Woah, really?! *looks at computer sideways* OOOH! xD I thought he was, idk, hanging from a tree or something and he had some sort of super power . . .to let him hand . . . sideways. *coughs and feels stupid* Er, anyway . . . I still like him. ^///^
oh! i just posted my he/she! you know, the one with more he than she this time! check it out!! it's called "good luck" I know it doesn't exacly match, but that's just what I felt like saying to him.
Yay! I just had one of my episodes! I finally redrew my he/she! now, it's one hundred persent smexy cat boy! okay... 98% cat boy, 2% bird... I gave him a wing, okay? wait! he's 98% cat boy, 2% bird, 100% smexy! perfect!
I still need to post him. he's 60% complete (on average).
which remindes me... I wanna give you my drawing process! goes like this...
50%- origional sketch
10%- origional ink
20%- copy
10%- final ink
10%- color
sorry. I had the urge to tell you that... I have a feeling you didn't really need it. to bad, because you read it already! :P
my favorite happy part was when they where flying on the back of the dragasaurs. (that's what i call those ptarradactle thingies. did i spell that right?)
Omg!!! I just went and saw this new movie. avatar. Dear god.... that was one of the best movies i've ever seen!!! It's on equal ground with haiyo miazaki!!!
they where talking about him on the raidio yesterday. about the best movies of the decade. spirited away kicks fuzzy @ss!!!
I tried to watch that once, but i stopped right in the middle of the first episode because i couldn't stomach the awkward funny moments. I hate those... but they're so damn funny...
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/15/10 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
You know what stinks? I only realize my art has flaws right after I post it. RAAAAAWWWWWWWWRRRRR!!! it makes me angree and sad...

Otaku Legend | Posted 02/04/10 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
don't worry
my lips are sealed!
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/03/10 | Reply
No, please don't. I'm only on like 14 ^^;
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/03/10 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
really? I just finished episode 36...
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/03/10 | Reply
That's cool. I like Lavi's attitude, but I haven't gotten too far, I just barely got to him in the series. LOL
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/03/10 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
He is pretty hot. *inocent face* but lavi's more my type ^^
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/03/10 | Reply
LOL Yeah, he has a huge chip on his shoulder. But I loved him before I saw the anime. XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/02/10 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
Kanda and allen are cool, but kanda is always dissing other people, which remindes me of sasuke...
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/02/10 | Reply
I love Kanda and Allen. <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/02/10 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
me too! lavi's my favorite!
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/02/10 | Reply
Oh yeah! It's great. I'm on the first season.
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/01/10 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
hey, have you ever seen D.gray man? I love it! like, a lot!
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/24/10 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
better. much better.
but not as good as it could be.
*builds best amusement park ever in two seconds*
see? like that.
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/24/10 | Reply
LOL *shoots off confetti and plays trumpet*
How's that? hahah
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/24/10 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
you don't sound very exited! be exited, d@mn it!!
naw... just kidding. I don't care that much either!
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/23/10 | Reply
Congrats! ^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/23/10 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
Yay!!! guess what? I'm an otakuite+ now!! ha ha ha!!! I'm so happy!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/05/10 | Reply
heh heh! that's okay! It's indirectly my fault that you feel stupid!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/05/10 | Reply
Woah, really?! *looks at computer sideways* OOOH! xD I thought he was, idk, hanging from a tree or something and he had some sort of super power . . .to let him hand . . . sideways. *coughs and feels stupid* Er, anyway . . . I still like him. ^///^
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/03/10 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
yeah... you look at it! :P
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/03/10 | Reply
haha...I don't understand that chart in the slightest, but eh...do what works. XD
I'll go take a look.
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/02/10 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
oh! i just posted my he/she! you know, the one with more he than she this time! check it out!! it's called "good luck" I know it doesn't exacly match, but that's just what I felt like saying to him.
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/02/10 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
very intresting!!!
Yay! I just had one of my episodes! I finally redrew my he/she! now, it's one hundred persent smexy cat boy! okay... 98% cat boy, 2% bird... I gave him a wing, okay? wait! he's 98% cat boy, 2% bird, 100% smexy! perfect!
I still need to post him. he's 60% complete (on average).
which remindes me... I wanna give you my drawing process! goes like this...
50%- origional sketch
10%- origional ink
20%- copy
10%- final ink
10%- color
sorry. I had the urge to tell you that... I have a feeling you didn't really need it. to bad, because you read it already! :P
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/10 | Reply
Interesting. XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/01/10 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
seeeeeee it!!! see it, see it, see it!!!
I almost died!! (of emotion)
my favorite happy part was when they where flying on the back of the dragasaurs. (that's what i call those ptarradactle thingies. did i spell that right?)
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/10 | Reply
I love all the Miyazaki films I've seen. :) They're all amazing.
HAHA Daisuke. XD
AND I plan to go see Avatar too. That looks good. ^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/01/10 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
Omg!!! I just went and saw this new movie. avatar. Dear god.... that was one of the best movies i've ever seen!!! It's on equal ground with haiyo miazaki!!!
they where talking about him on the raidio yesterday. about the best movies of the decade. spirited away kicks fuzzy @ss!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/01/10 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
hellz yes!!!
poor, poor what-his-face-with-the-red-hair (I forgot his name. something with a d in it...)
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/31/09 | Reply
Of D-N-Angel?? You like it?
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/31/09 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
omg!!! I'm only on episode two, and I've already decided who is going to marry who!!
waaaaah!!! thank you, friend!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/31/09 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
no... I'll give it a shot!!
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/31/09 | Reply
Oh! DNAngel!! Have you seen that??
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/31/09 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
I'll try and get back on it.
I hate that one perverted guy... you know... the one with the hair.
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/31/09 | Reply
LOL well, I love Fumoffu. XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/30/09 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
full metal panic...
I tried to watch that once, but i stopped right in the middle of the first episode because i couldn't stomach the awkward funny moments. I hate those... but they're so damn funny...
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/30/09 | Reply
Well...I'll have to think of something for you but have you seen Earl and Fairy?? It's fantasy-adventure.
Also, Yuyu Hakusho is a good fighting-type detective anime.
What else...military eh? Full Metal Panic?
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/30/09 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
I need your help, buddy!!! I can't find any new animes to watch!!! I know you have a fat anime list, so don't try to hide it!!!
I'll give you my favorite catagories... they don't have to exactly fit... but match them as good as you can!!
Horror, school, commady, action, adventure, shounen, magic, military, superpower... uh... just fallow along the lines!!!
please? *tamaki puppy dog eyes*
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/29/09 | Reply
I saw. I think if it was colored in it would be more definite! His face clearly screams MALE. *shakes head*
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/28/09 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
ok... it's been posted. my he/she, that is. I'm going to work on a final. one that's not a he/she, that is. much more he.
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/28/09 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
fine... I will. It'll be a wile, though. I'm baby sitting.
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/09 | Reply
whoa! That's cool!! Love his outfit! He looks fierce XD
You should post the other pic anyway!!
I've had ppl ask me if SESSHOMARU Is a girl....let US be the judge of that. XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/28/09 | Reply
thank you!! There's only one problem though...
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/28/09 | Reply
I like him! ^^ It's a creative pose. I luv his tattered clothing too. Great job!