Sooooooooo good. <3 Wow, I'm stunned! I love the smoke! I love the overall theme in general. This is so freaking awesome. X3 Great details and color! <33
Tis an interesting look for Badou's character. He looks so elegant and extraordinary XD I think the details in the hand are pretty spiffy. The bones give you an idea of his bone strcuture...BONY XD At least you captured it fairly well you know what I mean?
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 02/25/10 | Reply
Sooooooooo good. <3 Wow, I'm stunned! I love the smoke! I love the overall theme in general. This is so freaking awesome. X3 Great details and color! <33
Cupcake Constable (Moderator) | Posted 02/22/10 | Reply
I'm glad you like it. :'3 Elegant!Badou is so pretty, I just couldn't resist. <33
*touches his hair* > w<
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/22/10 | Reply
Adkfjlajak His hair
It's kind of fantastic to see fanart for this series that's different from the norm.
But srsly, I don't think I can express my love for this in words. Just, GUGH
Cupcake Constable (Moderator) | Posted 02/21/10 | Reply
@Teapot Domescam:
Yeppers, and thank you. :3 I was just thinking out how awesome kiserus look, and then I instantly thought about Badou. xD
*holds Badou's hand all day* o wo
Teapot Domescam
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/21/10 | Reply
Tis an interesting look for Badou's character. He looks so elegant and extraordinary XD I think the details in the hand are pretty spiffy. The bones give you an idea of his bone strcuture...BONY XD At least you captured it fairly well you know what I mean?