LoL Yeah I know I mega fail at guy anatomy XD
I'm new at these poses, I tried to make the knees look like they're close to the viewers but I obviously messed up on that so it does look off, and I was too lazy to get reference to practice and I had school the week before so I just rushed on this XD OTL
I'm working on it though =P
Thank you for the tips~ ^^
Last edited by RSRKingdomStars at 5:26:49 PM EDT on August 26, 2009.
omggg that's exactly what I thought too! XD I actually thought about making him her twin but it wouldn't fit in the story or make sense XD *shrugs* XD
thank youuu >3< *hugs*
Starting at the top, his left shoulder and upper arm are far too wide for his body structure... or any body structure, really. It's nice that you defined the musculature there, but it's like you paid no attention to the shape of the arm when you did it. His axial area (armpit) cuts into his pectoral area as if there's nothing there. Both arms could stand to be a little longer, too--fingertips should be able to reach his mid-thigh.
Further down, it seems to me like his belly button is too low, but that could be because his groin is so tiny. I know that uke characters are traditionally lacking in this area, but this is ridiculous.
Further still is his left leg. While I understand the pose you were going for, it would've been better if you'd had his thigh overlap his calf--as it is, it seems like his knee is on backwards. His left foot would've been better if you'd defined his ankle bones and shaded his sole, defining it as well.
Thank you Sakurie-chan~! <333 X3 Oooh I'm working on it right now lolz <33 8D
Riku (seme) --> Sayo (uke) awkward epicnesss C8
I used to fail at uke guy faces but now it's really fun~ XDD
ily<3 CX
OMG i know im gonna get lost! lol and i think that there are TWO cafeterias! but i think that we can eat outside as well. if u know wat lunch u have tell me! its on the school website if u dont. im in B lunch. :D omg im kinda nervous! how bout u??? lol
well, ill c u soon! :D <3 <3
Oh man, wonder what would happen if him and Sayoko. XD
I love how you captured that uke expression. It's too adorable, I giggled~ X3 heehee~ lol
Nice work Reichi! And yes I REQUEST A SAYO/RIKU PIC 8D *shot*
HAHAHAHA! Rika's been spreading quite the nasty virus has she? I've seen some others as well. XD
Anyway, Sayo looks cute actually. Whoa, SayoxRiku? O_O I'm not a fan for these kinds of pairings, but I guess it wouldn't be too bad right? ^^"
Hm...I wonder how it would look if I gender bended Roxine and Zeke... XD
I'll probably get around to trying it. XD
ah I love gender benders!! They always make me laugh plus I love seeing them next to the
original XD u don't lik that stuff? I'm not a fan of yaoi but I'm pretty ok with crossdressing n
gender benders. Anyway this is pretty awesome and he does look like the shy type Cx I'd def
go for him xD
lolz~ XD thank you~ I like the swim shorts too~ If I were a guy I'd totally wear that XD
baaw, I'm sorry about your school work! ;A; homework and school takes up soooo much time, it's child abuse D: I can't believe I'm gonna be a freshman in 3 days >_<;
I wish you the best of luck! *hugs*
lol I actually have a few friends call me "Sayo" for short actually XD I just couldn't think of a guyish name for "Sayoko" so I just took out the "ko" XD *shrugs*
Thank you so much~! >u<
AHHAHAHAHAHA look at the guyish sayoko! xDDD
haha great job with this. I really love his hair. And the pose is funny, its like sayoko was doing something cute and then ZAP Sayo. xD (I'm weird)
ahhhhhh I guess I'm going to be the only one posting something photoshootish. OTL Everyone wants to do the genderbender.
omg I knoooooow, I hope we don't get lost or anything XD the school's so huge! @A@; the cafeteria must be huge too XDD I'm gonna be like, "where are my buds?" *friends wave at the corner* me: *keeps searching* friends: over here!! me: *still can't see* fail XD OTL
*hugs* >u<
Pfft, he's lookin' handsome~ XD
Oh, Man, I gotta draw Aranane as a guy sometime(I wonder what her name would be if she was a guy...Arcane? Arane? I don't know at the moment XD)
Fantabulous as usual, Sayoko-chan~
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/26/09 | Reply
gwaaah I have lunch in north campus, so we can't see eachother! XD nooo 'OTL ;u;
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/26/09 | Reply
@Panda Pants:
LoL Yeah I know I mega fail at guy anatomy XD
I'm new at these poses, I tried to make the knees look like they're close to the viewers but I obviously messed up on that so it does look off, and I was too lazy to get reference to practice and I had school the week before so I just rushed on this XD OTL
I'm working on it though =P
Thank you for the tips~ ^^
Last edited by RSRKingdomStars at 5:26:49 PM EDT on August 26, 2009.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/26/09 | Reply
omggg that's exactly what I thought too! XD I actually thought about making him her twin but it wouldn't fit in the story or make sense XD *shrugs* XD
thank youuu >3< *hugs*
Panda Pants
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/22/09 | Reply
Starting at the top, his left shoulder and upper arm are far too wide for his body structure... or any body structure, really. It's nice that you defined the musculature there, but it's like you paid no attention to the shape of the arm when you did it. His axial area (armpit) cuts into his pectoral area as if there's nothing there. Both arms could stand to be a little longer, too--fingertips should be able to reach his mid-thigh.
Further down, it seems to me like his belly button is too low, but that could be because his groin is so tiny. I know that uke characters are traditionally lacking in this area, but this is ridiculous.
Further still is his left leg. While I understand the pose you were going for, it would've been better if you'd had his thigh overlap his calf--as it is, it seems like his knee is on backwards. His left foot would've been better if you'd defined his ankle bones and shaded his sole, defining it as well.
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/22/09 | Reply
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.< that makes things better!!!!! yes! lol we should sit out side!!! lol whats ur 5th period??? mine is Algebra in 321.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/22/09 | Reply
* W *
...I can totally imagine Sayo/Riku. *laughs*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/22/09 | Reply
@Fire Fox Sakurie:
Thank you Sakurie-chan~! <333 X3 Oooh I'm working on it right now lolz <33 8D
Riku (seme) --> Sayo (uke) awkward epicnesss C8
I used to fail at uke guy faces but now it's really fun~ XDD
ily<3 CX
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/22/09 | Reply
OMG YES I'M IN B LUNCH TOOOO !! XD *highfives* I'm so nervous my heart is beating out of my lungs XDD
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/21/09 | Reply
OMG i know im gonna get lost! lol and i think that there are TWO cafeterias! but i think that we can eat outside as well. if u know wat lunch u have tell me! its on the school website if u dont. im in B lunch. :D omg im kinda nervous! how bout u??? lol
well, ill c u soon! :D <3 <3
Fire Fox Sakurie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/21/09 | Reply
UKE SAYO EQUALS KAWAII!!!!!Oh man, wonder what would happen if him and Sayoko. XD
I love how you captured that uke expression. It's too adorable, I giggled~ X3 heehee~ lol
Nice work Reichi! And yes I REQUEST A SAYO/RIKU PIC 8D *shot*
Keep it up~
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/21/09 | Reply
lol oh this picture is nice i like it ^^ yea i would love to see sayo and riku itll be intresting *gets struck by lightning* XP
AngeliqueNade (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/21/09 | Reply
HAHAHAHA! Rika's been spreading quite the nasty virus has she? I've seen some others as well. XD
Anyway, Sayo looks cute actually. Whoa, SayoxRiku? O_O I'm not a fan for these kinds of pairings, but I guess it wouldn't be too bad right? ^^"
Hm...I wonder how it would look if I gender bended Roxine and Zeke... XD
I'll probably get around to trying it. XD
beloved blood
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/21/09 | Reply
oh, he's soo cute
!!!!! ah, purity...
Cha Girl
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/21/09 | Reply
i must admitt sayoko make a prety cute boy....and i do love yuoi.....i'm up for the sayoXriku thing!^-^ *shot*
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/21/09 | Reply
ah I love gender benders!! They always make me laugh plus I love seeing them next to the
original XD u don't lik that stuff? I'm not a fan of yaoi but I'm pretty ok with crossdressing n
gender benders. Anyway this is pretty awesome and he does look like the shy type Cx I'd def
go for him xD
great job! Keep it up!
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/21/09 | Reply
Haha!! He's so cute! xD I really like his hairstyle. :3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/21/09 | Reply
@Yours Truly:
lolz~ XD thank you~ I like the swim shorts too~ If I were a guy I'd totally wear that XD
baaw, I'm sorry about your school work! ;A; homework and school takes up soooo much time, it's child abuse D: I can't believe I'm gonna be a freshman in 3 days >_<;
I wish you the best of luck! *hugs*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/21/09 | Reply
lol I actually have a few friends call me "Sayo" for short actually XD I just couldn't think of a guyish name for "Sayoko" so I just took out the "ko" XD *shrugs*
Thank you so much~! >u<
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/21/09 | Reply
Hmmmmm maybe I shall 8D
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/21/09 | Reply
AHHAHAHAHAHA look at the guyish sayoko! xDDD
haha great job with this. I really love his hair. And the pose is funny, its like sayoko was doing something cute and then ZAP Sayo. xD (I'm weird)
ahhhhhh I guess I'm going to be the only one posting something photoshootish. OTL Everyone wants to do the genderbender.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/21/09 | Reply
omg I knoooooow, I hope we don't get lost or anything XD the school's so huge! @A@; the cafeteria must be huge too XDD I'm gonna be like, "where are my buds?" *friends wave at the corner* me: *keeps searching* friends: over here!! me: *still can't see* fail XD OTL
*hugs* >u<
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/21/09 | Reply
lolz yup, uber uke XD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/21/09 | Reply
lolz XD I don't really like drawing them but if you demand them I'll try to remember them next time then XD
Yours Truly
The Queen of Sweet (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/21/09 | Reply
If I were a dude I would totally be your seme XD....
He wayyyyy to cute for words and I love his swim shorts.
Once again I wish I had the time to do these awesome projects but finals are sucking up my time. @__@
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/20/09 | Reply
D'aw he's so cute
I love the expression. And the way he's holding the towel makes him even cuter :D
Nice job!
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/20/09 | Reply
lol :D I love it!!!! i think it is really cute!!!!!!! I <3 Sayo! ;) (lol)
PS cant wait 2 c u on monday! ugh high school already!!! XD
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/20/09 | Reply
I really like how you kept her personality, even in guy form XD
His expression is great~
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/20/09 | Reply
The Skullboy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/20/09 | Reply
GAH, I wish I had an kh oc to gender-bend
(but I lack the creativity to think of an outfit)
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/20/09 | Reply
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/20/09 | Reply
Pfft, he's lookin' handsome~ XD
Oh, Man, I gotta draw Aranane as a guy sometime(I wonder what her name would be if she was a guy...Arcane? Arane? I don't know at the moment XD)
Fantabulous as usual, Sayoko-chan~