Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/28/10 | Reply
@saint vivant:
Aw I'm that you like the gift! And that you like mushrooms! That makes it all the more awesome! XD
And SO sorry if I mistaken you as a guy. I'm never sure anymore! But thanks for the heads up though! I'll be sure to rememebr!!! ^^
And good luck with your schooling! I hope that you do WELL, and aren't to stresse out!!! ^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/26/10 | Reply
thank you thank you so many thank you for the gift!
yes, i've been on hiatus.. study in medicine can't give me enough time to do some works like i used to be.
btw, i'm a girl~ lol hahaha it's not the first time someone has mistaken me, maybe using sena as my avatar is the cause of this problem XDDD
again, thank you very much!!!!
EDIT: fyi, i love mushrooms too~ i mean, i love eating them ^^ no pizza without mushrooms~~
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/28/10 | Reply
@saint vivant:
Aw I'm that you like the gift! And that you like mushrooms! That makes it all the more awesome! XD
And SO sorry if I mistaken you as a guy. I'm never sure anymore! But thanks for the heads up though! I'll be sure to rememebr!!!
And good luck with your schooling! I hope that you do WELL, and aren't to stresse out!!!
saint vivant
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/26/10 | Reply
thank you thank you so many thank you for the gift!

yes, i've been on hiatus.. study in medicine can't give me enough time to do some works like i used to be.
btw, i'm a girl~ lol
hahaha it's not the first time someone has mistaken me,
maybe using sena as my avatar is the cause of this problemXDDDagain, thank you very much!!!!

fyi, i love mushrooms too~ i mean, i love eating them ^^ no pizza without mushrooms~~
Last edited by saint vivant at 12:18:36 AM CDT on June 26, 2010.