oh i have already^^
But you were the best in my opinion cuz i saw your sketch and its made from hand and normal wood pencil i saw how talented you are,^^
thanks XD!!!
means a lot - although prob means u havent seen the better artists here >___> <_< >_<!!
like luluseason,reirei,falsedelusion,vacuumology,gadrian,moyogi,.......lots more and prob some newbies that kick #%^& but havent been on long enough for subscribers :P
I was looking for a good manga and an8ime.But when i wanted to read or see they were all not good its hard sometimes to find a good one you know but this looks so good and your drawing have so original colors and shades. Your my fav artist here.
"i love it - if i tried - it'd look retarded- when u do it - it looks amazing XD" back at you 8D
;___; bic when are you going to teach me how to do these amazing things. It makes me so depressed when i see your artwork because i can't do that -_____- every thing's so flawless and perfect. AND THAT LITTLE BIRDY IS MEEEE *pet name is bird* :DDDDD 'cause a Jae~brid. hehe
T_T and he is so cute... his eyes are crushing my heart right now
I really like how you colored it and Hibari's eyes are very nice I really like how you drew it =]
Wonderful JOB and good luck with your challenge ^-^
Your work is awesome! you have a great talent., it's been a while and i forgot already when was the last time i draw using pencil and paper hoping to have much time for it. nice one 15385bic (thumbs up!)
I didn’t completely leave you, I still emailed you didn’t I? (Most other people I just ignored when they msg, phoned, or emailed unless it’s life threatening)
I’m not a social butterfly, if I don’t go away and recharge once in awhile, I’ll dry out and become snobby..
At my worst, I’d lock my door and spend a few days with myself and some papers as the only company
It makes me sad that I’m rated beneath your dogs, and beneath my own drawings ;__;
You’re so cold hearted!!
Why’d I get sucked into such an abusive relationship? =__=
MUAH! <3
(p.s. the capital "I"s and excellent spelling is because I typed in word and copied pasted)
Yammi chan
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/22/10 | Reply
Kyoya is cute!! Very cute

Great job, you have a wonderful talent
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/08/10 | Reply
oh i have already^^
But you were the best in my opinion cuz i saw your sketch and its made from hand and normal wood pencil i saw how talented you are,^^
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/07/10 | Reply
thanks XD!!!
means a lot - although prob means u havent seen the better artists here >___> <_< >_<!!
like luluseason,reirei,falsedelusion,vacuumology,gadrian,moyogi,.......lots more and prob some newbies that kick #%^& but havent been on long enough for subscribers :P
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/07/10 | Reply
Your my fav artist here.
I was looking for a good manga and an8ime.But when i wanted to read or see they were all not good its hard sometimes to find a good one you know but this looks so good and your drawing have so original colors and shades.
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/10 | Reply
lol - would love to do another collab wif ya - just say the word =D
Bossman's Wife (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/10 | Reply
or collab again. that was. amazing.
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/10 | Reply
lol - guess we both have our own styles - bt u make such great looking bg =TT^TT= - lol - we need to teach each other - or find a short cut ;P
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/10 | Reply
Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn - anime and manga ;P - read it/watch it - its good =D
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/06/10 | Reply
like always so perfect!

But can i ask that who is hibari and is he from an an ime or manga?
Bossman's Wife (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/10 | Reply
"i love it - if i tried - it'd look retarded- when u do it - it looks amazing XD" back at you 8D
;___; bic when are you going to teach me how to do these amazing things. It makes me so depressed when i see your artwork because i can't do that -_____- every thing's so flawless and perfect. AND THAT LITTLE BIRDY IS MEEEE *pet name is bird* :DDDDD 'cause a Jae~brid. hehe
T_T and he is so cute... his eyes are crushing my heart right now
Anime snow girl
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/06/10 | Reply
I really like how you colored it and Hibari's eyes are very nice I really like how you drew it =]
Wonderful JOB and good luck with your challenge ^-^
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/10 | Reply
i guess...
you have my heart chained
it's like the saying "I will serve my lady in any way she will have me, for I have no pride left where she is concerned"
trafalgar law
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/06/10 | Reply
this amazing... the expression makes me feel so uneasy
its beatiful and also the pose and the angle you drew him
very good job *hugs*
drazu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/10 | Reply
oh god I need to join this contest quick too xD
I adore his eyes... I never get the color of it right xDD But I'm getting there! >-:< I love how u drew his hands too
and dont forget hibird! X3
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/10 | Reply
abusive relationship -coz u luv meh =D ?!15385bic
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/10 | Reply
i know suck how u dont get all the time you want huh? =TT^TT=
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/05/10 | Reply
It's so nice and simple. Brings out the hottie in him. Good job.
Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/05/10 | Reply
Definitely KHR is full of hotties

OMG!! Hibari looks AWESUUUUM

and hibird is X3 hibird XD
Otakuite | Posted 08/05/10 | Reply
Your work is awesome! you have a great talent., it's been a while and i forgot already when was the last time i draw using pencil and paper hoping to have much time for it. nice one 15385bic (thumbs up!)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/05/10 | Reply

uhhh...i wish i could draw him like that
whenever i tried to i ended up drawing a girly guy...
anyway, goodluck on ur challenge!!
I am Delin! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/05/10 | Reply
damn thats sexy!OwO
Don't lose the moon while counting the stars
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/05/10 | Reply
I didn’t completely leave you, I still emailed you didn’t I? (Most other people I just ignored when they msg, phoned, or emailed unless it’s life threatening)
I’m not a social butterfly, if I don’t go away and recharge once in awhile, I’ll dry out and become snobby..
At my worst, I’d lock my door and spend a few days with myself and some papers as the only company
It makes me sad that I’m rated beneath your dogs, and beneath my own drawings ;__;
You’re so cold hearted!!
Why’d I get sucked into such an abusive relationship? =__=
MUAH! <3
(p.s. the capital "I"s and excellent spelling is because I typed in word and copied pasted)
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/05/10 | Reply
yeah right - u left me for months =__= - and went fraternising with the DA people and now all i get is the old art =TT^TT=
although i like having a daily doe of ur art =D
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/05/10 | Reply
I get depressed if I don’t get a little dosage of you once every couple of days
You’re like my drug lol
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/05/10 | Reply
lol - yeah - hibird looks just like a ball with wings XD
and yah - i wanna see more people draw hibari *Q*
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/05/10 | Reply
wat msgs? i havent got any......oh wait my yahoo aint on :P
Moderator | Posted 08/05/10 | Reply
The furry fluff ball of doom XD Love the style, Hibari looks delicious as always *q*
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/05/10 | Reply
ah ha!
judging by how little hugs/favs/commetns you have right now
i'm guessing you just posted this
meaning, you're online!!
you're so mean, not replying to my msgs