The Insane Writer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/03/10 | Reply
Well, it technically didn't get deleted. Adam's just having some problems with the new server so everybody's art has been disappearing so he's trying to get everybody's art back up with the rest of the administrators. ^-^
In other news, I love the piccy~~~ ^-^ Awesome job, Otaku-chan!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/04/10 | Reply
this is very neatly done i love it!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/03/10 | Reply
I'm so jealous. This is amazing, you should see what happens when I try to paint XD Great job ^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/03/10 | Reply
Well yeah but he said that art submited within the last 12 hours would probably have to be resubmited soo yeah
but thanks (:
The Insane Writer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/03/10 | Reply
Well, it technically didn't get deleted. Adam's just having some problems with the new server so everybody's art has been disappearing so he's trying to get everybody's art back up with the rest of the administrators. ^-^
In other news, I love the piccy~~~ ^-^ Awesome job, Otaku-chan!