thanks guys!! :) haha, that is exactly what I wanted the eyes to portray. I'm quite possibly the laziest person alive so, the manga could take a while... but thank you so much once again for your input.
Well done, young sky-drawer
XD LOL aahhh just kiddin' bout that Star Wars stuff :D
I simply adore the eyes ♥_♥ They hold worry and sorrow but the burning passion to protect those near and 2 her ~_~ Yes, the true eyes that reveal all--
O.o''' Uhhh got lost in the mix XD but ♥♥♥♥♥z the art hun, can't wait for the manga *subscribez, favez, and hugs -w-*
Bye bye~!! :D
Hiding in mythical shadows hold my feeling of concern.
Otakuite | Posted 10/03/09 | Reply
thanks guys!! :) haha, that is exactly what I wanted the eyes to portray. I'm quite possibly the laziest person alive so, the manga could take a while... but thank you so much once again for your input.

Otakuite+ | Posted 09/06/09 | Reply
Well done, young sky-drawer
*subscribez, favez, and hugs -w-* 
XD LOL aahhh just kiddin' bout that Star Wars stuff :D
I simply adore the eyes ♥_♥ They hold worry and sorrow but the burning passion to protect those near and 2 her ~_~ Yes, the true eyes that reveal all--
O.o''' Uhhh got lost in the mix XD but ♥♥♥♥♥z the art hun, can't wait for the manga
Bye bye~!! :D
Hiding in mythical shadows hold my feeling of concern.