Thanks for pointing out the eye; I haven't really noticed it before... : But now that you've mentioned it, I realize just how small and unproportionate that eye is compared to the other.. >>;;
So thank you very very much; and yes, your critique was useful! I'll keep in mind the 'eye' thing for future reference! :)
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/21/10 | Reply
I'm sorry I haven't replied to this earlier!
Thanks for pointing out the eye; I haven't really noticed it before... : But now that you've mentioned it, I realize just how small and unproportionate that eye is compared to the other.. >>;;
So thank you very very much; and yes, your critique was useful! I'll keep in mind the 'eye' thing for future reference! :)
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/18/10 | Reply
Thanks! ouo
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/28/10 | Reply
This is awsome!

And I LOVE Chorus!
Good Luck in the Contest!
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/27/10 | Reply
Thanks! >u< But Chorus was really adorable to begin with; I love her design!
I'm so glad you like it *u* --is happy--
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/27/10 | Reply
very detailed!!!!!!!!!