I think Jade is a stunt director or something, very cool. :P But it's cool that Draco also knows french, I just remembered that after I found out i was taking french studies.....
I love this couple to death! (They are one of my two favorites from HP, the other being Snape/Lily) I am so happy to see more people are supporting it and thank you for the fanfic recommendations.
Lol I think a lot of DMHG fans like Draco more than they do Hermione xD
LOL I'm happy for hime, too. He does seem pretty happy.
But, yeah, it does get me down xD
Ahhh...Dramione... I actually was never really a fan of that pairing, but it's more so probably that it's unlikely, or that I just like Draco Malfoy more than Hermione...<3 Yeshh...Tom Felton is awesome! Quite the handsome one...when he cried it just showed me how vulnerable he was. Well, more than usual....but it made me love him even more...xD I'm er- happy about his relationship with Jade Olivia. But it still gets you down a little bit, huh?
It really IS amazing. SPECTACULAR. It's haunting my soul now. I've memorized the lyrics to all most all the songs, and I watched the musical twice in fives days (it's so addicting /sob). LOL
Yeah, Draco is. But it makes it even more hilarious because the way she makes it WORK. Normally I wouldn't have been happy, but Lauren Lopez blew me away~.
Haha yeah, she didn't seem too interested in him ;;~;; poor guy, she's missing out. The way he treats his present girlfriend...anyone would be lucky to date him! xD haha
Though I have to admit, I can't ever see the couple happening in the books, I really like thinking about them outside of the series. XD Like you said, in fanfictions and... well.... here. Ever since I saw the A Very Potter Musical, I've started liking them together. *laughs*
I love the way you drew them here~. So awesome in your style!
Tom Felton is so sexyyyy. And his legs are so LONG and just... wow. *fangirls*
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/01/09 | Reply
YEAH. But I highly doubt I'll ever meet him, though, it is f=nice to watch from afar. *dramatic sigh*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/31/09 | Reply
*sigh* Some people have all the talent :D
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/30/09 | Reply
I think Jade is a stunt director or something, very cool. :P But it's cool that Draco also knows french, I just remembered that after I found out i was taking french studies.....
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/30/09 | Reply
Oh, no problem :]
Glad to show off my DMHG love~ xD
Thank you for commenting!
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/29/09 | Reply
I love this couple to death! (They are one of my two favorites from HP, the other being Snape/Lily) I am so happy to see more people are supporting it and thank you for the fanfic recommendations.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/29/09 | Reply
Well, I don't think I said that they were.
I just like the idea of them together :]
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/29/09 | Reply
Lol I think a lot of DMHG fans like Draco more than they do Hermione xD
LOL I'm happy for hime, too. He does seem pretty happy.
But, yeah, it does get me down xD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/29/09 | Reply
@twilight samurai:
thank you :D
twilight samurai
Redeemed (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/28/09 | Reply
He is a cutie! Haha Great job on both!
yokos grrl
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/28/09 | Reply
Wow! i really like ur drawing style!

i have to like Hermoine best!
i never really thought about them being a couple until now
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/28/09 | Reply
Ahhh...Dramione... I actually was never really a fan of that pairing, but it's more so probably that it's unlikely, or that I just like Draco Malfoy more than Hermione...<3 Yeshh...Tom Felton is awesome! Quite the handsome one...when he cried it just showed me how vulnerable he was. Well, more than usual....but it made me love him even more...xD I'm er- happy about his relationship with Jade Olivia. But it still gets you down a little bit, huh?
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/28/09 | Reply
uh, i don't think he really did have a crush on her in the books/movies, but this 'couple' has a strong fanbase. xD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/28/09 | Reply
lol i can't wait! i'm gonna watch it in bed tonight xD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/28/09 | Reply
urg~!!! i am so jealous of her xD
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/28/09 | Reply
WTF????!!! how are they a leginimate couple?! that's not natural. they hate eachother!
Otakuite | Posted 08/28/09 | Reply
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/28/09 | Reply
It really IS amazing. SPECTACULAR. It's haunting my soul now. I've memorized the lyrics to all most all the songs, and I watched the musical twice in fives days (it's so addicting /sob). LOL
Yeah, Draco is. But it makes it even more hilarious because the way she makes it WORK. Normally I wouldn't have been happy, but Lauren Lopez blew me away~.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/28/09 | Reply
Haha yeah, she didn't seem too interested in him ;;~;; poor guy, she's missing out. The way he treats his present girlfriend...anyone would be lucky to date him! xD haha
and his crying is a guilty pleasure >>;; ~ <3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/28/09 | Reply
Thank you so much! :D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/28/09 | Reply
This is truly adorable. Well done! *favorites*
If there's nothing wrong with me, then there must be something wrong with the universe!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/28/09 | Reply
@Niko Chan:
Thank you!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/28/09 | Reply
Lol I was trying to make time to watch that. I heard that it's terribly hilarious xD And Draco's played by a girl? xDD
Thank you!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/28/09 | Reply
Lol Don't worry. I'm not a raging, spitfiring Dramione fan. I don't really mind at all.
And thank you, I really like how I drew him, too xD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/28/09 | Reply
Lol I think so, too xD But she didn't really seem interested in him, did she? [poor Tom]
Thank you! And the whimpering made me feel like it was a guilty pleasure :'D
Niko Chan
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/28/09 | Reply
I love how you drew them both and I really like the coloring XD
awesome work *hugs&favs*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/28/09 | Reply
Though I have to admit, I can't ever see the couple happening in the books, I really like thinking about them outside of the series. XD Like you said, in fanfictions and... well.... here. Ever since I saw the A Very Potter Musical, I've started liking them together. *laughs*
I love the way you drew them here~. So awesome in your style!
Tom Felton is so sexyyyy. And his legs are so LONG and just... wow. *fangirls*
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/27/09 | Reply
I'm not a huge Dramoine fan, but I always thought Tom's (supposed) crush on Emma Watson xD back in the day, he's got a girlfriend now.
I really like how you drew both of them ;3 Hermione's hair is so fluffy looking! And Draco's expression is perfect ;D
-fangirl moment- I agree with you on Tom Felton in HBP!! He was so good +3+ Seeing him whimper and cry is...satisfactory for some reason.