Did you drew this using a type of program like Gimp,photoshot etc.. or you drew this in real? Can you tell me what did you use to draw such a beautiful work ? o:
OMJ this guy looks just like my invisionment of this guy named eddie in this book one book i read called: speak softly, she can hear. by pam lewis..best book ever..totall thriller anyway he looks like the animated version of him in my mind at least cuz eddie in the book is like the bad guy kicked out of all private school killer type guy whos like really mean all the time..anyway really great pic really great....tottaly favoring it now
Otakuite | Posted 10/01/11 | Reply
Did you drew this using a type of program like Gimp,photoshot etc.. or you drew this in real? Can you tell me what did you use to draw such a beautiful work ? o:
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/24/10 | Reply
Even though you think it's a junk portait, I really like it! The penwork looks really smooth, even with the filter over it. *thumbs up*
Baron Von Kumichou (Founder) | Posted 06/21/10 | Reply
I really like the colors, especially the red eyes, and the line drawing effects.
Great job!!
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/20/10 | Reply
OMJ this guy looks just like my invisionment of this guy named eddie in this book one book i read called: speak softly, she can hear. by pam lewis..best book ever..totall thriller anyway he looks like the animated version of him in my mind at least cuz eddie in the book is like the bad guy kicked out of all private school killer type guy whos like really mean all the time..anyway really great pic really great....tottaly favoring it now
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/20/10 | Reply
Nice. I like it. A very fine drawing. Nice colors too.
Senior Otaku | Posted 06/20/10 | Reply
woah, awesome!!
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/19/10 | Reply