Ooooooooook, I'll finish reading it then, since I have both you and BB-chan on my tail now. But if I am forever mortified/depressed by the never-ending manga, I shall blame YOU. So beware.........BEWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARE
haha, I'm glad you like it! Well, I decided that Radu was the most logical choice since we all know how you love him so, sooooooooo I drew him. For you. And only you. Yes. BUT I WAS THE FIRST TO EVER DRAW HIM FOR YOU! TO DEDICATE HIM FOR YOU! SO I AM TRIUMPHANT IN MY PLANS TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!
You had better get to the mail. Or else. You will be doomed. For life. >:D And I'll send you the full-sized pic, since you can't really see it to well on here.... at least not on my computer :P
WAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! RADU!!!!! nopey, nope, nope, it's good *thumbs up*!!!! *sparkly speech* the fact tha you drew it fer me makes meh happy*!!!!! YAYAYAYAY!!!! i've neva had a picture of radu dedicated to meh!!! THANKIES!!!! *glimp*
i promise i'll get to tha email!! i'm not dead X.X
O___O WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT????????????????????????? So far, I've read just a wee bit.... buuuuuuuuuuuuuut if it's not going to be continued... maybe I just SHOULDN'T read it!
Blood Huntress
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/06/10 | Reply
Ooooooooook, I'll finish reading it then, since I have both you and BB-chan on my tail now. But if I am forever mortified/depressed by the never-ending manga, I shall blame YOU. So beware.........BEWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARE
Blood Huntress
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/06/10 | Reply
@beloved blood:
haha, I'm glad you like it! Well, I decided that Radu was the most logical choice since we all know how you love him so, sooooooooo I drew him. For you. And only you. Yes. BUT I WAS THE FIRST TO EVER DRAW HIM FOR YOU! TO DEDICATE HIM FOR YOU! SO I AM TRIUMPHANT
IN MY PLANS TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!You had better get to the mail. Or else. You will be doomed. For life.
>:D And I'll send you the full-sized pic, since you can't really see it to well on here.... at least not on my computer :P
beloved blood
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/06/10 | Reply
i promise i'll get to tha email!! i'm not dead
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/06/10 | Reply
@Blood Huntress:
No no no, you SHOULD read it!! The manga doesn't end in a terrible cliffhanger, don't worry.
...But it would, of course, be nice if it would be continued. T^T
Blood Huntress
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/06/10 | Reply
O___O WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT????????????????????????? So far, I've read just a wee bit.... buuuuuuuuuuuuuut if it's not going to be continued... maybe I just SHOULDN'T read it!
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/06/10 | Reply
Radu!!! O__O
I just finished reading Trinity Blood before Christmas. Too bad the series will never be continued. T^T I really enjoyed reading it.
Blood Huntress
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/05/10 | Reply
Yep, he really HAD had a rough day
of having his life threatened by me while trying to draw him
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/05/10 | Reply
He looks like he's had a rough day.