good im glad you like it i had a lot of fun drawing it
only the head was to damn big so i had to shrink it a
little before i uploaded it.. =) you should post a pic
of that figure id like to check it out...
anywho thanks again
O_O Hell freaking yes! This is awesome! :D Thank you so much. What a delightfully "Crimson" Christmas! So far, two Berserk gifts. My sister gave me a Guts Mercenary Collectible figure and now this awesome dedication! Thanks again. Don't worry about technicalities, Great Job on the details sir. Like the scar. Bravo. =)
D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/26/09 | Reply
@Ryo or Demon:
thank you much.. =)
practice makes perfect or as close to
it as a human can get right.. =)
D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/26/09 | Reply
good im glad you like it i had a lot of fun drawing it
only the head was to damn big so i had to shrink it a
little before i uploaded it.. =) you should post a pic
of that figure id like to check it out...
anywho thanks again
Ryo or Demon
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/25/09 | Reply
Cool, get to see more of it! : D still looks awesome, I wish I could do such intricate details T_T
Scarecrow (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/25/09 | Reply
O_O Hell freaking yes! This is awesome! :D Thank you so much. What a delightfully "Crimson" Christmas! So far, two Berserk gifts. My sister gave me a Guts Mercenary Collectible figure and now this awesome dedication! Thanks again. Don't worry about technicalities, Great Job on the details sir. Like the scar. Bravo. =)