Otaku Legend | Posted 01/11/10 | Reply
*needs to comment on your art more* Absolutely LOVE it! Even thought I told you I loved it at school.... Oh whatever, it's epicness in a can. :3
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 12/31/09 | Reply
You failed, good sir, thy King's the most powerful, omnipotent King Of Perverts in thy Chat Kingdom, with the all-knowing Queen by his side.
hahaahhah lovin it naru,not sure if thats a good thing but its too funny to say no to XD and i like the way yu have my face drawn B3 (do i really use that alot?) lol anyways as for the hairstyle thats lose enough-aru l3
Queen of Skaia (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/31/09 | Reply
holy frick O.o thnx for telling me... remind me never to wear green on thursday again XD
I love this drawing, cute dispite thier amazing perviness XDXD espcially their faces X3
twilight luna
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/11/10 | Reply
*needs to comment on your art more* Absolutely LOVE it! Even thought I told you I loved it at school.... Oh whatever, it's epicness in a can. :3
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 12/31/09 | Reply
You failed, good sir, thy King's the most powerful, omnipotent King Of Perverts in thy Chat Kingdom, with the all-knowing Queen by his side.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 12/31/09 | Reply
hahaahhah lovin it naru,not sure if thats a good thing but its too funny to say no to XD and i like the way yu have my face drawn B3 (do i really use that alot?) lol anyways as for the hairstyle thats lose enough-aru l3
Queen of Skaia (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/31/09 | Reply
holy frick O.o
thnx for telling me... remind me never to wear green on thursday again XD
I love this drawing, cute dispite thier amazing perviness XDXD espcially their faces X3