I luv it so much it just makes me wanna grab someone and cuddle with em!!! of course dat be weird. >3> I think its great when people draw things with pencil cuz it gives the pic such an pretty sketchy look to it. .dis pic is spectacular!!! The most extraordinary piece of work i've seen but...I still wanna cuddle some one. *sniffle* T-T
seriously!!! you're art style is so awesome!!! and i so can't believe you can make a simple sketch look so great!!! you're an art genius!!! sigh i wish i could draw as great as you... well guess there is a thing called practicing... still love it... LOVE LOVE LOVE
Last edited by enchantedmemories at 2:47:51 AM EDT on May 21, 2010.
between you and me...we had a very very seriouss discussion about this entry...yeah a very seriouss one indeed...
i love it!
yet another brilliant entry..and making my job difficult..:P
the detailing cracks me up...and everyone loved the paper wing and the..emm...forgot the name for the other...emm..damn...lol well ya know..:P
you see!!!!pencils do the magic!!!
i hope this inspired you to do more and more pencil works!it might take the time but..it IS THERE!!!the work of your own hand!!!
*snif snif*
v k
P.S please,read my journal (that i might post today after i comment
all 66 entries or maybe this evening after work) where i will
I don't even know what those grades are, haha. XD I stopped taking art class when I was 14, bzuh... but hearing those makes me happy and I'm amazed you got those numbers, it's like you researched a lot about it. :D Ahn well... I try to be humble, because no matter what there will always be people better than I am, that's just life, I guess. And sometimes I try to keep my humility not go overboard and turn into self-pity and low self-confidence because I've seen some people not liking those... for some reason. '___' Thank you for your words! It's lucky of me to know you, haha *huggle* I'll always admire you for your arts and personality too, cos from your comment, I can sense you're a great artist with a burning passion for arts! X)
OCs eh? Let me know who you want me to draw, then I'll let you know whom I want you to draw, if that's okay? :D
I don't think I can make money off my drawings now, haha. My style and colorings are just not that marketable, lolz. @w@ Awww, thank you for reading Brother Assassin! It means so much to me! That baby is like two years old right now so it feels great to know there are people who enjoy it. >w< I'll try to update as often, haha.
You wanna do art trade with me??? *wwwwww* YES PLEASE. What should we draw? >w< Uwa, I'm spazzing with excitement, haha.
I don't mind the long comment, but I wish I could reply equally long but words fails me right now. X__x Uhm.... seriously, I'm not that good, cos there are like hundereds other artists better than I am. So many of them on dA and they are like... so good *sigh* >w< I just believe that details and effort make a great art, that's all, so just give all you got in your artworks. Ah, you saw the shadows, yeah I drew those with much attention drenched in sweat from the hot day and no fan, haha. XD It's insane what drawing can do, I just block things out when I draw.
Oh, haha I understand what you mean about the legs. When I looked at again in my laptop, it does look wonky but I didn't want to touch it anymore and just left the imperfection there. When I drew it, it looked fine, probably because I wasn't looking at it exactly from above the piece of paper. Xp
Thank you so much for your comment, it definitely made my day reading it. You're right, I was trying to go for a sad yet happy picture, because that song kind of reflects the relationship between the two brothers. Kujyo is Ahizuka's older brother and despite both of them always fighting and hurting each other, Ahizuka still views him as his older brother and his protector so he drew the wings behind Kujyo's back. As for Kujyo, Ahizuka is like a little prince in his eyes that he will always be by his side, no matter what, so he drew the crown on Ahizuka's head. The shadow also kind of shows the situation they are currently in, trapped in a cage that nobody can see and the crumpled paper shows their frustration at the situation. And them sleeping, well... goes to show no matter how rough the things are, they can still rest knowing that they have the comfort of each other. :)
Again, thank you so much for the comment and love, I never knew this pic would be accepted so much like so. ;w; I really admire those who can look beyond the rough lines of drawings and see the subliminal messages put in there. Thank you! ;A;
I... will try to put up more drawings like these but sometimes I draw senseless pictures, haha. ^^;;
aw its very cute Gadriann. my only issue is they kinda dont look like they're on the same level... i dont know. and the bigger one's legs look to small for his body. besides that its VERY good and i love how theres a drawing of a wing JUST in the right spot XD. awsome
I really like the lineart version, I can really saw your raw talent in this picture, it looks so fresh and new. I love it, you should put up more sketches like this sometime
Otakuite | Posted 07/15/10 | Reply
I luv it so much it just makes me wanna grab someone and cuddle with em!!! of course dat be weird. >3> I think its great when people draw things with pencil cuz it gives the pic such an pretty sketchy look to it. .dis pic is spectacular!!! The most extraordinary piece of work i've seen but...I still wanna cuddle some one. *sniffle* T-T
Otakuite | Posted 05/21/10 | Reply
Last edited by enchantedmemories at 2:47:51 AM EDT on May 21, 2010.
Moderator | Posted 03/16/10 | Reply
Stunning drawing, you drew all those details and the perspective is amazing too <3
Last edited by SakuraDust at 2:07:39 PM EDT on March 16, 2010.
vampire kiss
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/04/10 | Reply
between you and me...we had a very very seriouss discussion about this entry...yeah a very seriouss one indeed...
i love it!
yet another brilliant entry..and making my job difficult..:P
the detailing cracks me up...and everyone loved the paper wing and the..emm...forgot the name for the other...emm..damn...lol well ya know..:P
you see!!!!pencils do the magic!!!
i hope this inspired you to do more and more pencil works!it might take the time but..it IS THERE!!!the work of your own hand!!!
*snif snif*
v k
P.S please,read my journal (that i might post today after i comment
all 66 entries or maybe this evening after work) where i will
announce the winners and other stuff.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/07/10 | Reply
I don't even know what those grades are, haha. XD I stopped taking art class when I was 14, bzuh... but hearing those makes me happy and I'm amazed you got those numbers, it's like you researched a lot about it. :D Ahn well... I try to be humble, because no matter what there will always be people better than I am, that's just life, I guess. And sometimes I try to keep my humility not go overboard and turn into self-pity and low self-confidence because I've seen some people not liking those... for some reason. '___' Thank you for your words! It's lucky of me to know you, haha *huggle* I'll always admire you for your arts and personality too, cos from your comment, I can sense you're a great artist with a burning passion for arts! X)
OCs eh? Let me know who you want me to draw, then I'll let you know whom I want you to draw, if that's okay? :D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/06/10 | Reply
@xxBlack Rosexx:
Thanks! X3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/06/10 | Reply
I don't think I can make money off my drawings now, haha. My style and colorings are just not that marketable, lolz. @w@ Awww, thank you for reading Brother Assassin! It means so much to me! That baby is like two years old right now so it feels great to know there are people who enjoy it. >w< I'll try to update as often, haha.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/06/10 | Reply
You wanna do art trade with me??? *wwwwww* YES PLEASE. What should we draw? >w< Uwa, I'm spazzing with excitement, haha.
I don't mind the long comment, but I wish I could reply equally long but words fails me right now. X__x Uhm.... seriously, I'm not that good, cos there are like hundereds other artists better than I am. So many of them on dA and they are like... so good *sigh* >w< I just believe that details and effort make a great art, that's all, so just give all you got in your artworks. Ah, you saw the shadows, yeah I drew those with much attention drenched in sweat from the hot day and no fan, haha. XD It's insane what drawing can do, I just block things out when I draw.
*huggle you for awesomeness X3*
xxBlack Rosexx
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/05/10 | Reply
awwww...its so sweet..but kind sad
amazing job!!!! i totally love it!!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/04/10 | Reply
QwQ Thank you Kaijin~! Hahah, that's a lot of love~! *hugs*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/04/10 | Reply
Oh, haha I understand what you mean about the legs. When I looked at again in my laptop, it does look wonky but I didn't want to touch it anymore and just left the imperfection there. When I drew it, it looked fine, probably because I wasn't looking at it exactly from above the piece of paper. Xp
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/04/10 | Reply
Thank you so much for your comment, it definitely made my day reading it. You're right, I was trying to go for a sad yet happy picture, because that song kind of reflects the relationship between the two brothers. Kujyo is Ahizuka's older brother and despite both of them always fighting and hurting each other, Ahizuka still views him as his older brother and his protector so he drew the wings behind Kujyo's back. As for Kujyo, Ahizuka is like a little prince in his eyes that he will always be by his side, no matter what, so he drew the crown on Ahizuka's head. The shadow also kind of shows the situation they are currently in, trapped in a cage that nobody can see and the crumpled paper shows their frustration at the situation. And them sleeping, well... goes to show no matter how rough the things are, they can still rest knowing that they have the comfort of each other. :)
Again, thank you so much for the comment and love, I never knew this pic would be accepted so much like so. ;w; I really admire those who can look beyond the rough lines of drawings and see the subliminal messages put in there. Thank you! ;A;
I... will try to put up more drawings like these but sometimes I draw senseless pictures, haha. ^^;;
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/04/10 | Reply
aw its very cute Gadriann. my only issue is they kinda dont look like they're on the same level... i dont know. and the bigger one's legs look to small for his body. besides that its VERY good and i love how theres a drawing of a wing JUST in the right spot XD. awsome
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/04/10 | Reply
I LOVE your art SO MUCH!! :D Love, love, love the shadows and your lines are so beautiful. The poses are great too. *HUG/FAV*
Teapot Domescam
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/04/10 | Reply
I really like the lineart version, I can really saw your raw talent in this picture, it looks so fresh and new. I love it, you should put up more sketches like this sometime
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/04/10 | Reply
vampire kiss
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/04/10 | Reply
thankyou for entering!
as i say to every artist who enters..i will post a more detailed comment later after deadline..
hope its ok..
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/04/10 | Reply
This is awesome! I luv that you added the shadow from the window!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/04/10 | Reply
Agreed! X3
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/04/10 | Reply
It's good to be challenged!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/04/10 | Reply
haha, I'm glad I'm not the only who think like that. For some reason, traditional art feels like they have some authenticity in them. X) Thank you~!
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/04/10 | Reply
i think i like ur sketch the best out of al ur pics so far
love the composition of it all - hey look great from that view