omg man
I completely hyperventalated upon seeing your draft D=
If i can reach you in real life, i'd be squeezing you to death right now RAWR!!!
seeing them together just brings tears to my eyes... sniff..
take your time, don't be pressured
it took me an entire year once to draw a picture for someone lol
(not to suggest you can/should make me wait that long)
with that said, i feel bad about asking/demanding/begging you to draw so many characters in one go, so if ever you're too scared to draw someone/something and just needed someone to........nvm.... -sob- just know that, i'm here babbyyyy!!!!! >O<
p.s. I noticed that you havent added Tiger in there yet lol
it's okay, i can understand, it's pretty hard to incorporate him into this XD
keep it up love =3
lol - i have! here's a lil shot about what it looks like so far - prob will change heaps as work through it - ^^' -¤t=smallpreview.jpg
its gonna take me a while to finish cause this time of year is pretty busy for me ^^' -sorry its taking so long
oh yeah, i forgot to stress:
well.. you can probably make Heero one of those pretty boys..... but he's STILL GOTTA BE MANLY!! D=
I love my guys... -sigh-...
(yes, i just sub(?)conciously stole them and made them mine lol)
a) yeah.. pretty scary thought lol
b) oh my, i just realized that i typed gf when i meant bf lmfhoooo
c) i like your guys too, they're so cool and hot and probably my type especially if they know martial arts and i just wanna eat them RAWR!
d) that was such a run on sentence lol
e) i'm so jealous!!!
f) yeah... i'm in one of my lonely-and-need-a-hot-guy-beside-me moments again... which seems to happen a lot when i see your drawings lol.. i didnt even realize that i've complained to you about my bf problem more than 3 times XD
lol - but i like my hot guy ;P always good to have eyecandy
although -drawing evil-do-ers is another matter - still procrastinating - what if i turned them all pretty? O.O - scary thought
ikemen alert..! im excited to see the colored.. this sketch is absolutely amazing.. ur details never fail.. ur lines are as expected.. it defines grace and passion in ur works as always... <3
eh - kinda hybrid? suppose to be a dragon but i wanted to add bird elements ^^' - he's suppose to be from the red dragon clan - one of the guardians of the black dragon king/prince since their families have long since served them. they're all considered in the upperclass of the demonic families.
omg he looked hot in the previous work and he packs even more heat in this one! I love how you drew the flowers, my flowers looks like crap lol, and can't even tell if their flowers or not lol. I also love the beast you drew too!! is it a dragon or a phoenix with dragon wings.
im not that great at shading - i like my sketches but wish i could get it as neat as some people do on theO ^^' - plus detail just mean coloring it will be a nightmare O.O
OHHH~ Isn't he pretttyyyy <w< YES HE IS. He looks so chic and suave! The lines are so light, I lovveee the linework here! And the pic is filled with so much detail, there's so much to see! BEAUTIFUL WORK DAHLING, BEAUTIFUL!!
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/26/09 | Reply
omg man
I completely hyperventalated upon seeing your draft D=
If i can reach you in real life, i'd be squeezing you to death right now RAWR!!!
seeing them together just brings tears to my eyes... sniff..
take your time, don't be pressured
it took me an entire year once to draw a picture for someone lol
(not to suggest you can/should make me wait that long)
with that said, i feel bad about asking/demanding/begging you to draw so many characters in one go, so if ever you're too scared to draw someone/something and just needed someone to........nvm.... -sob- just know that, i'm here babbyyyy!!!!! >O<
p.s. I noticed that you havent added Tiger in there yet lol
it's okay, i can understand, it's pretty hard to incorporate him into this XD
keep it up love =3
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/25/09 | Reply
lol - i have! here's a lil shot about what it looks like so far - prob will change heaps as work through it - ^^' -¤t=smallpreview.jpg
its gonna take me a while to finish cause this time of year is pretty busy for me ^^' -sorry its taking so long
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/23/09 | Reply
-Warning! Below is a pathetic attempt at softly poking you to see if you've started my ...thing-
my birthday's this wedesday.. btw...
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/28/09 | Reply
lol -yeah i know -im working on drawing evil people that look it ^^' - gyahhhhhhhh! - quite a challenge
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/25/09 | Reply
oh yeah, i forgot to stress:
well.. you can probably make Heero one of those pretty boys..... but he's STILL GOTTA BE MANLY!! D=
I love my guys... -sigh-...
(yes, i just sub(?)conciously stole them and made them mine lol)
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/25/09 | Reply
a) yeah.. pretty scary thought lol
b) oh my, i just realized that i typed gf when i meant bf lmfhoooo
c) i like your guys too, they're so cool and hot and probably my type especially if they know martial arts and i just wanna eat them RAWR!
d) that was such a run on sentence lol
e) i'm so jealous!!!
f) yeah... i'm in one of my lonely-and-need-a-hot-guy-beside-me moments again... which seems to happen a lot when i see your drawings lol.. i didnt even realize that i've complained to you about my bf problem more than 3 times XD
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/07/09 | Reply
lol - but i like my hot guy ;P always good to have eyecandy
although -drawing evil-do-ers is another matter - still procrastinating - what if i turned them all pretty? O.O - scary thought
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/07/09 | Reply
hot guy....
looking at pics of hot guys make me feel bad lol
i want a gf.... =___=;;;
but really nice background
so much detailssss
hope you colour this sometime, it'd look awesome =3
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/06/09 | Reply
ikemen alert..!
im excited to see the colored.. this sketch is absolutely amazing.. ur details never fail.. ur lines are as expected.. it defines grace and passion in ur works as always... <3
on a selfish thought.. i love his name..
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/06/09 | Reply
Wow. You really know how to draw art. Cool, there's so much to look at. The character looks kinda flat, but it's cool that way. I love it.
Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/06/09 | Reply
Yeii is nice to see him gain ^/////^ hehe I think the pic looks really cool!!!! and lastnames...same as you haha XD
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/06/09 | Reply
that's an interesting concept :O his family's got the sexy genes running in their blood XDD
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/05/09 | Reply
eh - kinda hybrid? suppose to be a dragon but i wanted to add bird elements ^^' - he's suppose to be from the red dragon clan - one of the guardians of the black dragon king/prince since their families have long since served them. they're all considered in the upperclass of the demonic families.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/05/09 | Reply

he looked hot in the previous work and he packs even more heat in this one! I love how you drew the flowers, my flowers looks like crap lol, and can't even tell if their flowers or not lol. I also love the beast you drew too!! is it a dragon or a phoenix with dragon wings.
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/05/09 | Reply
this is supercoooooool!!!!! XD
awesome! awesome! awesome!
Erie Machista
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/05/09 | Reply
ahahaha but i do like your style o.o ahahah i like it always said people have their point of view differently =D but i am definitely into yours ^^-
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/05/09 | Reply
lol - thanks so much >_< although when i try to do the lines in photoshop - the pic just looks weird ^^' -so guess i'll just leave it in pencil
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/05/09 | Reply
lol - people gota start somewhere - keep drawing and u'll develop ur own style sooner or late :)
practice practice practice ? ;P
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/05/09 | Reply
@Erie Machista:
im not that great at shading - i like my sketches but wish i could get it as neat as some people do on theO ^^' - plus detail just mean coloring it will be a nightmare O.O
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/05/09 | Reply
OHHH~ Isn't he pretttyyyy <w< YES HE IS. He looks so chic and suave! The lines are so light, I lovveee the linework here! And the pic is filled with so much detail, there's so much to see! BEAUTIFUL WORK DAHLING, BEAUTIFUL!!
Erie Machista
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/05/09 | Reply
Woahhhh So detaill!!!! Love it! XD I never done that kind of shading for sketch, i want to but just can't lol XDD I just love how you drew it =D