Ahaha, I know. Though I'm slightly sensitive about that, since I look/act younger than I really am... XD;; When I'm 50, people'll be asking me what college I go to XD
Hm... the only thing I can think of is the ref to the elephant turning pink, which makes me think, someone's been having waaay tee many martoonis, y'know? XD
LOL!! X3 T'was a joke a joke a joke hahaha I dunno if it's something we'd be allowed to talk about on TheO so if people don't get my modification of the nursery rhyme right away I ain't explaining it LOL it's not profound at all, it's very shallow so it'll hit you LOL
Exactly how old do you think I am?! =o^ /O= That's so condescending... There are children who understand profound concepts and adults who wouldn't know the difference between cream cheese and sour cream. =>^<=
For that, I shall feed you to the cookie monster! =oAO9= (No, not that cookie monster... it's really a monster cookie... XD;;)
Last edited by Kitty K.O. at 12:33:55 AM EDT on May 25, 2010.
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/25/10 | Reply
Ahaha, I know. Though I'm slightly sensitive about that, since I look/act younger than I really am... XD;; When I'm 50, people'll be asking me what college I go to XD
Hm... the only thing I can think of is the ref to the elephant turning pink, which makes me think, someone's been having waaay tee many martoonis, y'know? XD
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/24/10 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
LOL!! X3 T'was a joke a joke a joke hahaha I dunno if it's something we'd be allowed to talk about on TheO so if people don't get my modification of the nursery rhyme right away I ain't explaining it LOL it's not profound at all, it's very shallow so it'll hit you LOL
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/24/10 | Reply
Exactly how old do you think I am?! =o^ /O= That's so condescending... There are children who understand profound concepts and adults who wouldn't know the difference between cream cheese and sour cream. =>^<=
For that, I shall feed you to the cookie monster! =oAO9= (No, not that cookie monster... it's really a monster cookie... XD;;)
Last edited by Kitty K.O. at 12:33:55 AM EDT on May 25, 2010.
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/24/10 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
LOL maybe when you're older, maybe when you're older X.D I can tend to be very subtle when expressing my messages/ideas at times.
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/24/10 | Reply
LOL If I was a bigass elephant shoved in a little wagon with a blue kid tootin' a horn, I would be scared too X.D
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/24/10 | Reply
Ahaha, I don't understand that lymerick at all. =eue=
So eventful and blue. =3