Just an hour or less? Amaaazing! Something like that would have taken me at least 3 hours. HAha. But then again, I'm slow with everything. My father says it's in my genes. XD
No problem! We have our artistic up and downs. Though my ups and downs of playing piano is kinda err... like a jojo with a thread of 40 km long. Lol, havent been playing music for months.
:) thanks!
Dont worry just practice a lot i guess and itll all work out :3
( ive been working on heihachi and wow I didnt realise that he was hard to draw, I tried to draw him twice, but i hope you like how itll turn out cause I only have few reference for him to be drawn I did him in quite chibi way )
aww thank you ^^ the stairs was suppose to be a spiral one but it was hard >.> lol the bookshelf does effect of like an underground secret place kind of thing :P X3 you hit the jackpot of the fanart XD grats lol
The outfit of tsukasa is from oz i copied yea cosplaying :P the stuff animals were almost all were rabbits and bears, the big bear, the stuff she's following and the rabbit in the chair were from pandora hearts the rest i just randomly drew them XP
The time taken was an hour or less actually ^^ im happy it didnt took like 2-3 hours comparing to the others >.<"
*hugs* thanks
(i have to apologise for the late reply, im being lazy lately and randomly, I cant draw >.< thats why I have only drew this one-energy ran out)
Wooohooow, what a nicely filled background!!
Because of the stairs and bookcase, it looks a little like a secret room. O__O So cool, haha.
You've got a nice sense for outfits and such. ^__^ All stuffed animals have a nice appearance and are nicely detailed. You've sure put a lot of time in this!
reirei18.com (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/10/09 | Reply
cuteness overload...! it'd be amazing to see this colored.. kyaah..~~ i see cute stuff everywhere... awesome work.. *^^*
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/06/09 | Reply
Awww this looks cute ^^ I like how all the animals look different, it is good to have enough going on to attract attention, but not to look crowded ^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/04/09 | Reply
Yup, lol, I'm so lucky! X3
Just an hour or less? Amaaazing! Something like that would have taken me at least 3 hours. HAha. But then again, I'm slow with everything. My father says it's in my genes. XD
No problem! We have our artistic up and downs. Though my ups and downs of playing piano is kinda err... like a jojo with a thread of 40 km long. Lol, havent been playing music for months.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/03/09 | Reply
Great line art! And cute~
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/03/09 | Reply
:) thanks!
Dont worry just practice a lot i guess and itll all work out :3
( ive been working on heihachi and wow I didnt realise that he was hard to draw, I tried to draw him twice, but i hope you like how itll turn out cause I only have few reference for him to be drawn I did him in quite chibi way )
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/03/09 | Reply
^^ thanks so much!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/03/09 | Reply
aww thank you ^^ the stairs was suppose to be a spiral one but it was hard >.> lol the bookshelf does effect of like an underground secret place kind of thing :P X3 you hit the jackpot of the fanart XD grats lol
The outfit of tsukasa is from oz i copied yea cosplaying :P the stuff animals were almost all were rabbits and bears, the big bear, the stuff she's following and the rabbit in the chair were from pandora hearts the rest i just randomly drew them XP
The time taken was an hour or less actually ^^ im happy it didnt took like 2-3 hours comparing to the others >.<"
*hugs* thanks
(i have to apologise for the late reply, im being lazy lately and randomly, I cant draw >.< thats why I have only drew this one-energy ran out)
Daydreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/03/09 | Reply
waaaaa, this is so cute! >/////////<
AMAZING background detail. keep up the great work! xD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/03/09 | Reply
awesome background and teddies!
i luv the girl too!
super-major-great work!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/03/09 | Reply
hehe sooo cute XD me like lots ^__________^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/03/09 | Reply
Grand Otaku | Posted 10/02/09 | Reply
super cute!!! love it!!!
Protos Heis (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/02/09 | Reply
OMG!!! this is so awsome nica-chan!! awsome job!!! i luv it!!

Otakuite++ | Posted 10/02/09 | Reply
....Oh man I wish I can draw like yu later(I have some dificulty with hand XD)

See yu later
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/02/09 | Reply
Wooohooow, what a nicely filled background!!
Because of the stairs and bookcase, it looks a little like a secret room. O__O So cool, haha.
You've got a nice sense for outfits and such. ^__^ All stuffed animals have a nice appearance and are nicely detailed. You've sure put a lot of time in this!
Thumbs up for this great work! d(^__^)b