Wrapping presents is tiring xD
Today was the first day I got to sleep in all week xDD
Woke up at like 11 or so lolol
Your welcome :D *hug*
Johnny Depp is too amazing.
Kidnap it back <_<
My mom bought me these awesome sleeping pants.
They're insanely comfy and long and warm.
(Sorry I was just looking at them xD)
Your welcome (:
Half asleep time ftw? xD
What are you talking about man? Your stuff always comes out awesome lol
Omg. I just watched Sweeny Todd and I'm semi-disturbed. It was a good movie and horrible at the same time.
Last edited by arcticwulf at 12:29:35 AM EST on December 21, 2009.
Ahhhh this is gorgeous~!
I love the idea. And the way you did it is just so perfect
The spirit girl is really pretty too btw, I love her outfit
And all the machines look awesome. I think they look gold.
Everything just looks amazing.
And your coloring is apjkufjqgiqern like always
Maybe the bg coulda been blended a bit more. But it looks great as it is.
I think you do win :D
Amazing job :DD
((Sorry I didn't comment this last night. I was half asleep and all I could think of was 'Ooh...pretty')) lol
Last edited by arcticwulf at 11:15:32 AM EST on December 20, 2009.
Frozened Shadow
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/21/09 | Reply
Thanks so much! <3
Senior Otaku | Posted 12/21/09 | Reply
Wow, i really like how busy this picture is and the colors mesh together so well
Frozened Shadow
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/21/09 | Reply
Thanks! <3
The concept is probably the main reason I love this piece so much.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/21/09 | Reply
@Frozened Shadow:
Wrapping presents is tiring xD
Today was the first day I got to sleep in all week xDD
Woke up at like 11 or so lolol
Your welcome :D *hug*
Johnny Depp is too amazing.
Kidnap it back <_<
My mom bought me these awesome sleeping pants.
They're insanely comfy and long and warm.
(Sorry I was just looking at them xD)
Frozened Shadow
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/21/09 | Reply
For half asleep.
Aww. Thanks. *hugs*
Sweeney Todd is such an awesome movie!
My neighbor kidnapped my copy. I need to get another. >.>;
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/21/09 | Reply
@Frozened Shadow:
Your welcome (:
Half asleep time ftw? xD
What are you talking about man? Your stuff always comes out awesome lol
Omg. I just watched Sweeny Todd and I'm semi-disturbed. It was a good movie and horrible at the same time.
Last edited by arcticwulf at 12:29:35 AM EST on December 21, 2009.
Frozened Shadow
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/20/09 | Reply
Thanks so much! <3
D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/20/09 | Reply
awesome job .. =)
its a beautiful piece i love the whole thing
but my fave part is her hair..
Frozened Shadow
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/20/09 | Reply
Thanks so much! <3
Frozened Shadow
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/20/09 | Reply
That's alright.
I was half asleep when I put this up.
I just can't get over it actually came out decent. xD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/20/09 | Reply
Ahhhh this is gorgeous~!
I love the idea. And the way you did it is just so perfect
The spirit girl is really pretty too btw, I love her outfit
And all the machines look awesome. I think they look gold.
Everything just looks amazing.
And your coloring is apjkufjqgiqern like always
Maybe the bg coulda been blended a bit more. But it looks great as it is.
I think you do win :D
Amazing job :DD
((Sorry I didn't comment this last night. I was half asleep and all I could think of was 'Ooh...pretty')) lol
Last edited by arcticwulf at 11:15:32 AM EST on December 20, 2009.