Thank you, if you wish to know more about these character read the fiction they are in at this site!!
Ooooh very nice chara sheet, 0_o~~
Very purdy madam or is it Mr. Madam? sir? o_o'''
<.< Moving on, XD ♥ the butterfliez there hun
♥_♥ *hugglez u, hugz, favez, and subscribez (I think I already did that tho XD)*
*GLOMPZ* joking T_T... >.>'
Tiz a cool drawing, that it is ^_^
I bid a farewell until your next drawing~~~ :3
If if ever tell you to shut up, I'm not doing it to be mean, but to show you that you're giving me a migraine.
Stalker Stabbit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/27/09 | Reply
I love this. It's adorable. <3
"Have you fallen in love?" "No, but I've stepped on it."
Gero Chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/26/09 | Reply
Spectacular coloring job! Absolutely Love it! Keep up the fantastic work!
- Gero Chan
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/26/09 | Reply
Thank you, if you wish to know more about these character read the fiction they are in at this site!!
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/25/09 | Reply
Ooooh very nice chara sheet, 0_o~~
Very purdy madam or is it Mr. Madam? sir? o_o'''
<.< Moving on, XD ♥ the butterfliez there hun
♥_♥ *hugglez u, hugz, favez, and subscribez (I think I already did that tho XD)*
*GLOMPZ* joking T_T... >.>'
Tiz a cool drawing, that it is ^_^
I bid a farewell until your next drawing~~~ :3
If if ever tell you to shut up, I'm not doing it to be mean, but to show you that you're giving me a migraine.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/25/09 | Reply
I love you.