Uhh, just a few pointers. Your picture looks great, I'm not trying to be mean. So yeh.
Anyways, I think that maybe the head is a little flat. Normally, hair is a little poofier so yeh. Also, the eye that we can see is a little to close to the ear. If you look at a person from the angle you have drawn this one, there is a pretty large gap between the ear and the eye. Also, his bangs are a little too big. Using more that are smaller gives it more of a realistic sort of side.
But yesh, other than that, good job ^-^
Otakuite+ | Posted 11/05/10 | Reply
Hahaha :3
Very nice~
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/27/10 | Reply
No problems, pointers are welcome!
As for the perspective, I looked at the picture and wondered what, exactly, I was smoking.
Last edited by CDCDCD89 at 7:27:55 AM CDT on October 27, 2010.
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/27/10 | Reply
Uhh, just a few pointers. Your picture looks great, I'm not trying to be mean. So yeh.
Anyways, I think that maybe the head is a little flat. Normally, hair is a little poofier so yeh. Also, the eye that we can see is a little to close to the ear. If you look at a person from the angle you have drawn this one, there is a pretty large gap between the ear and the eye. Also, his bangs are a little too big. Using more that are smaller gives it more of a realistic sort of side.
But yesh, other than that, good job ^-^