OMG Its so awesome i love it thank you so much *glomp* The atmostphere and colour suits her so well and you even did it in watercolour >.<!! Im so sorry it must have been difficult for you to draw her!
This is really cool ^^ *bunnyglomp*
Im finishing the work sorry i have been late cause of my school works
Oooh! I really like it! O.O So pretty~! :D I really love how you colour skin and trees with watercolour!
Holy crap, mon! You did 7!? I could never do so many of the same picture unless it was for a contest or something...>.> Maybe 3 times...but not as many as 7!! O.O
Sweet Lullaby
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/09/10 | Reply
You like it?!
That would be a big relief!
I was feeling a little nervous about it
Thank you~! ^______^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/09/10 | Reply
OMG Its so awesome i love it thank you so much *glomp* The atmostphere and colour suits her so well and you even did it in watercolour >.<!! Im so sorry it must have been difficult for you to draw her!
This is really cool ^^ *bunnyglomp*
Im finishing the work sorry i have been late cause of my school works
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/07/10 | Reply
Oooh! I really like it! O.O So pretty~! :D I really love how you colour skin and trees with watercolour!

Holy crap, mon! You did 7!? I could never do so many of the same picture unless it was for a contest or something...>.> Maybe 3 times...but not as many as 7!! O.O