Wow this is amazing, the pastels create a really nice effect!
I remember having to use pastels in art last year and i just ended up with a really dodgy looking parrot epic fail.
i think it looks great. i'm loving the wolfs fur it's soft yet rugged. the background is amazing as well. i wonder where he's running too? keep up the good work and the pastel looks quite fine in my opinion.hug and fav
I love the effect in it´s fur! It looks so real but so not. Like it´s like a ...a painting of a legend of some sort! ha ha ha.
I really love that he is running through the fire plains...almost as though he is running for his life! Every fire bursting from the ground...what is it that you are feeling to feel such a rush throug your body?
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/26/09 | Reply
Wow this is amazing, the pastels create a really nice effect!
epic fail.
I remember having to use pastels in art last year and i just ended up with a really dodgy looking parrot
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/25/09 | Reply
i think it looks great. i'm loving the wolfs fur it's soft yet rugged. the background is amazing as well. i wonder where he's running too? keep up the good work and the pastel looks quite fine in my opinion.hug and fav
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/25/09 | Reply
I love the effect in it´s fur! It looks so real but so not. Like it´s like a ...a painting of a legend of some sort! ha ha ha.
I really love that he is running through the fire plains...almost as though he is running for his life! Every fire bursting from the ground...what is it that you are feeling to feel such a rush throug your body?