He looks great in this resolution. I remember you posting him on MT and the quality was rather low.
But here, he's gorgeous. I like the lighting, it looks like the bg glows. Amazing job on the painting too, it's soft and squishy XDDD
Okay, I thought as much. =^_^= Not really your specific techniques, but that you kept the original profile. Because filling it make it bulkier and actual pencil/pen strokes have more finess that's not so easily captured with a computer. I overanalyzed that... Well, long story short, pencil/pen lines look unique. XD
I'll try that when I get a chance. Thank you =^_^=
i dont know why im just picking this comment up now (sorry! >.<) but lines
- well i just left it as pencil lines in this pic - it darkens when i finish colouring etc and after i fool around more with photoshop - dont exactly have a technique >.<
sorry i cant help much. sometimes i go for posterisation for thikening and darkening lines and thinning lines with pain daubs - but these filtering can mess up the quality of the colouring so be careful
kyaaaah..~~! this is yet another piece from u that im so loving to the max.. <3 the color of the bandage.. most people will just go for white or light blue but u gave it an antique feel.. and i love his face.... so cool and cold looking dude.. kyaah..~ i love it.. ur amazing.. keep it up.. <3
That´s just a marvelious piece of work!!!!!!!! I love the expression, the coulouring,tho pose, all the details and really everything about him! And he´s such a cute boy!!! But does he look a lil bit sad? Well, he´s lovely! Good work!
You drew him like infinity times more amazing than mine! @A@
Thank you so much for drawing him! He looks gorgeous! 8D The wings and bandages look great, it shows movement and his hair and eyes are dashing<3 I really love how you color! ^^
Again, thank you so much, I'm totaly loving this! :D
(sorry if I replied late btw, I just came back from a 4 day trip half an hour ago XD) this was a very pleasant welcome-back surprise C:
Great job~! ^^ I mean, I'm not into the bishie fallen angel types that everyone seems to like these days (no offense to you crazy bishie fangirls out there! ^^;) but I will absolutely admit that this looks great~! ^^
uuuwwwwwaaaaaaahhh, he is so goddamn cute!!! I love the way you drew his eyes they are so beautiful!! Although his wings are black, he still got this angelic aura around him :3 good job!
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/08/09 | Reply
Y'know, I've been wracking my brain about this, so I have to ask... How did you get your profile like that?
It looks like it might've been done in Photoshop, but the profile still looks thin... How did you do that? I usually ink my lines so that they're more easily picked up by my scanner and can be separated from the pencil lines. Then I select the darker lines via "color range" selection. And I save the selection and fill it on a different layer. But my lines always look waaay too thick. But filling them with anything other than black messes with the waay it looks next to darker colors. Got any advice?
Moderator | Posted 01/19/10 | Reply
He looks great in this resolution. I remember you posting him on MT and the quality was rather low.
But here, he's gorgeous. I like the lighting, it looks like the bg glows. Amazing job on the painting too, it's soft and squishy XDDD
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/01/09 | Reply
Okay, I thought as much. =^_^= Not really your specific techniques, but that you kept the original profile. Because filling it make it bulkier and actual pencil/pen strokes have more finess that's not so easily captured with a computer. I overanalyzed that... Well, long story short, pencil/pen lines look unique. XD
I'll try that when I get a chance. Thank you =^_^=
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/01/09 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
i dont know why im just picking this comment up now (sorry! >.<) but lines
- well i just left it as pencil lines in this pic - it darkens when i finish colouring etc and after i fool around more with photoshop - dont exactly have a technique >.<
sorry i cant help much. sometimes i go for posterisation for thikening and darkening lines and thinning lines with pain daubs - but these filtering can mess up the quality of the colouring so be careful
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/19/09 | Reply
whoah!he's so handsome
and that slight sadness on his face makes him so lovely!!
great job,both drawing and colouring!hug and fav
reirei18.com (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/18/09 | Reply
this is yet another piece from u that im so loving to the max.. <3 the color of the bandage.. most people will just go for white or light blue but u gave it an antique feel.. and i love his face.... so cool and cold looking dude.. kyaah..~ i love it.. ur amazing.. keep it up.. <3
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Jabbawookie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/10/09 | Reply
That´s just a marvelious piece of work!!!!!!!! I love the expression, the coulouring,tho pose, all the details and really everything about him! And he´s such a cute boy!!! But does he look a lil bit sad? Well, he´s lovely! Good work!
lucy oO
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/09/09 | Reply
This is just waaaa! Soo awesome ♥
He does remind me of dark, adn I see what you mean about cloud.
hugs and fave !!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/09/09 | Reply
You drew him like infinity times more amazing than mine! @A@
Thank you so much for drawing him! He looks gorgeous! 8D The wings and bandages look great, it shows movement and his hair and eyes are dashing<3 I really love how you color! ^^
Again, thank you so much, I'm totaly loving this! :D
(sorry if I replied late btw, I just came back from a 4 day trip half an hour ago XD) this was a very pleasant welcome-back surprise C:
Daydreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/09/09 | Reply
looks so awesome <3
it deserves 95 hugs + 83 favs :3
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/09/09 | Reply
beautiful artwork,
i love the glowing effect to it.
keep up the good work ^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/09/09 | Reply
awesomeness!!! XD
beloved blood
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/09/09 | Reply
There's a lock on my heart, and I am the only one with the key... I think I may have lost it...
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/09/09 | Reply
Great job~! ^^ I mean, I'm not into the bishie fallen angel types that everyone seems to like these days (no offense to you crazy bishie fangirls out there! ^^;) but I will absolutely admit that this looks great~! ^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/08/09 | Reply
absolutely stunning. O.O
you are really amazing at drawing&coloring :D
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/08/09 | Reply
He reminds me of 'dark' from dnangel ....and from the sketch - a little of cloud from ff7 - so i know wat u mean- - (its the hair i tell u! >_<)
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/08/09 | Reply
lol - thats what i wrote on the sketch - he does remind me of "DARK" - i think its the hair - (but dark is so much hotter ;P)
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/08/09 | Reply
thanks - -used photoshop - its the only way i can get that glow ^^'
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/08/09 | Reply
he's gorgous! what did you use to color him??
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/08/09 | Reply
uuuwwwwwaaaaaaahhh, he is so goddamn cute!!! I love the way you drew his eyes they are so beautiful!! Although his wings are black, he still got this angelic aura around him :3 good job!
Water Nymph
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/08/09 | Reply
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/08/09 | Reply
Oh wow! This is just too gorgeous!
I love the softness effect on this picture. It just makes him seem so gentle and not from this world. Almost like a faded memory of some sort.
Aw, he looks so sad. I hope his wings are damaged to badly!
He is a very pretty boy and I love this picture waay wayyyy to much! Probably one of my favorites done by you, ha ha ha!
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/08/09 | Reply
you are a total pro.
oturan ikamuzu
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/08/09 | Reply
even the colored version is awesome.....wow!!

Kaijin Kinuma
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/08/09 | Reply
WOW! That's all I can say... I just looked at the pencil version and thought it was great, but to see it colored is amazing. Wonderful job! *faves*
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/08/09 | Reply
Y'know, I've been wracking my brain about this, so I have to ask... How did you get your profile like that?
It looks like it might've been done in Photoshop, but the profile still looks thin... How did you do that? I usually ink my lines so that they're more easily picked up by my scanner and can be separated from the pencil lines. Then I select the darker lines via "color range" selection. And I save the selection and fill it on a different layer. But my lines always look waaay too thick. But filling them with anything other than black messes with the waay it looks next to darker colors. Got any advice?
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/08/09 | Reply
Ouah... the coloured version is really great too^^
I love his eyes...
Hylian Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/08/09 | Reply
NIiiice. I love this one too! Coloring is really gewd!Keep up the great work!