Yeah I guess it's really hard to change your style intentionally, usually it takes something that's really inspiring for one to know what change they want to make...
I guess if you're trying to get out of the anime style... are you looking for realism or abstract? ... try copying some of that first? because I find if I just try to draw whatever I want, I'd just end up drawing what I feel most comfortable with...
eh..... i used to say i can do that simple painting that's hanging in the gallery.. but as simple as it looks like, it was complicated to get to that level of simplicity.. surely, most paintings are simple and less detail but they're precise and very expressive by themselves.. probably the reason why it's called "fine" arts.. they're fine the way they are and it's nearly impossible to imitate.. unlike anime style, we may think our style is original but in fact, it's all based on a base of similar features, only altered and improvised..
realism on the other side would probably fall on anime style in my opinion in terms of drawing/painting based on a base.. most fine arts would see realism as a reference to create something abstract... errr.. *head spins*
but anyways, it'll all depend on the artist's creativity when basing off of something.. and anime is only appreciated coz of it's creativity and sense of originality out of the majority..
this is why discovering/developing/creating new style would benefit the artist.. artists are curious people.. gotta explore and experiment sometimes.. but in my case, i was forced.. lol... v_v"
thanks.. she's supposed to be kiddie.. XD but yeh.. only the coloring made me think she's not anime style but after seeing a bunch of comments on how she's still anime, i've been convinced and crushed.. lol.. i'd like to say it was a nice try though on my part.. XD
Well there are many types of manga/anime style, usually characterized by large eyes, small nose and mouth (or rather simplified features would be more accurate) and the way I perceive it, both left and right are anime. I personally like right more only because the left looks so much like a kid and the proportions are less to my taste. but awesome work on both, love the shading (especially the hat =D)
heheh... though mech pencils arent expensive, i love to cherish my tools since they've helped me accomplish something even if it's just for a while.. and coz of this "feelings for tools" that i have, i have lots of garbage like inked-out gelpens from 8yrs ago, a huge block of eraser that i've never used since 2002, etc... lol...
oh dear.. i would've come up with some illustration for a piano piece if i wasnt art blocked.. *excuses.. tsk..* v_v"
im rooting for the right one too.. of course.. i've been developing that style for years and finally came up with something common but sorta unique from the other anime style.. but.... sigh.. one point in ur life, u gotta make a turn and roll over up and down.. XD
thank you..~~ yes i was aiming for the cartoon style for the left one but i unconsciously added a bit of anime style to it.. caused by being too exposed to anime and yeah.. it was my comfort zone and im used to drawing that style.. changing it completely in one go is definitely hard.. gotta take it slow.. XD
i'd love to stick with my comfort zone too since i've dedicated my previous years drawing that style but sometimes.. sometimes u just gotta be open for a change and though i was prepared for that, it was too soon and demanded at school.. TT^TT
I wouldn't go with slight at the crack,don't you have something that relates more to a word like masive or gigantic .Seems you are the kind of prson that would prevail over the block using her art strenght to open a big crack at it.Then again,you could also resort to another meca pencil and use it as a secrifice to please the gods of art blockness.
I finally thought that the right one is better,it's closer to your usual great style!
Both of them are very pretty! The left one has a bit more a realistic touch to it and the right one seems to have more of a cartoon-ness to it and I personally like that one better ^.^ Both of them look fine for what ever your planning on doin! Just use the one you're more comfortable with!
I like the one on the right more. The coloring has a softer feel to it too, which i think is nice. :>
The left is cute and all but seems like a more child-ish/chibi head on a normal body. But this is a new style right? So I'm sure things will even out in time. :3
However i agree with Vacuum, they're both still anime/manga styles, although i think the right one is the more realistic of the two. If you make the nose a little more realistic and maybe make the eyes a bit smaller(though it would be fine if you didn't i think) it could be a semi-realistic style then.
THe left one i like better. It has a softer style. It reminds
me a lot of anime. THe RIght one looks more mangaish and
it just don't feel right when i look at it.
THey both are great.
But i think you should just draw what you want. It doesn't
matter what we say, what you like is what you like.
The one on the left has the same style as a dating sim game, the right definitely is anime style. I like them both, they give off their own feel to them.
Wow, that’s pretty funny because I was just listening to “Sanctuary” and “Passion” form the KH2 soundtrack. She’s really an amazing artist; I like a lot of her songs. I hope that song going through your head didn’t annoy you; if it did I’m sorry! XD
Yeah, it’s really sad. You would think that they would be more open being that it’s just a different style. Like realism, abstract, still art, etc. I mean I barely hear them say anything negative to the realism style. A lot of people do it and it can cross over with other styles as well. I guess it’s their lost. If you not willing to accept a certain style you’re hurting yourself in the long run. Anyone can learn something from each style and genre of art. It all came from the same place long ago and it just evolved like people. Its all art, but different with their own uniqueness. :3
I do like the evolution of anime though, the way artist around the web are drawing it. I see how simple some people draw the faces and it’s kind of cartoony. There is so much you can do since technology made it easier to have access to a world of digital color. You can make amazing drawing and don’t have to worry about buying paints, pencils, and etc.
: To be totally sure I think lots of people luv the one on the right... But to me the left one is much cuter. (not moe)
I do luv the right one but 1% lesser than the left....
kyaah..~~ thanks..! but actually, after looking at some colette pics, the clay model or action figure kinda resembles the ?? style.. >A<; but i totally appreciate it.. at least i got a few people say it looks like it's from a game or something.. *^^*
I ain't gonna play it cool
Let me tell you I've tried that already
Everyday and every night
Your words ring through me"
it's a lyrics from utada hikaru's song thats been playing on my head for weeks now and ur username greatly reminded me of that song again.. XD i kinda moved on from that song to another utada song -- apple and cinnamon-- but yeah anyways...
i totally agree..! this is probably why fine arts doesnt see anime style as original coz they have so much resemblance to some other style and there's like an instant recognition that it's anime style.. XD
I like them both, but I like the right one just cause of how sleek and sexy she looks. XD The left one...still looks manga-like, just cuter, though maybe with a dash of Disney.
It’s funny because the anime style was inspired by the classic Disney movies like bambi. Like the cuteness and the big eyes. I thought that was pretty awesome fact seeing how anime and American style do have some things in common as far a style. Especially the older animes.
I know my style get influenced some times when I really like a certain style at the moment. I think it’s all about experimenting though. Isn’t how we got the style in the first place haha! I don’t think you should stop watching anime thought. If you enjoy it then do it! XD
I’m glad that I could help and the best of luck! :3
thanks a bunch..~! ur definitely right.. i am lazy to study and do some research about the other style so i probably unconsciously implemented more of the anime style to it.. i honestly think it's not quite close to anime if not for the eyes.. lol but thats just big coz i also saw some english cartoons with huge eyes but maybe not as big as that.. huge eyes definitely suggests anime so that might be the case..
omg.. i might stop watching anime for a while..... no... conan.... TT^TT i really think that watching something influences my drawing so if i continue to watch anime, i'll be drawing anime instead.. gaaah.... >A<;
but anyways.. thanks so much.. totally appreciate it.. *^^*
there was a slight crack in the wall so it's not completely blocked.. lol.. but yeah.. i kinda struggled at some point from last week in coming up of some concept for something something.. XD
yeah.. right now, i cant see myself drawing something not pretty.. lol.. i mean anime style is about aesthetics and all but other styles doesnt have that much sense of beauty or whatever.. XD
also, i want that people would know it's mine instantly without looking at the credits and whatnot.. it's gonna be hard but i'll try to make it work.. XD
well I'd say they're both anime/manga-ish maybe because of the big eyes but the ?? style looks more so like what you would find in a game (I think I'm thinking of Colette from Tales of Symphonia) and the other one looks like what you would see in an anime...maybe?? XD
hope this helps ^^
Hm, tough choices~ But, I would say the right one. The left is cute, looks kinda like a kid-version of the right one. :D Both are wonderful styles, Reirei! ♥
The Queen of Sweet (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
The one on the left looks like chibi version of the right. I like the coloring on that one more because it’s softer though. ^_^0
I’m trying to “fine tune” my more realistic style and by sketching BJDs and certain things that I was having problems it helped me out. Then the next time I just drew just for fun I can see the difference and how I’m not struggling as much.
As far as discovering a style you should study up on the styles you like or that’s different. You can experiment with the stuff you learn and maybe you can find something unique in that. As they say nothing ventured nothing gained. XD
Haha Reirei if you draw like that with an art block , a wall won't stop you either ^_^.I love both ver ,It really inspires me to find new styles and draw what I love.Thanks for sharing such a wonderful picture,gona tell you when I decide .
About your other pic I forgot to tell you,I think it's Edo period.
DA FLUFF PUFF (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
Uhh *not really sure what to say* First, the manga/ anime style is beautiful as usual. And second, I think the one on the left is cute, but her head seems to be a bit too small for her body (but that could just be me DX)
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/10/10 | Reply
@reirei18 :
Yeah I guess it's really hard to change your style intentionally, usually it takes something that's really inspiring for one to know what change they want to make...
I guess if you're trying to get out of the anime style... are you looking for realism or abstract? ... try copying some of that first? because I find if I just try to draw whatever I want, I'd just end up drawing what I feel most comfortable with...
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/10/10 | Reply
eh..... i used to say i can do that simple painting that's hanging in the gallery.. but as simple as it looks like, it was complicated to get to that level of simplicity.. surely, most paintings are simple and less detail but they're precise and very expressive by themselves.. probably the reason why it's called "fine" arts.. they're fine the way they are and it's nearly impossible to imitate.. unlike anime style, we may think our style is original but in fact, it's all based on a base of similar features, only altered and improvised..
realism on the other side would probably fall on anime style in my opinion in terms of drawing/painting based on a base.. most fine arts would see realism as a reference to create something abstract... errr.. *head spins*
but anyways, it'll all depend on the artist's creativity when basing off of something.. and anime is only appreciated coz of it's creativity and sense of originality out of the majority..
this is why discovering/developing/creating new style would benefit the artist.. artists are curious people.. gotta explore and experiment sometimes.. but in my case, i was forced.. lol... v_v"
*hugs* rei..~~<3
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/10/10 | Reply
thanks.. she's supposed to be kiddie.. XD but yeh.. only the coloring made me think she's not anime style but after seeing a bunch of comments on how she's still anime, i've been convinced and crushed.. lol.. i'd like to say it was a nice try though on my part.. XD
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/09/10 | Reply
Well there are many types of manga/anime style, usually characterized by large eyes, small nose and mouth (or rather simplified features would be more accurate) and the way I perceive it, both left and right are anime. I personally like right more only because the left looks so much like a kid and the proportions are less to my taste. but awesome work on both, love the shading (especially the hat =D)
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/09/10 | Reply
thanks... hmmm yeah.. majority says they like the right one coz they're used to it.. im used to it too.. lol.. XD
*hugs* rei..~~<3
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/09/10 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
heheh... though mech pencils arent expensive, i love to cherish my tools since they've helped me accomplish something even if it's just for a while.. and coz of this "feelings for tools" that i have, i have lots of garbage like inked-out gelpens from 8yrs ago, a huge block of eraser that i've never used since 2002, etc... lol...
oh dear.. i would've come up with some illustration for a piano piece if i wasnt art blocked.. *excuses.. tsk..* v_v"
im rooting for the right one too.. of course.. i've been developing that style for years and finally came up with something common but sorta unique from the other anime style.. but.... sigh.. one point in ur life, u gotta make a turn and roll over up and down.. XD
*hugs* rei..~~<3
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/09/10 | Reply
thank you..~~ yes i was aiming for the cartoon style for the left one but i unconsciously added a bit of anime style to it.. caused by being too exposed to anime and yeah.. it was my comfort zone and im used to drawing that style.. changing it completely in one go is definitely hard.. gotta take it slow.. XD
i'd love to stick with my comfort zone too since i've dedicated my previous years drawing that style but sometimes.. sometimes u just gotta be open for a change and though i was prepared for that, it was too soon and demanded at school.. TT^TT
regardless, i appreciate the comment.. <3
*hugs* rei..~~<3
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/08/10 | Reply
@reirei18 :
I wouldn't go with slight at the crack,don't you have something that relates more to a word like masive or gigantic .Seems you are the kind of prson that would prevail over the block using her art strenght to open a big crack at it.Then again,you could also resort to another meca pencil and use it as a secrifice to please the gods of art blockness.
I finally thought that the right one is better,it's closer to your usual great style!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/08/10 | Reply
They're both amazinglygorgeous! :D :D :D
I personally like the one on the right better, though.
She looks older and more mature. :)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/08/10 | Reply
Both of them are very pretty! The left one has a bit more a realistic touch to it and the right one seems to have more of a cartoon-ness to it and I personally like that one better ^.^ Both of them look fine for what ever your planning on doin! Just use the one you're more comfortable with!
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/08/10 | Reply
I think both of these look great! I love the colours, especially of the hair of the girl on the left ^^
I'm sure as you try new things your new style will shine through ^^
SuperBum (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/08/10 | Reply
I like the one on the right more. The coloring has a softer feel to it too, which i think is nice. :>
The left is cute and all but seems like a more child-ish/chibi head on a normal body. But this is a new style right? So I'm sure things will even out in time. :3
However i agree with Vacuum, they're both still anime/manga styles, although i think the right one is the more realistic of the two. If you make the nose a little more realistic and maybe make the eyes a bit smaller(though it would be fine if you didn't i think) it could be a semi-realistic style then.
Otakuite | Posted 04/08/10 | Reply
THe left one i like better. It has a softer style. It reminds
me a lot of anime. THe RIght one looks more mangaish and
it just don't feel right when i look at it.
THey both are great.
But i think you should just draw what you want. It doesn't
matter what we say, what you like is what you like.
Booty Patrol (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/08/10 | Reply
:3 I like the one on the left. Its really cute.
Blake Jack
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/08/10 | Reply
I like both of them! they're so pretty^^
Otakuite | Posted 04/08/10 | Reply
The one on the left has the same style as a dating sim game, the right definitely is anime style. I like them both, they give off their own feel to them.
zero guardian
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
@reirei18 :
C= I think I like it cause it gives off more of a younger fun look
if you get me?
I think if you want to go older character then go more for right
Yours Truly
The Queen of Sweet (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
@reirei18 :
Wow, that’s pretty funny because I was just listening to “Sanctuary” and “Passion” form the KH2 soundtrack. She’s really an amazing artist; I like a lot of her songs. I hope that song going through your head didn’t annoy you; if it did I’m sorry! XD
Yeah, it’s really sad. You would think that they would be more open being that it’s just a different style. Like realism, abstract, still art, etc. I mean I barely hear them say anything negative to the realism style. A lot of people do it and it can cross over with other styles as well. I guess it’s their lost. If you not willing to accept a certain style you’re hurting yourself in the long run. Anyone can learn something from each style and genre of art. It all came from the same place long ago and it just evolved like people. Its all art, but different with their own uniqueness. :3
I do like the evolution of anime though, the way artist around the web are drawing it. I see how simple some people draw the faces and it’s kind of cartoony. There is so much you can do since technology made it easier to have access to a world of digital color. You can make amazing drawing and don’t have to worry about buying paints, pencils, and etc.
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
I do luv the right one but 1% lesser than the left....
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
kyaah..~~ thanks..! but actually, after looking at some colette pics, the clay model or action figure kinda resembles the ?? style.. >A<; but i totally appreciate it.. at least i got a few people say it looks like it's from a game or something.. *^^*
*hugs* rei..~~<3
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
@zero guardian:
aha..~~ why is that..? C=
*hugs* rei..~~<3
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
@Yours Truly:
"Yours truly..
I ain't gonna play it cool
Let me tell you I've tried that already
Everyday and every night
Your words ring through me"
it's a lyrics from utada hikaru's song thats been playing on my head for weeks now and ur username greatly reminded me of that song again.. XD i kinda moved on from that song to another utada song -- apple and cinnamon-- but yeah anyways...
i totally agree..! this is probably why fine arts doesnt see anime style as original coz they have so much resemblance to some other style and there's like an instant recognition that it's anime style.. XD
*hugs* rei..~~<3
13th Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
I like them both but... I like the second better C:
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
I like them both, but I like the right one just cause of how sleek and sexy she looks. XD The left one...still looks manga-like, just cuter, though maybe with a dash of Disney.
Yours Truly
The Queen of Sweet (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
@reirei18 :
It’s funny because the anime style was inspired by the classic Disney movies like bambi. Like the cuteness and the big eyes. I thought that was pretty awesome fact seeing how anime and American style do have some things in common as far a style. Especially the older animes.
I know my style get influenced some times when I really like a certain style at the moment. I think it’s all about experimenting though. Isn’t how we got the style in the first place haha! I don’t think you should stop watching anime thought. If you enjoy it then do it! XD
I’m glad that I could help and the best of luck! :3
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
@Yours Truly:
thanks a bunch..~! ur definitely right.. i am lazy to study and do some research about the other style so i probably unconsciously implemented more of the anime style to it.. i honestly think it's not quite close to anime if not for the eyes.. lol but thats just big coz i also saw some english cartoons with huge eyes but maybe not as big as that.. huge eyes definitely suggests anime so that might be the case..
omg.. i might stop watching anime for a while..... no... conan.... TT^TT i really think that watching something influences my drawing so if i continue to watch anime, i'll be drawing anime instead.. gaaah.... >A<;
but anyways.. thanks so much.. totally appreciate it.. *^^*
*hugs* rei..~~<3
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
there was a slight crack in the wall so it's not completely blocked.. lol.. but yeah.. i kinda struggled at some point from last week in coming up of some concept for something something.. XD
edo period.. not quite but nice try.. *^^*
*hugs* rei..~~<3
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
yeah.. right now, i cant see myself drawing something not pretty.. lol.. i mean anime style is about aesthetics and all but other styles doesnt have that much sense of beauty or whatever.. XD
also, i want that people would know it's mine instantly without looking at the credits and whatnot.. it's gonna be hard but i'll try to make it work.. XD
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
Both look great. I think both are manga-ish looking bec of the eyes. Manga usually big eyes. Awesome work though.
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
well I'd say they're both anime/manga-ish maybe because of the big eyes but the ?? style looks more so like what you would find in a game (I think I'm thinking of Colette from Tales of Symphonia) and the other one looks like what you would see in an anime...maybe?? XD
hope this helps ^^
AngeliqueNade (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
Right, because the left one looks rather childish while the right looks more mature.
I prefer the mature type. :X
zero guardian
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
I prefer the one on the left, the ?? style
Sakura Kokoro
Keepsake<3 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
Hm, tough choices~ But, I would say the right one. The left is cute, looks kinda like a kid-version of the right one. :D Both are wonderful styles, Reirei! ♥
Yours Truly
The Queen of Sweet (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
The one on the left looks like chibi version of the right. I like the coloring on that one more because it’s softer though. ^_^0
I’m trying to “fine tune” my more realistic style and by sketching BJDs and certain things that I was having problems it helped me out. Then the next time I just drew just for fun I can see the difference and how I’m not struggling as much.
As far as discovering a style you should study up on the styles you like or that’s different. You can experiment with the stuff you learn and maybe you can find something unique in that. As they say nothing ventured nothing gained. XD
I hope this helps. ^__^0 V
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
THEN AGAIN. i like the one on the right more o-o
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
they are both very anime/manga style.
you know i'm automatically going to lean over to the cuter piece xD
so i like the one on the left.
Moderator | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
The other one looks cute too, but she has too much of a baby face. Right is less moe XD
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
RIGHT - the other one still looks goos if u wanta do something a lil different but right reminds me so much of u.
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
Haha Reirei if you draw like that with an art block , a wall won't stop you either ^_^.I love both ver ,It really inspires me to find new styles and draw what I love.Thanks for sharing such a wonderful picture,gona tell you when I decide .
About your other pic I forgot to tell you,I think it's Edo period.
DA FLUFF PUFF (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
@reirei18 :
Haha, I know what you mean.
Well, I'd have to say that I prefer your Manga/ anime style
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good~
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
she's fat.. lol jk.. XD i was away from normal proportions for a while.. been drawing too much chibi for some project.. <_<
but anyways.. which one do u prefer if not for the proportions but for the style..? XD
*hugs* rei..~~<3
DA FLUFF PUFF (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
Uhh *not really sure what to say* First, the manga/ anime style is beautiful as usual. And second, I think the one on the left is cute, but her head seems to be a bit too small for her body (but that could just be me DX)
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good~