I've been trying to get it up, but it should be by this saturday or sunday if you care to look. I also made Riku an important part. Another aspect of the story is the "what if Marluxia had won?" It's takes a totally unconventional path.
I like it. I know how hard Traditional can be from experience, but it's also about 70 percent more rewarding. I like your OCs.
You know, I should share The Calamitous Destiny with you sometime. The premise of that stroy is what would happen to the Heart if it was consumed by light... that is how the Calamitous were born.
Otakuite | Posted 01/13/10 | Reply
I've been trying to get it up, but it should be by this saturday or sunday if you care to look. I also made Riku an important part. Another aspect of the story is the "what if Marluxia had won?" It's takes a totally unconventional path.
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 01/12/10 | Reply
Oh? Is it already posted up to look at? Or are you still in the writing process for it?
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/12/10 | Reply
Otakuite | Posted 01/12/10 | Reply
I like it. I know how hard Traditional can be from experience, but it's also about 70 percent more rewarding. I like your OCs.
You know, I should share The Calamitous Destiny with you sometime. The premise of that stroy is what would happen to the Heart if it was consumed by light... that is how the Calamitous were born.
Eternal Scout (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/11/10 | Reply
Yays! Finally we see a picture of the mysterious Zefferia!! XD
Awwz, I just love the little Heartless in the corner <3