Thanks! I feel really confident in what I am doing. I think it will turn out well!
AW! I am so sorry! It is so hard to do that, but i really admire your ability to stand up for yourself and do what is in your best interest! It may hurt like hell, but in the long run, i doubt you will regret it! besides, i am sure you want a man, not a boy, and based on what you say, he has alot of growing up to do!
my advice is to not try to forget all the bad memories. such experiences help us learn and grow. so, someday, you can tell him "thanks for teaching me!"
I have had to force myself to do that. it is TOUGH! but in the long run, i am sure it will be worth it! after all, I don't want to say i WASTED all that time! i can at least get SOMTHING out of it! ^_^
best of luck to you too, dear! *hug*
uwah, HEYYY *huuugs* !!! it really has been too long, hasn't it, dear?? i'm sorry to hear that things didn't work out for you and your ex, rabid-chan. that's really a bummer >.> but it sounds like you knew what you wanted and did what you needed to do. that's really, really good!! congrats for standing up for yourself and making yourself the most important thing in your life ^____^ i hope that everythng goes really well for you on this big step and with college!! it'll be a lot easier to take on all the changes while you only have to worry about yourself and what you want from life :D
it's funny, i'm in the middle of doing the same thing now. i'm kicking out my boyfriend because it's been just over 2 years since we first moved in together, and he's already ditched me once, crashed a car, and still acts like he's 16 (he's 20). i love him more than anything...but i've realized that i haven't been able to think of a nice thing to say about him or our relationship in months, and that should NEVER happen, you know? so, more than likely, we will be breaking up in a few weeks. i'm trying to keep the peace, at least until he moves out at the end of the month, but i'm realizing just how completely unhappy i've been, and it's time to do something for me, like no one ever has. so it looks like we're both taking some big steps forward ^__^ surely this is a very good thing, right? best of luck!!
hey! it has been waaaay too long, hasn't it? i am so sorry i have been MIA, but life has been super hectic, and i just could not get on here!
anyway, a quick update:
i am no longer dating Josh...he broke my heart. i found out from one of his friends that he was cheating on me. it came as such a shock...i am mostly over it now, but i guess what still hurts is the fact that i was betrayed by my best friend.
however, i have not allowed it to make me bitter. if he ever wants to start a friendship up again, i will be open to it. however, i have made it VERY clear that I will never be romanticly involved with him again. I wouldn't be able to trust him, and i think that trust is very important. Plus, he acted like a little boy, and i want a man.
anyway, i am glad that i am single now, however. i think it will be fun to start college as a free woman, ya know?
anyway, whenever you can, let me know what is going on with you, k?
Love you lots!
....there is no like button. i am now annoyed because I cannot 'like' this >.< I want to 'like' it!!! WHY IS THERE NO LIKE BUTTON???
ahahaha sorry. that is how i deal with life now. I am sooo glad to hear that, Rabid-chan!!! ^___^ That is fantastic! He sounds like a really great guy, and one who obviously cares very much about you :D I'm very impressed by his behavior so far and I hope he continues to be amazing for you, hon! I'm sorry that he didnt get to come to Thanksgiving, but I'm sure you will find a way to meet up and take care of each other in the future :D
As for the disagreements from your family...well, usually, the family always disagrees. In fact, if your family is NOT disagreeing to something about your man, you probably have a problem. So that's not a big worry lol. They can knock a longdistance relationship all they want: just cuz it doesn't work for everyone doesn't mean that you two can't make it work! Anything is possible when you believe in yourself and you believe in the one that you're with. No one can decide whether or not it will work except the two of you!! If it's important to you, you will find a way to make it work, no matter what ^____^
As for him dropping out of school, I cannot help but say your sisters are wrong again. You never know the kind of reasons that force kids to leave school. You never know the kind of bullying, or the family situation, or whatever, could be going on behind the scenes that they don't want to open up about. A lot of issues could cause a dropout--and dropping out doesn't make anyone a bad person in and of itself. I never graduated proper, either. life happens (no i did not have a kid! lol. sorry, they always assume taht about girls my age with GEDs) If he was gettin blamed for stuff all the time, it was probably really stressful, and caused issues with parents, and who can really blame him for leaving it behind? He obviously went and did something with his life immediately and made a smart decision, and he is probably working very hard. I mean, if he dropped out for a stupid reason, and he wasn't in college, I'd be worried. If he was living at home, mooching off his parents, cuz he dropped outta school and cant get a good job, i'd be worried. But this? No, not worried. Your sisters just need to chill and let you make your own decisions. He sounds like a perfectly sweet and responsible boy to me! ^__^
Again, I am VERY happy to hear that you are doing so well, honey!! Just wanted to give you a shoutout and let you know I was thinkin about you :D
yep! he is treating me very well! i have to say: it is great being with the guy who is also your best friend! and i found out that he actually has liked me for almost as long as we have been together...and that means that even though he liked me, he still encouraged me to go after this other guy who i liked, cause he was my friend! i didn't take his advice....but still...just knowing that he was looking out for my happiness even then, although it interfered wih his happiness...that just shows what an incredibly unselfish guy he is! he wasn't able to come over for thanksgiving tho...which made me very sad...;_;
however, there is "touble in paradise." my sisters are not happy because it is long-distance...and because he never finished high school. but the thing is-he is proving himself to be everything i ever wanted in a guy!! and the reason he dropped out of school-he and his brothers(he is a triplet)kept getting blammed for fights they didn't start-seems pretty resonable to me! and he has decided to go to his community college next semester. it isnt like he hasn't kept busy...he is in the national guard!
*tackles* waaah, rabid-chan, congrats!!! that is SO great :D :D :D I am very happy for you, honey! Really, really, it's wonderful to hear that he is being so good to you and making you so happy!! All your patience and kindness really paid off, didn't it, dear? He sounds wonderful! Cosplaying together, and learning to dance? Now that's not something you could get just any guy into! And seriously, coming over for Thanksgiving?!? That's a big step! I am amazed that he would suggest/agree to something like that so soon--just goes to show how much he must really care about you <3 That's fantastic! I hope your parents will allow it :D
And really, your friend was ok with it and took it well?? That's so great! I am glad you no longer have to worry about that any more, sweetie!! That must be such a relief :D Best of luck to you with everything, Rabid-chan!! And seriously, NO PROBLEM :D I never mind chatting with you, hon! it is so much fun to be able to get to know each other ^_____^ I hope you have an amazing week, dear!!
well, he is now able to call, and we have talked alot on the phone since then! oh, and there is a chance that he might be able to come for thanksgiving! it all depends on what my parents say! he continues to make me feel incredibly special! oh, and i mentioned something about how i wanted to eventually cosplay as Tifa (from Final Fantasy) and he said that if i did that, he would cosplay as Cloud! that made me extreemly happy (it helps that i am also a Cloud fangirl-and he knows it!) he keeps on mentioning how much he just wants to hold me...and all the things that we can do when we are together...he has also agreed to let me teach him how to dance. we are going to start off with the waltz. the above are just a few things that we have talked about...i really am falling hard for that boy!
he told her, and she was actually excited for us! to say the least, we were both shocked, but thankful! she even suggested that we double date when i am in town with her and her boyfriend!thank you for your advice! i am so glad that everything has gone over well with her...i did not want to loose her friendship over this...
anyway, thanks for listening to my rants!
Awww *huggles*!!! CONGRATS, RABID-CHAN!! that is so good to hear ^___^ As long as you are both happy with the situation, then I am very happy for you!! And it sounds like he is a real sweetie :D I hope that things go well for you two, adn that the troubles that come up can be easily and maturely handled <3 I'm sure you will learn a lot, and I hope that this is a great experience for you, honey!! Also hope that everything goes well and he treats you right all the time!!
Hmm that does sound tough, about the friend who is his ex. Sometimes being friends with girls can be tough, huh? I would hope that she would understand that she hurt him and he has healed and finally decided to move on. Unfortunately, that's usually not the case, is it? *huugs* Good luck!! I think maybe telling her that you two are interested in eachother (without mentioning just yet that you are dating) might be a good way to start the conversation, to gauge how she will react, you know?
Just say that you wanna be upfront because you care about her, and say that you really like him, and you think he likes you back, or something like that. If she's ok with that, maybe take the next step to say that he has made it pretty clear that he likes you, too, and may want to try something. If she's a good friend, she will at least try to be happy for you, even if she still likes him a bit. (and really, even if you do still like someone, if you know you've hurt them and you're not likely to get back together, isn't it easier to make them not available any more? haha that's how my bf and I got together...he went out with a mutual best friend, and she dumped him. I went over to comfort him and...there was just this...reaction, you know? Like the butterflies came outta nowhere. She immediately pounced on the idea and forced us to go out cuz then she didn't have to worry about him being "upset or lonely" about what happened with them. weiiird, i know, and not normal. my friends are strange >.< although she did later hint a couple of times to still havin feelings for him, even all these years later...)
Umm that's the best I can come up with, sorry ^///^ I know the battle with your friend may be tough, so good luck! I'm sure that your kindness and compassion toward her will make thing a little easier, since it really sounds like you dont want to hurt her. Let me know how it goes!!
Well, it is now official! He asked me to be his girlfriend on Sunday night…and I said yes!!!! I still am having a tough time believing it! @_@ he sent me a message the next morning saying something to this extent—“you are the most amazing person in the world. I haven’t been able to quit smiling. If I died now, I would go a happy man!” yeah…after reading that, I couldn’t stop grinning…he has this ability to make me feel like the most important person in the world! I know that it will have its tough points, but I think I will welcome them…it will tell me if this will work or not…
Thanks! I hope I haven’t made a mistake…and I don’t want to hurt him, because I know that he has already been hurt many times…sadly, he doesn’t have calling on his cell ;_; but he said he would try to work something out…
Anyway, i need advice on how to tell a friend of mine. She is his ex, and although they broke up two years ago, she still likes him, and holds it against him, although from what I have heard, and from some of what I saw, she strung him along towards the end of their relationship. Anyway, I am afraid that she will think I have betrayed her…how do you think I should tell her? *hugs* thanks for helping me so much!
Awww, rabid-chan!! that is exactly the way you want to handle a (possible) relationship!! *hugs* Good for you!! Being careful, for both of your sakes, and starting with a friend you know pretty well, and then comes all the cutesy flirting and romantic-ness... YAY!! I am so happy for you!! ^____^ That is great that you were able to say how you felt, and that you are both taking it slow. And you sound like you're doing ok so far, like everything is good. I am so glad he's being sweet and telling you those things, because I bet they're 100% true :D
That is so fantastic, rabid-chan!! CONGRATS on taking such a big step :D I wish you the best of luck!! And I hope he does call you soon, so you can talk "in person" ^___^ it's always so different when you can hear them...adds a new layer to knowing thing, you know? (lol) YAY YAY!!
Well then, darling, you keep me posted! And I hope everything goes very well for you <3 I think you've made great decisions so far!! (and really, I agree--why WOULD you date someone you don't know? they could be crazy, or a creeper, or have anger issues, or just be totally incompatible! why would you do tht to yourself, just cuz they look good? You're a smart cookie, though, and saw thru the silliness of most kids our age!) Best wishes <3
well, the last few days, we have been talking a lot…and i have pretty much decided that for now, we shall merely "procede with caution," as it is kinda funny. for the past several days, i have just felt...GIDDY! it is a little embaressing, i must admit. when i asked him why he liked me, he responded with stuff like "well, you are beautiful, funny, smart...." yeah...he made me blush...AND I NEVER BLUSH!!!!!! and...he just keeps on saying such sweet things to me... -^_^- also...we have been flirting quite a is kinda sad...but it is so fun! >_< i never knew it would be...and it all is over text, too...i am going to mention to him that he can call me if he likes. ^_^ and anyway, I love talking to him…it is nice because we are already friends, and we know each other so well! I have never really liked the idea of dating someone you just met…but we have known each other for two years. I want to ask him how long he has liked me…I have been wondering this…
anyway, thanks very much for your support through all this…I shall keep you posted!
No, that's fine! I've been super busy all week anyway, so it's fine :D But wow, good for you!! It takes a lot of courage to do that, no matter what the situation is. And yes, I'd have to say that that is a good sign that maybe, just maybe, you might like him mre than you originally thought ^__^
congrats on figuring out what you want and going for it, rabid-chan! that's really great! I know long distance can be really tough (be there, done it, then went back to it after living together for almost a we've been apart for half a year, and he should be moving back in in a couple of weeks >.< ) It can be tough, and it WILL be challenging, but it is definitely possible, if you are both serious. Not necessarily ready for marriage serious, but serious in the meaning that you both like each other and only each other. I wish you the best of luck, darling!!
Sorry it took me so long to reply~aparently theO was having trouble with its comment boxes...
well, I have finally come to grips with the fact that I do, in fact, like him as more than a brother...the thing that convinced me? I caught myself imagining what it would be like if we were married! -@_@- anyway, I told him how I feel yesterday...and am waiting for his reply...the problem is, he lives 750 miles yeah...if we do start a'll have to be long-distance... -_-; buuuuut I have to find out what he was kinda funny~i had SO MUCH trouble getting the courage to tell him...even though I knew he already liked me!
umm i think i have heard that song ( i really like kelly clarkson!) but probably not in a while. i may look that up later if I can remember :D thanks! as for your situation, dear, BEST OF LUCK!!! I know it can be complicated in so many ways. in the end it's all up to you and only you can decide what should happen.follow your heart and try to do what's best for you. I hope everything works out, sweetie!! please do keep me posted :D hope you're having a good week!
(p.s. sorry for taking so long to get back! i live on my own so my internet access is a bit limited. and i've been very busy with school and work lately, so it's hard to get on much. hope you don't mind!)
i really really like it! have you ever heard the song Beautiful Disaster by Kelly Clarkson? it is about that type of guy...
i guess the hardest part of it is that i also already love him as a friend...i mean, i would rather die than hurt him...but i know i already have...its like-a big part of me is screaming "what are you thinking? you might miss out on something incredible," while the other part is telling me "you have plenty of time and there are alot of other fish in the sea!" -_-; i hate conflicting emotions...but thank you for your advice...
and no, i don't think you are being presumptuous. i have seen that happen: my friend dated a guy becuase he liked her, and she kinda liked him back...the relationship ended pretty badly.
i understand what you are saying that this kind of guy brings alot of baggage. i have experienced some of what you mentioned just in his and my friendship...
i shall without a doubt let you know how things turn out! and thank you again!
^_____^ I am glad you like savior! it's a fantastic song :D definitely on my life soundtrack! it has a great sound and a great feel to it, just the right balance of love and worry and all.
hmmm that sounds like quite the situation!! I will be the first to admit that a relationship, particularly with this type of boy, can be a looot of trouble and work. It could be very messy, rabid-chan. you have to first look out for yourself and decide if you can handle that kind of possibility at this time in your life.
if you htink you can, then decide if you really still like HIM, or the idea of someone liking you back. cuz sometimes that gets mixed up and you say yes just cuz it's nice to be wanted, and then you really get in over your head. I don't want you to have to go through that kind of situation, cuz it almost never ends well.
sorry, i don't mean to be presumptuous! I just worry about girls and the situations we get ourselves into, particularly since you mentioned your friend is like my darling, that save-me type. I mean, the feeling of helping them, and loving them in a way they haven't been, and being loved back...honestly, it's amazing. and it can really work out. but after 4 years, i know that it's a looot of work. make sure you are ready for all the outcomes before you decide to jump in, mkay sweetie?
i hope that helps!! best of luck with all the decision making, dear! and please, let me know how things go, and feel free to ask anything you want. i'm happy to help if i can!
*huggles back* nope. you certainly are not!oh wow...i just looked that song up, and i really like it! you just introduced me to a new band! that is the sound i love! ^_^
and i know what it is like to want to use lyrics, but not have the right is sooo annoying! but you are so right! i find that kind of guy irresistable! and sometimes, it does hurt...cause you sometimes can't save best friend is that way...he hasn't had the best life, and i find myself trying to help him...he teases me about acting like a mother hen! ^_^ gya...recently our freindship has gotten really complicated...i thought i veiwed him as a brother...but then he sends me a messege saying that he really likes me...and now i am all confused, 'cause i used to like him, but i squelched it 'cause he was dating one of my friends, and now the feeling are welling up again. i don't know what to do because i told him i think of him as a brother...aaarg! hope you don't mind my little rant...this has really been bugging me...any advise you may have would be appreciated!
i am very glad to have met you, too! and keep up your work!
haha, that's great! a kindred soul!! *huggles* I'm glad to know i'm not the only hopeless romantic who wants to save them all ^_^ It's like that song...savior: "I don't hate you // i just want to save you while there's still something left to save."
I want to use those lyrics so badly!! gotta find the right pic tho...ha. But yes, it is good to know you feel the same way! there's just something about that hurting, conflicted heart that draws you in and makes you want to fix it all...though it may wind up consuming and breaking you in ways that are oh-so-dangerous.
well, it is good to meet you, rabidfan-chan!! ^___^ i'm glad you liked my work!
mmmmmmm...i agree completely! that is the best!
i have the same soft spot for that type of guy! and i like pretty much all the same boys as you just mentioned!
i know, right? the sulky badboy attitude, the dark hair, the sarcasm...hes irresistible! hahaha you can't help but fall for him, at least a little bit.
(particularly me--i have a soft spot for the fix-em-up, conflicted types ^///^ sano sagara (RK), kurama/hiei (YYH), Mori/Kyouya (OHC), Oda (Wallflower) etc etc.... heh. I can't resist them! (you should see my fiance--the epitome of the fix-em-up types! LOL)
i am starting to think that Fang is everybody's favorite character! although...i feel kinda guilty squeeling over a guy who is 4 years younger than me! @_@ no, i haven't read the manga, but i saw a preview of it, and i did think it looked well-done! ^_^
haha yeah, they're amazing! so fast-paced, but easy to keep up with. I think I like Fang the best...but they're all pretty much amazing! I'd hang out with any of em, any day of the week <3 Have you read the MAX manga? i read the first volume, and it's the perfect combo of the books and proper manga. everyone was exactly how I thought they should be!!
oooooh! the Maximum Ride books are AWESOME!!!! you will LOVE the next books! i haven't read the sixth one yet, but it looks amazing! who is your favorite character?
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/19/11 | Reply
Thanks! I feel really confident in what I am doing. I think it will turn out well!
AW! I am so sorry! It is so hard to do that, but i really admire your ability to stand up for yourself and do what is in your best interest! It may hurt like hell, but in the long run, i doubt you will regret it! besides, i am sure you want a man, not a boy, and based on what you say, he has alot of growing up to do!
my advice is to not try to forget all the bad memories. such experiences help us learn and grow. so, someday, you can tell him "thanks for teaching me!"
I have had to force myself to do that. it is TOUGH! but in the long run, i am sure it will be worth it! after all, I don't want to say i WASTED all that time! i can at least get SOMTHING out of it! ^_^
best of luck to you too, dear! *hug*
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/16/11 | Reply
uwah, HEYYY *huuugs* !!! it really has been too long, hasn't it, dear?? i'm sorry to hear that things didn't work out for you and your ex, rabid-chan. that's really a bummer >.> but it sounds like you knew what you wanted and did what you needed to do. that's really, really good!! congrats for standing up for yourself and making yourself the most important thing in your life ^____^ i hope that everythng goes really well for you on this big step and with college!! it'll be a lot easier to take on all the changes while you only have to worry about yourself and what you want from life :D
it's funny, i'm in the middle of doing the same thing now. i'm kicking out my boyfriend because it's been just over 2 years since we first moved in together, and he's already ditched me once, crashed a car, and still acts like he's 16 (he's 20). i love him more than anything...but i've realized that i haven't been able to think of a nice thing to say about him or our relationship in months, and that should NEVER happen, you know? so, more than likely, we will be breaking up in a few weeks. i'm trying to keep the peace, at least until he moves out at the end of the month, but i'm realizing just how completely unhappy i've been, and it's time to do something for me, like no one ever has. so it looks like we're both taking some big steps forward ^__^ surely this is a very good thing, right? best of luck!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/15/11 | Reply
hey! it has been waaaay too long, hasn't it? i am so sorry i have been MIA, but life has been super hectic, and i just could not get on here!
anyway, a quick update:
i am no longer dating Josh...he broke my heart. i found out from one of his friends that he was cheating on me. it came as such a shock...i am mostly over it now, but i guess what still hurts is the fact that i was betrayed by my best friend.
however, i have not allowed it to make me bitter. if he ever wants to start a friendship up again, i will be open to it. however, i have made it VERY clear that I will never be romanticly involved with him again. I wouldn't be able to trust him, and i think that trust is very important. Plus, he acted like a little boy, and i want a man.
anyway, i am glad that i am single now, however. i think it will be fun to start college as a free woman, ya know?
anyway, whenever you can, let me know what is going on with you, k?
Love you lots!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/04/10 | Reply
....there is no like button. i am now annoyed because I cannot 'like' this >.< I want to 'like' it!!! WHY IS THERE NO LIKE BUTTON???
ahahaha sorry. that is how i deal with life now. I am sooo glad to hear that, Rabid-chan!!! ^___^ That is fantastic! He sounds like a really great guy, and one who obviously cares very much about you :D I'm very impressed by his behavior so far and I hope he continues to be amazing for you, hon! I'm sorry that he didnt get to come to Thanksgiving, but I'm sure you will find a way to meet up and take care of each other in the future :D
As for the disagreements from your family...well, usually, the family always disagrees. In fact, if your family is NOT disagreeing to something about your man, you probably have a problem. So that's not a big worry lol. They can knock a longdistance relationship all they want: just cuz it doesn't work for everyone doesn't mean that you two can't make it work! Anything is possible when you believe in yourself and you believe in the one that you're with. No one can decide whether or not it will work except the two of you!! If it's important to you, you will find a way to make it work, no matter what ^____^
As for him dropping out of school, I cannot help but say your sisters are wrong again. You never know the kind of reasons that force kids to leave school. You never know the kind of bullying, or the family situation, or whatever, could be going on behind the scenes that they don't want to open up about. A lot of issues could cause a dropout--and dropping out doesn't make anyone a bad person in and of itself. I never graduated proper, either. life happens (no i did not have a kid! lol. sorry, they always assume taht about girls my age with GEDs) If he was gettin blamed for stuff all the time, it was probably really stressful, and caused issues with parents, and who can really blame him for leaving it behind? He obviously went and did something with his life immediately and made a smart decision, and he is probably working very hard. I mean, if he dropped out for a stupid reason, and he wasn't in college, I'd be worried. If he was living at home, mooching off his parents, cuz he dropped outta school and cant get a good job, i'd be worried. But this? No, not worried. Your sisters just need to chill and let you make your own decisions. He sounds like a perfectly sweet and responsible boy to me! ^__^
Again, I am VERY happy to hear that you are doing so well, honey!! Just wanted to give you a shoutout and let you know I was thinkin about you :D
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/04/10 | Reply
yep! he is treating me very well! i have to say: it is great being with the guy who is also your best friend! and i found out that he actually has liked me for almost as long as we have been together...and that means that even though he liked me, he still encouraged me to go after this other guy who i liked, cause he was my friend! i didn't take his advice....but still...just knowing that he was looking out for my happiness even then, although it interfered wih his happiness...that just shows what an incredibly unselfish guy he is! he wasn't able to come over for thanksgiving tho...which made me very sad...;_;
however, there is "touble in paradise." my sisters are not happy because it is long-distance...and because he never finished high school. but the thing is-he is proving himself to be everything i ever wanted in a guy!! and the reason he dropped out of school-he and his brothers(he is a triplet)kept getting blammed for fights they didn't start-seems pretty resonable to me! and he has decided to go to his community college next semester. it isnt like he hasn't kept busy...he is in the national guard!
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/11/10 | Reply
*tackles* waaah, rabid-chan, congrats!!! that is SO great :D :D :D I am very happy for you, honey! Really, really, it's wonderful to hear that he is being so good to you and making you so happy!! All your patience and kindness really paid off, didn't it, dear? He sounds wonderful! Cosplaying together, and learning to dance? Now that's not something you could get just any guy into! And seriously, coming over for Thanksgiving?!? That's a big step! I am amazed that he would suggest/agree to something like that so soon--just goes to show how much he must really care about you <3 That's fantastic! I hope your parents will allow it :D
And really, your friend was ok with it and took it well?? That's so great! I am glad you no longer have to worry about that any more, sweetie!! That must be such a relief :D Best of luck to you with everything, Rabid-chan!! And seriously, NO PROBLEM :D I never mind chatting with you, hon! it is so much fun to be able to get to know each other ^_____^ I hope you have an amazing week, dear!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 11/05/10 | Reply
well, he is now able to call, and we have talked alot on the phone since then! oh, and there is a chance that he might be able to come for thanksgiving! it all depends on what my parents say! he continues to make me feel incredibly special! oh, and i mentioned something about how i wanted to eventually cosplay as Tifa (from Final Fantasy) and he said that if i did that, he would cosplay as Cloud! that made me extreemly happy (it helps that i am also a Cloud fangirl-and he knows it!) he keeps on mentioning how much he just wants to hold me...and all the things that we can do when we are together...he has also agreed to let me teach him how to dance. we are going to start off with the waltz. the above are just a few things that we have talked about...i really am falling hard for that boy!
he told her, and she was actually excited for us! to say the least, we were both shocked, but thankful! she even suggested that we double date when i am in town with her and her boyfriend!thank you for your advice! i am so glad that everything has gone over well with her...i did not want to loose her friendship over this...
anyway, thanks for listening to my rants!
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/17/10 | Reply
Awww *huggles*!!! CONGRATS, RABID-CHAN!! that is so good to hear ^___^ As long as you are both happy with the situation, then I am very happy for you!! And it sounds like he is a real sweetie :D I hope that things go well for you two, adn that the troubles that come up can be easily and maturely handled <3 I'm sure you will learn a lot, and I hope that this is a great experience for you, honey!! Also hope that everything goes well and he treats you right all the time!!
Hmm that does sound tough, about the friend who is his ex. Sometimes being friends with girls can be tough, huh? I would hope that she would understand that she hurt him and he has healed and finally decided to move on. Unfortunately, that's usually not the case, is it? *huugs* Good luck!! I think maybe telling her that you two are interested in eachother (without mentioning just yet that you are dating) might be a good way to start the conversation, to gauge how she will react, you know?
Just say that you wanna be upfront because you care about her, and say that you really like him, and you think he likes you back, or something like that. If she's ok with that, maybe take the next step to say that he has made it pretty clear that he likes you, too, and may want to try something. If she's a good friend, she will at least try to be happy for you, even if she still likes him a bit. (and really, even if you do still like someone, if you know you've hurt them and you're not likely to get back together, isn't it easier to make them not available any more? haha that's how my bf and I got together...he went out with a mutual best friend, and she dumped him. I went over to comfort him and...there was just this...reaction, you know? Like the butterflies came outta nowhere. She immediately pounced on the idea and forced us to go out cuz then she didn't have to worry about him being "upset or lonely" about what happened with them. weiiird, i know, and not normal. my friends are strange >.< although she did later hint a couple of times to still havin feelings for him, even all these years later...)
Umm that's the best I can come up with, sorry ^///^ I know the battle with your friend may be tough, so good luck! I'm sure that your kindness and compassion toward her will make thing a little easier, since it really sounds like you dont want to hurt her. Let me know how it goes!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 10/15/10 | Reply
Well, it is now official! He asked me to be his girlfriend on Sunday night…and I said yes!!!! I still am having a tough time believing it! @_@ he sent me a message the next morning saying something to this extent—“you are the most amazing person in the world. I haven’t been able to quit smiling. If I died now, I would go a happy man!” yeah…after reading that, I couldn’t stop grinning…he has this ability to make me feel like the most important person in the world! I know that it will have its tough points, but I think I will welcome them…it will tell me if this will work or not…
Thanks! I hope I haven’t made a mistake…and I don’t want to hurt him, because I know that he has already been hurt many times…sadly, he doesn’t have calling on his cell ;_; but he said he would try to work something out…
Anyway, i need advice on how to tell a friend of mine. She is his ex, and although they broke up two years ago, she still likes him, and holds it against him, although from what I have heard, and from some of what I saw, she strung him along towards the end of their relationship. Anyway, I am afraid that she will think I have betrayed her…how do you think I should tell her? *hugs* thanks for helping me so much!
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/04/10 | Reply
Awww, rabid-chan!! that is exactly the way you want to handle a (possible) relationship!! *hugs* Good for you!! Being careful, for both of your sakes, and starting with a friend you know pretty well, and then comes all the cutesy flirting and romantic-ness... YAY!! I am so happy for you!! ^____^ That is great that you were able to say how you felt, and that you are both taking it slow. And you sound like you're doing ok so far, like everything is good. I am so glad he's being sweet and telling you those things, because I bet they're 100% true :D
That is so fantastic, rabid-chan!! CONGRATS on taking such a big step :D I wish you the best of luck!! And I hope he does call you soon, so you can talk "in person" ^___^ it's always so different when you can hear them...adds a new layer to knowing thing, you know? (lol) YAY YAY!!
Well then, darling, you keep me posted! And I hope everything goes very well for you <3 I think you've made great decisions so far!! (and really, I agree--why WOULD you date someone you don't know? they could be crazy, or a creeper, or have anger issues, or just be totally incompatible! why would you do tht to yourself, just cuz they look good? You're a smart cookie, though, and saw thru the silliness of most kids our age!) Best wishes <3
Grand Otaku | Posted 10/03/10 | Reply
well, the last few days, we have been talking a lot…and i have pretty much decided that for now, we shall merely "procede with caution," as it is kinda funny. for the past several days, i have just felt...GIDDY! it is a little embaressing, i must admit. when i asked him why he liked me, he responded with stuff like "well, you are beautiful, funny, smart...." yeah...he made me blush...AND I NEVER BLUSH!!!!!! and...he just keeps on saying such sweet things to me... -^_^- also...we have been flirting quite a is kinda sad...but it is so fun! >_< i never knew it would be...and it all is over text, too...i am going to mention to him that he can call me if he likes. ^_^ and anyway, I love talking to him…it is nice because we are already friends, and we know each other so well! I have never really liked the idea of dating someone you just met…but we have known each other for two years. I want to ask him how long he has liked me…I have been wondering this…
anyway, thanks very much for your support through all this…I shall keep you posted!
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/01/10 | Reply
No, that's fine! I've been super busy all week anyway, so it's fine :D But wow, good for you!! It takes a lot of courage to do that, no matter what the situation is. And yes, I'd have to say that that is a good sign that maybe, just maybe, you might like him mre than you originally thought ^__^
congrats on figuring out what you want and going for it, rabid-chan! that's really great! I know long distance can be really tough (be there, done it, then went back to it after living together for almost a we've been apart for half a year, and he should be moving back in in a couple of weeks >.< ) It can be tough, and it WILL be challenging, but it is definitely possible, if you are both serious. Not necessarily ready for marriage serious, but serious in the meaning that you both like each other and only each other. I wish you the best of luck, darling!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/30/10 | Reply
Sorry it took me so long to reply~aparently theO was having trouble with its comment boxes...
well, I have finally come to grips with the fact that I do, in fact, like him as more than a brother...the thing that convinced me? I caught myself imagining what it would be like if we were married! -@_@- anyway, I told him how I feel yesterday...and am waiting for his reply...the problem is, he lives 750 miles yeah...if we do start a'll have to be long-distance... -_-; buuuuut I have to find out what he was kinda funny~i had SO MUCH trouble getting the courage to tell him...even though I knew he already liked me!
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/13/10 | Reply
umm i think i have heard that song ( i really like kelly clarkson!) but probably not in a while. i may look that up later if I can remember :D thanks! as for your situation, dear, BEST OF LUCK!!! I know it can be complicated in so many ways. in the end it's all up to you and only you can decide what should happen.follow your heart and try to do what's best for you. I hope everything works out, sweetie!! please do keep me posted :D hope you're having a good week!
(p.s. sorry for taking so long to get back! i live on my own so my internet access is a bit limited. and i've been very busy with school and work lately, so it's hard to get on much. hope you don't mind!)
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/08/10 | Reply
i really really like it! have you ever heard the song Beautiful Disaster by Kelly Clarkson? it is about that type of guy...
i guess the hardest part of it is that i also already love him as a friend...i mean, i would rather die than hurt him...but i know i already have...its like-a big part of me is screaming "what are you thinking? you might miss out on something incredible," while the other part is telling me "you have plenty of time and there are alot of other fish in the sea!" -_-; i hate conflicting emotions...but thank you for your advice...
and no, i don't think you are being presumptuous. i have seen that happen: my friend dated a guy becuase he liked her, and she kinda liked him back...the relationship ended pretty badly.
i understand what you are saying that this kind of guy brings alot of baggage. i have experienced some of what you mentioned just in his and my friendship...
i shall without a doubt let you know how things turn out! and thank you again!
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/07/10 | Reply
^_____^ I am glad you like savior! it's a fantastic song :D definitely on my life soundtrack! it has a great sound and a great feel to it, just the right balance of love and worry and all.
hmmm that sounds like quite the situation!! I will be the first to admit that a relationship, particularly with this type of boy, can be a looot of trouble and work. It could be very messy, rabid-chan. you have to first look out for yourself and decide if you can handle that kind of possibility at this time in your life.
if you htink you can, then decide if you really still like HIM, or the idea of someone liking you back. cuz sometimes that gets mixed up and you say yes just cuz it's nice to be wanted, and then you really get in over your head. I don't want you to have to go through that kind of situation, cuz it almost never ends well.
sorry, i don't mean to be presumptuous! I just worry about girls and the situations we get ourselves into, particularly since you mentioned your friend is like my darling, that save-me type. I mean, the feeling of helping them, and loving them in a way they haven't been, and being loved back...honestly, it's amazing. and it can really work out. but after 4 years, i know that it's a looot of work. make sure you are ready for all the outcomes before you decide to jump in, mkay sweetie?
i hope that helps!! best of luck with all the decision making, dear! and please, let me know how things go, and feel free to ask anything you want. i'm happy to help if i can!
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/05/10 | Reply
*huggles back* nope. you certainly are not!oh wow...i just looked that song up, and i really like it! you just introduced me to a new band! that is the sound i love! ^_^
and i know what it is like to want to use lyrics, but not have the right is sooo annoying! but you are so right! i find that kind of guy irresistable! and sometimes, it does hurt...cause you sometimes can't save best friend is that way...he hasn't had the best life, and i find myself trying to help him...he teases me about acting like a mother hen! ^_^ gya...recently our freindship has gotten really complicated...i thought i veiwed him as a brother...but then he sends me a messege saying that he really likes me...and now i am all confused, 'cause i used to like him, but i squelched it 'cause he was dating one of my friends, and now the feeling are welling up again. i don't know what to do because i told him i think of him as a brother...aaarg! hope you don't mind my little rant...this has really been bugging me...any advise you may have would be appreciated!
i am very glad to have met you, too! and keep up your work!
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/05/10 | Reply
haha, that's great! a kindred soul!! *huggles* I'm glad to know i'm not the only hopeless romantic who wants to save them all ^_^ It's like that song...savior: "I don't hate you // i just want to save you while there's still something left to save."
I want to use those lyrics so badly!! gotta find the right pic tho...ha. But yes, it is good to know you feel the same way! there's just something about that hurting, conflicted heart that draws you in and makes you want to fix it all...though it may wind up consuming and breaking you in ways that are oh-so-dangerous.
well, it is good to meet you, rabidfan-chan!! ^___^ i'm glad you liked my work!
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/04/10 | Reply
mmmmmmm...i agree completely! that is the best!
i have the same soft spot for that type of guy! and i like pretty much all the same boys as you just mentioned!
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/02/10 | Reply
i know, right? the sulky badboy attitude, the dark hair, the sarcasm...hes irresistible! hahaha you can't help but fall for him, at least a little bit.
(particularly me--i have a soft spot for the fix-em-up, conflicted types ^///^ sano sagara (RK), kurama/hiei (YYH), Mori/Kyouya (OHC), Oda (Wallflower) etc etc.... heh. I can't resist them! (you should see my fiance--the epitome of the fix-em-up types! LOL)
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/01/10 | Reply
i guess not...he is absolutly MADE of awesome, isn't he? :3
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/01/10 | Reply
haha, riiight?? somewhere' that's a problem...but it's fiction, so i guess we're not loli complex XD
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/30/10 | Reply
i am starting to think that Fang is everybody's favorite character! although...i feel kinda guilty squeeling over a guy who is 4 years younger than me! @_@ no, i haven't read the manga, but i saw a preview of it, and i did think it looked well-done! ^_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/29/10 | Reply
haha yeah, they're amazing! so fast-paced, but easy to keep up with. I think I like Fang the best...but they're all pretty much amazing! I'd hang out with any of em, any day of the week <3 Have you read the MAX manga? i read the first volume, and it's the perfect combo of the books and proper manga. everyone was exactly how I thought they should be!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/28/10 | Reply
oooooh! the Maximum Ride books are AWESOME!!!! you will LOVE the next books! i haven't read the sixth one yet, but it looks amazing! who is your favorite character?