Oh my! This is certainly the best prizes anyone could hope for!
I mean, I really liked the whole idea! I was speechless, I couldn't find the right words!!! DX
But I love this!! Really-really much!
Oh, it kinda have the mysterious vibe...=3=
But of course! I'm sorry, it just looked so clean and awesome. And naturally, I'd go with pencil. It'll look so smooth and soft. And, who doesn't love pencil made art? But that's just me. Gotta watch out for the bleeding with markers. Just messier. But hey, if you're better with those then just go for it. As long as there's color to give your awesome line art some justice. :D
Bossman's Wife (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/23/10 | Reply
awwww i like it<3 especially the fishie
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/20/10 | Reply
Wooow! So pretty so far! I just love how it looks! So design-y! O.O
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/20/10 | Reply
Oh my! This is certainly the best prizes anyone could hope for!
I mean, I really liked the whole idea! I was speechless, I couldn't find the right words!!! DX
But I love this!! Really-really much!
Oh, it kinda have the mysterious vibe...=3=
Scarecrow (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/19/10 | Reply
@twilight samurai:
But of course! I'm sorry, it just looked so clean and awesome. And naturally, I'd go with pencil. It'll look so smooth and soft. And, who doesn't love pencil made art? But that's just me. Gotta watch out for the bleeding with markers. Just messier. But hey, if you're better with those then just go for it. As long as there's color to give your awesome line art some justice. :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/19/10 | Reply
Sweet!!! I love this

shizuki will not be disapointed. Great job!! I really can't wait until it is colord. good luck on that.
twilight samurai
Redeemed (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/19/10 | Reply
Hand drawn, silly! And I will color it later. What would you suggest: marker or pencil?
Scarecrow (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/19/10 | Reply
I can't tell if this is hand drawn or digital. Either way, looks great! Can't wait to see it colored. It's gonna look that much better. =)