Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/05/09 | Reply
Sylvr-chan it's CRAZY to see just how much you've improved!! 0__o I love the background colors and her solemn expression...the concept in this piccy is just so nice ^^ I love how she's petting Luna, it just gives this piccy a melancholy feeling but also adds a beautiful touch to it as well<3
Wonderful work on this my friend!! Keep it up!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/30/09 | Reply
love the rest of it too, but i HAVE to point out how CUTE luna is!!! AWWWW!!!! =DD
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/05/09 | Reply
Sylvr-chan it's CRAZY to see just how much you've improved!! 0__o I love the background colors and her solemn expression...the concept in this piccy is just so nice ^^ I love how she's petting Luna, it just gives this piccy a melancholy feeling but also adds a beautiful touch to it as well<3
Wonderful work on this my friend!! Keep it up!