~
The pose is great~ and I really love the calm expression on her face, it really fits the atmosphere ^^ The beach is a nice touch...although some areas of the background are a bit lacking because there is so much space to fill.
I'll try and give what coloring tips I can, but be warned, everyone has their own style and I don't know if the style I use to color is where you're going to lean towards.
-An area that EVERY artist that is just learning how to color better has is shading. Shading and highlights are crucial because it adds depth and life to a picture. Make sure you define your shadows more, so it creates some depth.
-Press kinda hard with your colored pencil. I know people tend to stray away from this because they are afraid that pressing too hard will make irreversible mistakes, but the fact is, it helps colors show better in real life and on the scanner too.
-Practice coloring with different light sources coming from different areas. It really does help to know where shading and such is.
-And lastly, practice in general. People can't tell you everything, because part of being able how to color well is developing a style you're comfortable with. If it helps, try imitating the coloring of some artists; it can sometimes lead to you throwing in your own special touches and making a style of your own.
Hope that helps~ and keep up the great work Mandi-chan!
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/07/09 | Reply
I think your coloring is fine ^^ I like your picture. It looks really good and is well done despite how scanners will work