I love The Hunger Games and Catching Fire!! I like Katniss, although my fave character is Rue. (waaahhh) It's not exactly how I pictured her, but it's close. :D
i got mad at my friend when she lent me the second book cause the third one wasnt out yetXD
my other friends wanted to kill suzanne collins for the suspense, but calmed down after i told her if she did that, we would never know how the third book endedXD
great pic! thats exactly how i think of her sometimes!
Eternal Scout (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/05/10 | Reply
I love The Hunger Games and Catching Fire!! I like Katniss, although my fave character is Rue. (waaahhh) It's not exactly how I pictured her, but it's close. :D
Grand Otaku | Posted 11/21/09 | Reply
i got mad at my friend when she lent me the second book cause the third one wasnt out yetXD
my other friends wanted to kill suzanne collins for the suspense, but calmed down after i told her if she did that, we would never know how the third book endedXD
great pic! thats exactly how i think of her sometimes!
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/10/09 | Reply
i love the design of it its awesome