Life just decided to bury me with tons of stones. Work has been through 3 manages and two store locations. A new roof,water heater, two family members moving and a motorcycle accident have made for an interesting home life. ..But that is probably more than you wanted to know. So moving on.
Glad you like it! And happy to hear from you again!
*hug*HUG* I'm so happy to hear that! I was hoping you wouldn't mind the changes this year. Its a bit of a jump from the last ones. *hug*
Of course I included the butterfly. If I remember correctly didn't you have a little necklace of one? I just remembered you asked me to include it when we did your first witch design all that time ago. ;)
That is ok Shadow-chan. You don't need to draw me anything. This is your BDay present! I just want you to be happy. :) I hope that things are doing all right with you.
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/14/10 | Reply
WHERE THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEN???? What rock did you crawl out of because I have missed you so much and I am loving this artwork because I wouldn't have known you even posted with out it being featured OMG!!! *hugs you* This is just wonderful and so well drawn and colored oh wow!!!
This was such a nice surprise, seriously! I wasn't expecting and gosh! This looks so gorgeous! I was always a big fan of your drawings but your surpassed this time, this amazing and she looks so badass and you even added a butterfly, my favourite lil' insect!
Best birthday present I ever got, thank you so so so much! You're so cool, you MADE my day, week, month, seriously. This brought such a big smile on my face!
I shall have to draw you something, I HAVE to! So have anything in mind? :D
*super tight hug* Thank you oh so very much!! <3<3
Last edited by ShadowLight at 7:46:44 AM EDT on April 13, 2010.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/01/10 | Reply
Lady-Blackwings (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/30/10 | Reply
@Team Plasma N:
Life just decided to bury me with tons of stones. Work has been through 3 manages and two store locations. A new roof,water heater, two family members moving and a motorcycle accident have made for an interesting home life. ..But that is probably more than you wanted to know. So moving on.
Glad you like it! And happy to hear from you again!
Lady-Blackwings (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/30/10 | Reply
Thank you! Yes. I do the lines in 2H pencil then use colored pencils on top.
Lady-Blackwings (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/30/10 | Reply
Thank you! I'm glad to hear that her strength reads well!
Lady-Blackwings (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/30/10 | Reply
*hug*HUG* I'm so happy to hear that! I was hoping you wouldn't mind the changes this year. Its a bit of a jump from the last ones. *hug*
Of course I included the butterfly. If I remember correctly didn't you have a little necklace of one? I just remembered you asked me to include it when we did your first witch design all that time ago. ;)
That is ok Shadow-chan. You don't need to draw me anything. This is your BDay present! I just want you to be happy. :) I hope that things are doing all right with you.
Lady-Blackwings (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/30/10 | Reply
Yes! I managed to finally post something. :) Glad to see you still posting!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/14/10 | Reply
Great job on the coloring and the details. Keep it up.
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/14/10 | Reply
*Hugs and favorites* I just love the coloring~ Congratulations~ 
Beans are evil! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/14/10 | Reply
Hey there!! Long time, no see! This is absolutely excellent work. Nice to see you're still out there.
Beans are evil. Bad, bad beans.
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/14/10 | Reply
WHERE THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEN???? What rock did you crawl out of because I have missed you so much and I am loving this artwork because I wouldn't have known you even posted with out it being featured OMG!!! *hugs you* This is just wonderful and so well drawn and colored oh wow!!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/13/10 | Reply
so beautiful
pencil work?
Moderator | Posted 04/13/10 | Reply
I like the shadings and pose, she looks strong, I love that <3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/13/10 | Reply
This was such a nice surprise, seriously! I wasn't expecting and gosh! This looks so gorgeous! I was always a big fan of your drawings but your surpassed this time, this amazing and she looks so badass and you even added a butterfly, my favourite lil' insect!
Best birthday present I ever got, thank you so so so much! You're so cool, you MADE my day, week, month, seriously. This brought such a big smile on my face!
I shall have to draw you something, I HAVE to! So have anything in mind? :D
*super tight hug* Thank you oh so very much!! <3<3
Last edited by ShadowLight at 7:46:44 AM EDT on April 13, 2010.
The crazy bubbly shadow
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/12/10 | Reply
ah artwork from u >_<!! - i think u've gotten better with pencil colouring - its more blended and smoot
great job